imperialscum said:
I hate it when I go take a dump on a casual western toilet and the "waste product" is kind of soft. It is impossible to clean it properly with a toilet paper. One thing I absolutely love about Japan are their washlet toilet seats. You may laugh about them but that is just because you are completely unaware how useful they are.
I feel like in 2013 there really ought to be a better way to clean up after having a bowel movement. I mean, we wash our hands with soap and water to remove invisible germs, we have hand sanitizer bottles waiting in nearly every doorway, but we can't be bothered to come up with better methods for cleaning fresh poop off of our bodies beyond wiping at ourselves blindly with a dry square (or wad of squares).
Americans almost universally make fun of bidets. Pfft, how does that happen? The US is a country of excess and we love stupid things we don't really need (electric can openers, cable television) and somehow we've never adopted the bidet when it would actually be a nice fixture to have around.
Those washlet toilets are nifty, but I always cringe thinking about how dirty that nozzle must be down there... but having one in your own home would be great.