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What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion. — Page 13


I think George wasnt sure what tone the Prequels Movies should had George tried to make the Phantom Menace into a Political Movie but at the same time he wanted the Phantom Menace to be a Kids Movie too because of Jar Jar Binks, Kid Anakin or the Pod Racing Race etc i think that affected the Prequels George tried to make a more Complex Plot but he wanted those Movies to still have a Childish tone for Kids only Revenge of the Sith was the only Movie when George really wanted a Movie to have a “Serious” tone but failed Anakin motives for Turning to the Dark Side are not clear at first he says it was because of Padme then he said that it was because the Jedi did not understand his Power and that they were holding him back and also Lucas wanted to make the Jedi being seen as Arrogant when the Argument for why they are Selfish from Anakin Perspective is not clear or well defined the Prequels also contradict the Original Trilogy since Obi Wan is not the one who finds Anakin, Anakin is not the Already Great Pilot Person that Obi Wan told to Luke in ANH, i dont think Anakin being a 9 Year Old Kid was the Original intention and Padme does not survive Revenge of the Sith a contradiction with Return of the Jedi since in there Leia tells Luke that she remembers her Real Mother George Prequels might have been interesting but i think some EU Stuff like Knights of the Old Republic Video Games or the New Jedi Order Novels made the Jedi or the Force more Complex than George Prequels Movies are


The prequels are weird for me. As a kid I loved them. I didn’t know people hated them until years later when I started watching YouTube reviews and there’d occasionally be some comment about how the prequels were terrible. Eventually I learned about how the original movies were made first and the prequels came later.
It wasn’t until I saw the Plinkett reviews that I finally understood why people didn’t like the prequels and it ended up rubbing off on me. I went through this period of about five years where I thought the prequels were terrible and I basically became an original trilogy purist.
I ended up changing my mind after rewatching them for a podcast I was doing. They weren’t as bad as I remembered and I actually ended up enjoying them. I guess like Groucho Marx said “time wounds all heels.”
Now I have a more balanced view of them. I don’t think Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are that great, but I don’t hate them either. I kind of go back and forth on whether I like them or not. Revenge of the Sith I like, although I do have some problems with it.
I could go on about some of the problems I have with the prequels, but that would take all day. Basically I accept that they exist and every once in awhile I’ll watch them. But for me, the original trilogy is Star Wars. Those are the ones that actually matter to me.

All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph!


Seeing TPM when it came out is just an impossible-to-replicate experience, due to the unprecedented and never-to-be-repeated levels of anticipation for this movie. Forming any sort of sustainable opinion about that movie on first viewing was virtually impossible. Just the fact that there was now an actual new opening crawl in existence, with a title that didn’t say Episode IV, V or VI, was to me, like seeing some kind of physically impossible phenomenon. It was insane that it was even real, after having seen the OT so many, many times on VHS. Also, the movie ended with this fast-paced, intricately choreographed lightsaber battle, complete with an operatic score, and that’s generally the last thing you’d remember when walking out of the theater on first viewing, leaving you somewhat mesmerized and elated.

I have difficulty remembering exactly when it dawned on me that actually this movie sucks. I think there was a period of time, maybe around a month after it came out, where I was basically in denial about this, and would try to downplay how unexpectedly childish/juvenile the tone was in comparison with the OT. I think I finally gave up on it when, on a 3rd or 4th repeat viewing, during that scene in Watto’s workshop with non-stop Jar Jar antics occurring in the background, my younger sister blurted out something like “Is this movie even serious?” She was very familiar with the OT, and she obviously picked up on the more childish tone, and basically said what I was thinking but wasn’t ready to acknowledge. The difference in tone from the OT was undeniably jarring. After that, I started to notice a million other problems with it, and ultimately, all my friends and I sort of reached a consensus that it sucks around two months or so after it came out. (But we still paid to see it like 5 or 6 times like idiots.)


If I had been an adult when TPM came out, and had waited 16 years for it, I definitely would’ve been disappointed. Even as a kid, I could tell there was something “different” about it compared to the OT. It felt almost like a different universe.

Despite that, though, I don’t actually think that TPM is a bad movie. It isn’t bad, really. It’s weird. It has weird priorities, and it makes a lot of strange choices.

AotC is bad. RotS is solid.


Plotwise TPM is pure nonsense, but doesn’t detract from it being a pretty damn fun movie to watch.


As a random minor thought, Dooku should have appeared in TPM. At least for one scene. Feels strange to have a supposedly major hero turned villain introduced so late in AOTC and killed so early in ROTS.

Move along, move along.


The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.


thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and not without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley, because you cannot or will not explain or discuss what you think of the Prequels yourself?

Isn’t that just sadly shilling or trolling for Rick Worley?



G&G-Fan said:

Servii said:

I was expecting it to be the Plinkett reviews. Nope, it’s the opposite lol

it’s the Ego the Living Planet of Prequel defenders

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

G&G-Fan said:

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

The Prequels are good because they quote shots better movies.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley

Can I be honest? Can I be truly, brutally honest?

The attitude of many members of this forum towards those who defend the Prequel Trilogy is reprehensible in my opinion. Okay, this is an OT discussion forum. So what? Does that mean that one can’t be free to defend the Prequel Trilogy? Does that mean that one must only talk badly about those movies? I myself have been the subject of similar criticism in the past, and even though I didn’t say it openly, I was very annoyed by this. Just because I said that the dialogue isn’t as bad as everyone says, I was treated with condescension, and it was very annoying for me.

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

You claim to be a friendly forum where everyone can express their opinions freely, and you even boast to have numerous Prequel fans on here. But paradoxically, every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here. It happened to me, it happened to Stardust1138, it happened to other people, and it’s going to happen over and over again, because this place has become an echo chamber.

I suggest you all to grow up and learn to respect other people’s opinions.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Spartacus01 said:

G&G-Fan said:

Servii said:

I was expecting it to be the Plinkett reviews. Nope, it’s the opposite lol

it’s the Ego the Living Planet of Prequel defenders

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

G&G-Fan said:

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

The Prequels are good because they quote shots better movies.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley

Can I be honest? Can I be truly, brutally honest?

The attitude of many members of this forum towards those who defend the Prequel Trilogy is reprehensible in my opinion. Okay, this is an OT discussion forum. So what? Does that mean that one can’t be free to defend the Prequel Trilogy? Does that mean that one must only talk badly about those movies? I myself have been the subject of similar criticism in the past, and even though I didn’t say it openly, I was very annoyed by this. Just because I said that the dialogue isn’t as bad as everyone says, I was treated with condescension, and it was very annoying for me.

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

You claim to be a friendly forum where everyone can express their opinions freely, and you even boast to have numerous Prequel fans on here. But paradoxically, every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here. It happened to me, it happened to Stardust1138, it happened to other people, and it’s going to happen over and over again, because this place has become an echo chamber.

I suggest you all to grow up and learn to respect other people’s opinions.

Yeah. You’re right. It’s wrong to act all condescending about something like this. Prequel fans should be welcome here. Otherwise, we’re no better than the worst echo chambers.


Spartacus01 said:

G&G-Fan said:

Servii said:

I was expecting it to be the Plinkett reviews. Nope, it’s the opposite lol

it’s the Ego the Living Planet of Prequel defenders

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

G&G-Fan said:

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

The Prequels are good because they quote shots better movies.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley

I’m not going to speak for the others, but I am commenting on the fact a “new” member’s first and only post on here is that to link to a video, by Rick Worley, and say nothing else.

In a discussion thread about the Prequels. To register and join here and just post a video. And that is it, because they cannot or will not discuss their own opinions. Again, in a discussion thread. That seems spamming, shilling or trolling for Rick Worley to me.

I think it is fair comment by myself. If you disagree, then fine.

Can I be honest? Can I be truly, brutally honest?

The attitude of many members of this forum towards those who defend the Prequel Trilogy is reprehensible in my opinion. Okay, this is an OT discussion forum. So what? Does that mean that one can’t be free to defend the Prequel Trilogy? Does that mean that one must only talk badly about those movies? I myself have been the subject of similar criticism in the past, and even though I didn’t say it openly, I was very annoyed by this. Just because I said that the dialogue isn’t as bad as everyone says, I was treated with condescension, and it was very annoying for me.

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

You claim to be a friendly forum where everyone can express their opinions freely, and you even boast to have numerous Prequel fans on here. But paradoxically, every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here. It happened to me, it happened to Stardust1138, it happened to other people, and it’s going to happen over and over again, because this place has become an echo chamber.

I suggest you all to grow up and learn to respect other people’s opinions.

I would look up the history of this forum, and respect that history, the members on here, and their point of view based from this. If you choose to be on here as a Prequel fan, then expect to read criticism of them, of George’s choices and actions, the changes made to the OT to make them fit in with the Prequels, the suppression of the OOT, and so on.

Yes, there is “no absolute truth”, just members’ opinions. It is not an “echo chamber” on here, yet it is different from many other websites online, because it is mainly from the point of view of the Original Trilogy. It does not mean that there is no other opinions allowed, but they should be done with “a civility and respect”, according to the About, Help, and Welcome threads, and overall feel of this forum.

“every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here.” Sorry, I just haven’t seen this. I’ve read about the death threats and abuse, and we all know about OT fans being banned or “purged” from other sites for the crime of simply posting about the OOT, or George’s retcons and changes to history. But i haven’t seen criticism and condescension aimed at you, or any other Prequel fans, who are respected for their reasoned views and posts.

In short, calling out someone posting a shit Rick Worley video link as their first and only post in a discussion thread on the PT isn’t wrong. It is not going to get them respected, and it shouldn’t be. A pity the poster didn’t take the time to read up on, or about this website, before he posted. The “read first - post after” mantra still applies? Or show much respect themselves.

If there is any problem with that, it is with thxlogofan17.


All I did was lament Worley’s video, comment about how Worley has the ego of Ego the Living Planet (‘cause he does), and sarcastically restate one of his defenses. Most Prequel fans don’t take the position of, “The Prequels are good because they quote better movies”.

For example, Worley brings up parallels between Anakin’s fall, Frankenstein 1931, Bride of Frankenstein, and Metropolis. I love Frankenstein and Bride (haven’t seen Metropolis yet) and I think it’s cool that Lucas thematically tied elements to the movies, it doesn’t answer the criticisms of Anakin’s fall. Everyone knows that Anakin turned because he wanted to cheat death and became a monster because of it. That’s a great concept actually (IMO). Nobody was criticizing that, but rather the writing of Anakin’s path to choosing that.

Also for some reason Worley thinks that just because you quote a shot from another movie it means you’re implementing the themes from that movie into yours. Like when he acts like the droid factory scene is now about “the dehumanization of factory workers” because some shots are similar to “Modern Times”. Sorry, no, you actually have to implement that theme into the film on it’s own, without leaning on another film.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Marooned Biker Scout said:

Spartacus01 said:

G&G-Fan said:

Servii said:

I was expecting it to be the Plinkett reviews. Nope, it’s the opposite lol

it’s the Ego the Living Planet of Prequel defenders

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

G&G-Fan said:

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

The Prequels are good because they quote shots better movies.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley

I’m not going to speak for the others, but I am commenting on the fact a “new” member’s first and only post on here is that to link to a video, by Rick Worley, and say nothing else.

In a discussion thread about the Prequels. To register and join here and just post a video. And that is it, because they cannot or will not discuss their own opinions. Again, in a discussion thread. That seems spamming, shilling or trolling for Rick Worley to me.

I think it is fair comment by myself. If you disagree, then fine.

Can I be honest? Can I be truly, brutally honest?

The attitude of many members of this forum towards those who defend the Prequel Trilogy is reprehensible in my opinion. Okay, this is an OT discussion forum. So what? Does that mean that one can’t be free to defend the Prequel Trilogy? Does that mean that one must only talk badly about those movies? I myself have been the subject of similar criticism in the past, and even though I didn’t say it openly, I was very annoyed by this. Just because I said that the dialogue isn’t as bad as everyone says, I was treated with condescension, and it was very annoying for me.

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

You claim to be a friendly forum where everyone can express their opinions freely, and you even boast to have numerous Prequel fans on here. But paradoxically, every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here. It happened to me, it happened to Stardust1138, it happened to other people, and it’s going to happen over and over again, because this place has become an echo chamber.

I suggest you all to grow up and learn to respect other people’s opinions.

I would look up the history of this forum, and respect that history, the members on here, and their point of view based from this. If you choose to be on here as a Prequel fan, then expect to read criticism of them, of George’s choices and actions, the changes made to the OT to make them fit in with the Prequels, the suppression of the OOT, and so on.

Yes, there is “no absolute truth”, just members’ opinions. It is not an “echo chamber” on here, yet it is different from many other websites online, because it is mainly from the point of view of the Original Trilogy. It does not mean that there is no other opinions allowed, but they should be done with “a civility and respect”, according to the About, Help, and Welcome threads, and overall feel of this forum.

That was perfectly put, thank you for doing that. 👏


Agreed with everyone else. You can like the prequels (although we’ll sure as hell disagree with you), but you have to be willing to defend them. Asking people to watch a multi-hour video essay instead of defending the movies yourself is just laziness, especially when the multi-hour video essay features a ton of disingenuous arguments made in bad faith. Prequel fans who condescend towards anyone who disagrees with them are no better than the worst prequel hater.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Spartacus01 said:

G&G-Fan said:

Servii said:

I was expecting it to be the Plinkett reviews. Nope, it’s the opposite lol

it’s the Ego the Living Planet of Prequel defenders

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

G&G-Fan said:

Channel72 said:

The Prequels are awesome because they’re stylistically designed to be that way.

The Prequels are good because they quote shots better movies.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

thxlogofan17 said:

it’s hard for me to explain, so this video explains it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA

Rick Worley?

You must be trolling? Or you would not have posted that the video was by him, and without saying it was by Rick Worley?

C;mon, your first post on an OT discussion forum is link to a video by Rick Worley

Can I be honest? Can I be truly, brutally honest?

The attitude of many members of this forum towards those who defend the Prequel Trilogy is reprehensible in my opinion. Okay, this is an OT discussion forum. So what? Does that mean that one can’t be free to defend the Prequel Trilogy? Does that mean that one must only talk badly about those movies? I myself have been the subject of similar criticism in the past, and even though I didn’t say it openly, I was very annoyed by this. Just because I said that the dialogue isn’t as bad as everyone says, I was treated with condescension, and it was very annoying for me.

thxlogofan17 isn’t defending the Prequels. They are just shitposting a bad faith argument video. Maybe thxlogofan17 thinks this is reddit or other social media platform where that kind of thing is accepted. Even a brief look around here and it is obvious such posts are not.

As Marooned says, there is no discussion to defend the PT, because thxlogofan17 doesn’t want to discuss that. Other than to post an awful 2+ hour video to try and prove some sort of point?

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

Calling out people for shitposting videos, letting them know it is not acceptable, or the way things are done on here is no “absolute truth”. Nor is it a sign of people trying to be “superior” to others.

If you are irritated by that, perhaps it is something you should question yourself about? I mean this honestly and with respect.

You claim to be a friendly forum where everyone can express their opinions freely, and you even boast to have numerous Prequel fans on here. But paradoxically, every time that a Prequel fan who actually tries to defend the movies pops up, he gets overwhelmed with criticism and condescending, or he’s even accused of being a troll solely because he says things that are different from the common thought on here. It happened to me, it happened to Stardust1138, it happened to other people, and it’s going to happen over and over again, because this place has become an echo chamber.

Where is the boast that this site “has numerous Prequel fans on here”? Not that it matters, as there appears to be fans of every type of Star Wars release on here. That is pretty cool for a website whose main focus is on the Original Trilogy.

There was no discussion about the PT, let alone “defend” the PT, because thxlogofan17 doesn’t want to discuss that. Other than to post an awful 2+ hour video to demonstrate some sort of point or position? Or promote Rick Worley or similar agenda led videos. That’s what trolls do. If thxlogofan17 doesn’t want to be mistaken for a troll then they could start posting their own opinions and thoughts, not just link to some video that probably been posted a number of times on here before, and learn a little what this site is about, before posting.

I suggest you all to grow up and learn to respect other people’s opinions.

I’ve seen “Respect is earned, not given away” posted on this site many times before. It applies in this instance too. As others have already said, you don’t get respect by lazily posting videos as some sort of “defence” or “point”, while posting no other opinion or statement. Not in a discussion thread or on a website like this.


I use to be frequent on the “jedi council forum” years ago. Then a time came where you couldn’t criticize a single thing without being told you were “negative”. Now all the moderators and most members just gush over any little thing in every bit of SW media. But I didn’t make a post telling them all they were bullies for not respecting my opinion…I didn’t patronize them and demand them to be all accepting of my comments…I just left.

It’s just an internet forum, all sorts of folks with all sorts of perspectives. If you find yourself arguing alot on one then just stop, find a forum that suits your sensibilities with SW, whether you’re too sensitive or not. If you can’t stand the heat…ya know.


Spartacus01 said:

You all should stop acting like you have absolute truth, because it can be very irritating. Don’t get me wrong, to discuss and criticize other people’s arguments is absolutely okay. But to act like “Yeah bro, sure, you can continue to carry out your wrong opinions, but the rest of us, who are all superior, will continue to say things as they are” is very irritating.

Well, in this case they just posted a zero-effort link to a long video, you know? So the responses were likely to be a bit flippant and dismissive.

A better way to approach this would be to summarize Rick Worley’s main arguments and then invite debate/discussion. It’s unlikely anyone’s going to change their mind over subjective things like this, but at least that approach is more likely to generate more engagement.


The scene in which Palpatine and Anakin meet in TPM, and the scene with Anakin and Palpatine in his office in AOTC, were both reshoots.

We almost got a version of the trilogy where Darth Vader and the Emperor do not have a scene together until the third movie.

What a mess.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

The scene in which Palpatine and Anakin meet in TPM, and the scene with Anakin and Palpatine in his office in AOTC, were both reshoots.

We almost got a version of the trilogy where Darth Vader and the Emperor do not have a scene together until the third movie.

What a mess.

Not introducing the Chancellor/Emperor until the third film or even the OT makes a lot of conceptual sense.

ANH takes pains to set our point of view on the lowly droids before gradually working up to more powerful and politically important characters, and this is how stories often work, especially with sequels. In order to keep the audience invested it’s a good idea to leave room in the universe for powerful entities which can be slowly introduced and incorporated into the story to instill a sense of escalating stakes.

The prequels don’t do this, and this is one of the reasons they feel so flat. We are introduced to the most powerful person in the galaxy partway through the first film, which leaves no room for important character escalation. If instead Anakin had to work with Obi-wan to become a Jedi Knight through the first and second films while fighting in the Clone Wars, the meeting and potential war hero decoration of Anakin by the future Emperor in film three would feel like the culmination of the entire story.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)