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What do you HATE about the EU? — Page 38


The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances is, and always shall be, a rather stupid name.


It was. And it was in two supposed Star Wars movies.


That’s not Threepio, it’s a bounty hunter droid that resembles him.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

That’s not Threepio, it’s a bounty hunter droid that resembles him.

Still don’t you think it is kinda weird to make a protocol droid an assassin/bounty hunter? And yes C-3PX are also protocol droids.


I think it was in a Dark Horse comic, and IIRC, that it was a protocol droid was key in it’s success in getting close to it’s quarry.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Smithers said:

Darth Vader’s black protocol droid in the comics (which is canon) uses torture devices and such on people that Vader interrogates, he also has a variety of questionable tools and has a very sarcastic attitude. The idea does seem weird, but not all protocol droids have the same personality or meaning as C3P0

I guess C-3PO and TC-14 created my stable image of how a protocol droid is supposed to talks and behave. Yeah, I am admittedly not much of a SW guy outside of the movies I admit that.



IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer said:

Smithers said:

Darth Vader’s black protocol droid in the comics (which is canon) uses torture devices and such on people that Vader interrogates, he also has a variety of questionable tools and has a very sarcastic attitude. The idea does seem weird, but not all protocol droids have the same personality or meaning as C3P0

I guess C-3PO and TC-14 created my stable image of how a protocol droid is supposed to talks and behave. Yeah, I am admittedly not much of a SW guy outside of the movies I admit that.


I don’t blame you, the EU and the new canon novels/comics are for the most part pretty bad and the vast majority of Star Wars fans like the movies alone and nothing else.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Smithers said:

the vast majority of Star Wars fans like the movies alone and nothing else.

Sorry but are you making that up?



imperialscum said:

Smithers said:

the vast majority of Star Wars fans like the movies alone and nothing else.

Sorry but are you making that up?

The majority of casual fans for sure, and there are a ton of those.


imperialscum said:
Unless you have some record, you are just making it up.

Try mentioning EU/nuEU characters names here or on TheForce.net (or pretty much anywhere else on the internet that is dedicated to the EU) and you’ll get the internet equivalent of blank stares. You don’t need a study for that; just simple observation.


[imperialscum said:]Unless you have some record, you are just making it up.

Are you implying that all of the millions upon millions of Star Wars fans read the books and comics?

Out of every single person I have known in my personal life throughout the years, only one other read the EU stuff, and he no longer does (I cherry picked the comics here and there when DH was publishing them and read a couple of the books when I was in college), and I’ve met a hell of a lot of folks.

Scratch that, my dad used to read the comics I bought.

Also, I have never once seen a Star Wars comic on sale in Japan (not saying they don’t exist). I’ve seen a few books at used book stores, but have never known anybody who has read one.


eiyosus said:

[imperialscum said:]Unless you have some record, you are just making it up.

Are you implying that all of the millions upon millions of Star Wars fans read the books and comics?

I am not implying anything. I am just saying that one cannot simply throw around claims that one have no data to support them, no matter how obvious it might seem. Btw I too would assume most fans are not into EU. I just would not make fact-like claims based on my assumption. Use of “probably” or “I assume” should go with such claims.
