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Only a little experience as an attender, but working in the field, I’m a believer in its value.
If you’ve been to therapy, what was that like? Helpful, unhelpful, a little of both?
What’s your experience with therapy been like? What would you like for it to be like? Anything you wish could be different about it?
A thread for all things therapy. (I’m thinking like psychotherapy, but I guess whatever form of therapy like physical therapy or whatever is cool too.)
I’ve been once or twice. This was in my late teens, early twenties when my parents were convinced I was depressed and they put me on antidepressants (which didn’t seem to do anything) and insisted I go see a professional. I don’t recall much about it because it was mostly just introductions and general questions. I think they wanted to know about my worldview and I ended up getting philosophical, which sent the conversation on a tangent about metaphysics and at that point my time was up. I didn’t really get anything from it so I didn’t go back. Regardless, I didn’t think there was any deep trauma in my childhood or teenage past for therapy to help.
Fast forward a decade and what my parents thought was depression I suspect was more along the lines of Adult Onset ADHD which led to a series of depressive episodes, which would explain a lot. Maybe if I’d continued with therapy the therapist could have recognized the underlying cause of my distress being due to very selective ability to concentrate on tasks and they could have done more to help, but I don’t think there was ever any hint that anyone considered this.
In terms of physical therapy, I did have a minor hip injury in college and went to therapy for it quite a few times. That seemed quite effective from what I could tell and I haven’t had issues with it since.
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
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Only a little experience as an attender, but working in the field, I’m a believer in its value.
I’ve struggled with therapy. I have been on anti-depressants for a few years which has greatly helped several aspects of my life. However, I think talking through things in a confidential manner with a therapist either virtually or in-person would help even more. I just haven’t been able to find the right resource to use to help me find the right person for the job.
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This is the way.
It’s harder to find a provider than it should be, that’s true. And I’ve heard big companies like betterhelp are less than ethical in how they do things.
Betterhelp is not better at all haha. Several close friends have told me horror stories about it. If anyone does know some smaller scale online providers, please share!
The Skywalker Saga:
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This is the way.
I’ve had good experience with Alma and Mental Health Match. They hook you up so to speak but don’t interfere at all with how the provider does things.
Thsnks Hal, I’ll check those out
The Skywalker Saga:
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This is the way.
There was a positive experience of visiting a private specialist. It worked for me because I wanted help. Also, I know people who go to a therapist simply because it increases their status in the eyes of their friends.
For me, the perfect session is like in The Sopranos 😃
It’s very helpful and healthy, but it’s a lot of hard work. A therapist can help you see problems, but they can’t solve them for you. Also, it took me about a half a dozen tries to find a therapist who really clicked with me. Is it worth it? Absolutely. But it’s hard. Just know that.
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”
Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death