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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 701


It’s nearing perfection! 👌

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)



I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


The only thing that isn’t perfect is “Leia sensed it as she trained you.” The AI really drags the last word.

Maybe it’d be enough to avoid the word “trained,” since this is what Rey says a moment later.

“Leia sensed it during your training.”

Luke words his Ben flashback in TLJ similarly.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Good thinking, Hal!

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I’ve updated the links. I think what was missing to really sell it is a line delivery that matches Luke’s energy of “Because you’re a Palpatine. So what. Big whoop-dee-doo.”


But if this doesn’t sound right still I’ll probably just generate a bunch of options and put them in here for people to vote on. Granted, that can be hard to do without listening to his prerequisite line first.


So while I really liked the delivery of that line, it got cut short every so slightly at the end because of the AI being derpy. It’s been bugging me every time I listen to it. So I’ve gone through a bunch more generations and found a non-derped line that sounds pretty similar.

I’ve updated the links above but I’m not gonna bother posting them again lol.


Alleged leak of an early draft of JJ Abrams’ Rise of Skywalker featuring Coruscant and Jedi Finn

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Thanks, Darth!

Just briefly glancing at that script I don’t believe it’s real. The fact that the crawl mentions what Kylo is doing in the last paragraph with ellipses but then doesn’t start with him breaks conventional Star Wars standards. There are also too many things in it that retroactively wouldn’t make sense to have been removed later on. Like evil, vision Rey being described as having Sith eyes, but that not showing up in the final cut of TROS. And of course Finn’s Force-sensitivity, which feels half-baked and implemented at the last second with release TROS. It would be malicious to have removed this much content from his arc in a later draft.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

So while I really liked the delivery of that line, it got cut short every so slightly at the end because of the AI being derpy. It’s been bugging me every time I listen to it. So I’ve gone through a bunch more generations and found a non-derped line that sounds pretty similar.

I’ve updated the links above but I’m not gonna bother posting them again lol.

Big like. Thank you.

The only outstanding item on my list is the dagger. In TROS, it was Ochi’s murder weapon. We have the following:

  • Rey sees a flash of her mother during her training vision, and a scream of “NO”
  • Rey hears this again when finding the dagger and senses “horrible things have happened” with it
  • Rey hears it again when finding the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, and we see it being used to kill her parents

In Ascendant:

  • Rey sees a flash of her mother during her training vision, and a scream of “NO”
  • Rey finds a dagger, hears Sith whispers, and seems to sense something about it
  • Rey hears more Sith whispers when finding the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, and we do see it being used to kill her parents

I wonder if simply re-instating the line, “horrible things have happened with this” would be good. To NOT try to obscure the dagger’s original role as the murder weapon, and possibly just roll it into the dagger as dark conduit that she makes herself step down into in order to get what she wants.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I think a Kylo line to Rey about “using the dagger to chase whispers” would be great. But where, idk.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Yeah I just realized that there’s really no way for Kylo to feasibly tell Rey anything about the dagger while they’re fighting, because if he notices that she’s holding it then he instantly should know that she is on his Destroyer. And we know he disengages their conversation as soon as he knows where she is later on by noticing Vader’s mask. So it wouldn’t make too much sense for them to carry on as soon as he notices the dagger. Or, at the very least, to be surprised by saying: “So that’s where you are…”

I’m not sure that this idea would work beyond what Hal already suggested (reinstating that line). But I think a large part of the reason why people wanted that line removed is because she says it while simultaneously holding the Youngling Slayer 9000. Thing is, we already got a scary vision for that saber in TFA. Ya know, when she first held it! That’s how psychometry is supposed to work. In other words, I don’t think there’s any problem with the line. This is actually something TROS got right, and anybody who criticizes it is just nitpicking IMO.


Wow, I came here from a Reddit thread recommending this edit from a year ago, I did not expect to see continued activity on a v5. Exciting! In the meantime, is it possible to see a v4 version? Or better to wait for v5? Thanks for all of the effort to make these films more watchable. This passion is incredible.


V4 is perfectly good, no need to wait. I’ll send you a PM.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Absolutely no hate to Ross Beadman or the people who got him to participate, and I respect that it’s probably a done-deal for the edit by now. But… man I just cannot stand the padawan boy speaking to Rey in the final ghost part, I’m sorry.

It has always taken me out of the scene, no matter how many times I give it a watch over. It’s the way he’s mixed in, which sounds disconnected from the scene, to me. Everyone’s voices are very intimately mixed in, almost ASMR-like intimacy. The movie has super high quality recordings (obviously, it’s a movie) compared to what we recorded Ross with. The timbre and texture doesn’t match with how everyone else sounds there, to my ear.

It also sounds like his voice is just placed there, front and centre. It feels like it’s on top of everyone and everything else, even though I can tell we’ve tried to soften it. His voice stands out in the centre channel similarly to how Luke’s does to cap the scene out, signifying that Luke (and Leia) are almost leading the charge. It’s just not good to take Luke and Leia’s thunder, in a way. It is too important of a scene for all of this… distraction for me.

I totally get it, he adds in an additional totally unrecognized voice, showing that even Jedi we don’t recognize are all here with her. Makes it feel like a bigger universe and all that, I appreciate that so much in theory. I don’t mind the line he says too. But it just feels unnecessary for us to add.

It feels like if this was a fun-fact about the real movie that we learned a few months after release, we’d all be groaning at it. “Oh… they even got the murdered padawan boy from episode 3? Eugh… Disney is so desperate.” Again, no disrespect, and I think that point has been made here before. I was interested in this when we got someone from the actual movies involved, but it just hasn’t panned out for me. And i’ve been thinking about it for a while and thought to finally get it off my chest here, lol.

Maybe all it needs is to be more softened, see-through, echoey, ghostly somehow. Maybe a more intense ghostly pan from ear to ear.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Glad you spoke up. I’ll see what I can do about that!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Tbh I felt the same way. I seem to remember there was an initial release of the edit which mistakenly only gave him a single, relatively quiet line before that was corrected for a full release. Maybe we should revert to that?


Something softer and panned off to one side might help. I’ll play with it and see. It need not be prominent! If George Lucas reached out to us and wanted to add his voice to the fleet cacaphony, it’d still be a mistake for the noise to pause so that he can speak super clearly. As long as that guy’s voice is at all audible, I’m content from an easter-egg perspective.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Sorry if this has already been settled. But I haven’t been able to keep completely up to date with all the awesome additions and inclusions of Ai voices.

I seem to remember a discussion a long time ago, about the conversation between Poe and Zorri on Kijimi, as I remember it there was discussion about changing this, but it was deemed to diffucult to splice sentences together, and I was wondering if it would be possible to do with Ai now?

Again, if this has already been settled… Just move along. 😅


I believe that Hal decided to use the following exchange I made:

Poe (unaltered): How long has it been like this?
Zorri: Ever since Skywalker. But everyone’s only out for themselves. (Unaltered from here) I’ve saved up enough to get out…

The trouble is that, while it sounds exactly like the actress for Zorri, the voice modulation effect wasn’t quite captured by the AI. So the scene should sound pretty good, but you’ll probably be able to notice the voice modulation being gone for the wide shot and then suddenly returning for the close-up.

So if anybody has a good idea of how they did the voice modulation for Zorri’s helmet that would be very helpful for v5.


I think the line I have is, “Ever since Skywalker, people have been fighting back. And dying.”

But yes, I don’t wish to try to alter Poe’s backstory. But it’s cool to have the option and anyone else is free to.

And I’m not phased by the lack of modulation for the first line of a scene. 😉

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.