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The Tex Murphy Thread - aka the thread for discussing avatar changes — Page 10


TV’s Frink said:

That’s dumb and so is your new avatar.

It’s so dumb I actually legitimately couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Possessed said:

Gee I cant wait to hear your synopsis on TLJ.

Won’t get one from me, since I’ll likely never watch it. Yeah, I know – I said that once upon a time about TFA and I watched it anyway. Curiosity got the best of me. Curiosity’s not a factor this time.

I am pretty sure that you will cave again. And we wouldn’t blame you.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m going to live out the rest of the year as the SW Universe’s greatest failure.

I don’t even understand this.


NeverarGreat said:

yhwx said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m going to live out the rest of the year as the SW Universe’s greatest failure.

I don’t even understand this.

He apparently thinks that Disney has destroyed Luke’s character.

I don’t know how you could make that judgement based on 45 seconds of dialog-less film.


yhwx said:

NeverarGreat said:

yhwx said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m going to live out the rest of the year as the SW Universe’s greatest failure.

I don’t even understand this.

He apparently thinks that Disney has destroyed Luke’s character.

I don’t know how you could make that judgement based on 45 seconds of dialog-less film.

There’s much more than that out there now.
I’m not saying Disney’s ruined anything, but there’s a bunch of places to get confirmed info now.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

yhwx said:

NeverarGreat said:

yhwx said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m going to live out the rest of the year as the SW Universe’s greatest failure.

I don’t even understand this.

He apparently thinks that Disney has destroyed Luke’s character.

I don’t know how you could make that judgement based on 45 seconds of dialog-less film.

There’s much more than that out there now.
I’m not saying Disney’s ruined anything, but there’s a bunch of places to get confirmed info now.

First of all, yes, but let’s please not go into that here.

Second of all, to DE, it’s hilarious to say it’s Disney’s fault, like how does that even make sense? Why would Disney go in this direction (undoubtedly a risky one)? This is clearly the decision of filmmaker who has a specific story in mind for the character. To make a qualitative statement about that story before you’ve actually seen that story (rather than just out of context snippets) is one of the most ridiculous things a person could do.


I’ve had a relatively strict no-spoiler regimen since the real trailer came out, so I guess that explains the confusion.


I don’t want to be spoiled in this thread.


Possessed said:

Can we stop? I just learned Luke’s character is going in a “risky” direction and that can only mean so many things, and I’ve avoided all spoilers till now.

Thanks in advance.

Yeah…I think now might be the time I cut myself off from the entire Internet until next Friday…


Possessed if you are annoyed to hear that, why would you repeat it for others to be annoyed at too? Come on man.


FYI I haven’t watched any trailers or anything, I’m in the same boat. The “risky” direction (i.e. Luke’s failure with his Jedi school and going into exile) is from TFA. Whatever his story is in TLJ (and whatever DE is bitching about) will be an extension of that.


TV’s Frink said:

Possessed if you are annoyed to hear that, why would you repeat it for others to be annoyed at too? Come on man.

Fuck off unless you plan on asking everybody else to edit their posts too I’m not the one that opened up the can of worms. If the people that did the spoiling care to edit their posts then I’ll edit my repeatimg of it. Otherwise fuck off.

I did it anyway. But you can still fuck off for acting like this is my fault.


Possessed said:

TV’s Frink said:

Possessed if you are annoyed to hear that, why would you repeat it for others to be annoyed at too? Come on man.

Fuck off unless you plan on asking everybody else to edit their posts too I’m not the one that opened up the can of worms. If the people that did the spoiling care to edit their posts then I’ll edit my repeatimg of it. Otherwise fuck off.

I did it anyway. But you can still fuck off for acting like this is my fault.

I clarified and made it pretty clear I wasn’t spoiling. Not sure how you missed that.

I don’t know how I could spoil something I don’t know almost anything about.