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The new Star Wars comics - a general discussion thread — Page 11


I won't say the art is bad it is interesting and different from the other titles.

I prefer the old school drawing styles  like Al Williamson.  Wish someone could do more star wars comics like that.

I really liked Wheatley's art even if i hated the prequel reference.

Really sharp looking artwork,looks even better in black and white and shot off the original artwork.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Oh definitely, Williamson was the best Star Wars comic artist there ever was. Wheatley is the closest we have to a modern equivalent and I'm saddened that we might not get another comic illustrated by the man. Though he's worked for both Marvel and DC in the past, so never say never.

That said, of the four titles Marvel has put out thus far, Larraz is the best artist we've seen from them. The architecture reminds me a lot of Wheatley's work and feels authentic to the world. I think Curiel the colorist deserves a lot of credit as well for the atmosphere.

Forum Moderator

Vader's Droid army just has a nice ring to it, and I also can't wait to see who he ends up fighting in Issue 5.

He also needs to kill Darth Maul.


Carthage said:

Vader's Droid army just has a nice ring to it

Too bad the execution makes it sound hollow.



I'll see when my copy of #4 comes in. The droids will defeat the Stormtroopers, mark....my...words


Ugh, they seriously need to stop using the latest Sideshow Collectibles 1/6 Vader toy for reference. The mask is SO wonky and mis-proportioned (compared to the real thing). It's distracting.

That and the pleather body suit looks like slightly melting licorice.


A bunch of rusty old battle droids are supposed to be a serious threat? And weren't they all permanently shut down in Episode III? They don't run independently like OT era droids.

Where were you in '77?


Darth Vader #4 was actually pretty cool, even considering the fact that most of the comic was based on AOTC (my least favourite of the horrid prequels) And the cover art kicks ass as well, the cover for Star Wars #3 was pretty awful but the actual comic was fun although not much happened except for the fact that they got on the millennium falcon

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


SilverWook said:

A bunch of rusty old battle droids are supposed to be a serious threat? And weren't they all permanently shut down in Episode III? They don't run independently like OT era droids.

 The battle droids are being... hatched from Geonosian eggs... I don't know how the hell that works so don't ask. The Geonosian queen treats them like her children too... and they pose no threat, black R2-D2 kills them in 2 frames. I'm not really sure what the importance of the quest was but it was fun and strange

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Smithers said:

 The battle droids are being... hatched from Geonosian eggs... I don't know how the hell that works so don't ask. The Geonosian queen treats them like her children too... and they pose no threat, black R2-D2 kills them in 2 frames. I'm not really sure what the importance of the quest was but it was fun and strange

Your description sounds like the best and the worst thing ever. Alas, this storyline is dead to me, so I won't check this issue out even for the WTF? factor. 


ray_afraid said:

Smithers said:

black R2-D2 kills them in 2 frames.

 I've got no idea what these comics are about, but your description makes me think it must be something like this...

 LMAO I wish. In Vader #3, Darth Vader acquires some partners:

-a girl

-a black colored protocol droid (that acts just like 3P0 but confident)

-a black colored R2-Unit (that acts just like R2D2)

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


DuracellEnergizer said:

Smithers said:

 The battle droids are being... hatched from Geonosian eggs... I don't know how the hell that works so don't ask. The Geonosian queen treats them like her children too... and they pose no threat, black R2-D2 kills them in 2 frames. I'm not really sure what the importance of the quest was but it was fun and strange

Your description sounds like the best and the worst thing ever. Alas, this storyline is dead to me, so I won't check this issue out even for the WTF? factor. 

What is weird is that there was only one piece of story progression which occurs after the droid army scenario passes by, it's like someone needs to make their own big edited digital version of the comic to get the basic story down and nothing else

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Tobar said:

Oh definitely, Williamson was the best Star Wars comic artist there ever was. 

Ultimately,  I think that's why I haven't purchased any Star Wars comics.  There are some very nice covers these days, no doubt. However, nothing takes me to that galaxy far far away the way Williamson did. Not even close.

With his work, I'm in the story, on the adventure. With the new stuff, I'm looking at someone's drawing of it. Williamson captured the strange and very distant universe the same way McQuarrie did with his illustrations, or Jung in the original one-sheet.

Forum Moderator

I am generally of fan of Al Williamson's SW work, but I have to say I wasn't impressed with his ROTJ adaptation. The art was well-rendered, of course, but it felt very static to me, very lifeless; panels which should have conveyed movement and excitement just sat there, liked they were drawn from posed mannequins.


From what little I can find of Williamson just based on a google images perusal I too enjoy his work.  It's super pulpy, which is something Star Wars has always needed more of.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


With the exception of the flashbacks to the Prequels I'm enjoying the new Marvel Star Wars series of comics, although nothing can beat the original Marvel Star Wars comics back in the day, those were really a big part of my childhood growing up. 


The best way to read the Williamson newspaper comics Star Wars run is in black and white.

I think the book i have is over twenty years old.

It is showing age issues.  But it is complete and the original run not edited and colorized.

It is sort of cool that it has Williamson's and Goodwin's autograph.

Its not a low run though so its value to me is really in that i like the comics themselves.

I think if my memory is not fogged over that it came out the same year as the def collection laserdisc set.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

It is sort of cool that it has Williamson's and Goodwin's autograph.

Its not a low run though so its value to me is really in that i like the comics themselves.

 It's been a dream of mine to get my hands on a set of my own. They start at around $600 these days though. =(

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

skyjedi2005 said:

It is sort of cool that it has Williamson's and Goodwin's autograph.

Its not a low run though so its value to me is really in that i like the comics themselves.

 It's been a dream of mine to get my hands on a set of my own. They start at around $600 these days though. =(

 Even reading copies?  Ouch at that price.  I got mine so low it was a fluke.  I almost felt like it was theft at a hundred and fifty it was a steal literally as the lowest price on abebooks was 250.

I think i paid less than the set cost originally.  I mean from the publisher.

I wonder if Al's death is the reason the book has jumped up in price so high it can't be scarcity their are over 2,500 copies of that book.

Never mind second hand sellers wanting close to sixty bucks a volume for the colored reprints titled classic star wars.

I think they gouge just because its star wars.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Is Marvel going to be doing a comic adaptation of The Force Awakens film?


Probably, and there will be more cover variants than there are stars in the sky. ;)

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Probably, and there will be more cover variants than there are stars in the sky. ;)

 Maybe it will get announced at Celebration this week. Does Marvel still do movie adaptations like they did back in the day?


That Black R2 astromech was amazing, and that duo of the torture droid and that evil astromech is a good parody. Next issue Vader encounters the two rivals Palpatine has in a potential duel, is it because of the decrease in trust between the Sith? Palpatine in all depictions of the EU seemed to tire of Vader towards ESB-ROTJ.