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I think the line I have is, “Ever since Skywalker, people have been fighting back. And dying.”
But yes, I don’t wish to try to alter Poe’s backstory. But it’s cool to have the option and anyone else is free to.
And I’m not phased by the lack of modulation for the first line of a scene. 😉
This is the last set of lines I made:
I’m not sure when I would have made the one you’re referencing, but I do remember it. I think it’s from 2023. The only reason I recommend this other line is because if people are truly fighting back together, then Poe looks extremely stupid to later say that he doesn’t think people are going to come together just like what happened with Crait. However, if Zorri specifies that people are rebelling, but not as one (they’re selfish, at least on Kijimi), then it makes a lot more sense. So Zorri saying “I don’t believe you believe that” is moreso an argument that there are good people like them out there who will fight the good fight instead of taking advantage of some instability.