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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 692


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Because we currently have the scene before Endor, the only purpose it serves is reminding us that Palps wants Rey dead and that Kylo knows where she’s going. Arguably, having no such indication that he knows where she’s going would make his sudden appearance on the Death Star better. I like how the novelization describes how Rey is convinced at first that he’s a part of the vision she was just experiencing because it makes no sense for him to be there.

I thought Ascendant moved the scene to before Kijimi, to replace the scene where Chewie is revealed to be alive? It doesn’t really serve much of a purpose there either, but still.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Oh damn, you’re so right. For some reason I had it backward this whole time. We need it there for Chewie’s scene to be replaced. And that is a tad early for Luke Skywalker to be appearing in the film. But I suppose it does help in establishing Kylo’s conflict early, as well. And after a legacy character like Chewie is “killed” it would certainly lighten up the mood for a first time viewer.


I do like the thought of Rey trying to talk to the past Jedi and failing, and then having Kylo not wanting to talk to Luke but he can.

Think that helps a little with Rey’s mental state being a problem as to why she can’t, but then when she goes all in and commits to being a Jedi, she can.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Oh yeah I hadn’t considered that, either.

But I do genuinely think what I mentioned earlier is worth considering. Right after we return to Ochi’s ship, the original filmmakers were under the assumption that the audience was ready to go back to joking around because they knew it was all gonna be okay. This makes jokes like C-3PO’s awkward group hand-holding seem a little abrupt after such a dark moment. At least with introducing Luke at this moment instead of revealing Chewie is still alive, we remind the audience that this is Star Wars - nobody is ever really dead (especially so in this movie). So it’s at least slightly more warranted to return to a more jovial tone.


Try listening to these new lines in sequential order - it gives you the same effect as being in the scene itself, minus the music. If somebody wants to help incorporating it all into the scene that would be awesome (I think the Reddit OP used a slow-mo effect to extend the scene):


EDIT: The line I’d like Luke to say to Ben on Exegol would be “Choose love, Ben.” Because losing somebody you love (or fearing it) will usually make you angry. It’s only because he chooses love in the moment, true power, that he can save her, unlike Anakin with Padme. Here’s how that would work - https://drive.google.com/file/d/109i7N-nXjq_YdYVM7nziM2ER2R7MO46j/view?usp=sharing


Darth Sadifous said:

I personally do like that AI produced conversation between Luke and Kylo. It definetly helps tie TLJ together with this film as that thread of “see you around kid” is never followed up on. It would be some nice connective tissue and is pretty quick and seem to be possibly seamless with some minor touch up. Just my two cents; the AI voice stuff has really come along way in just a year or so…it is impressive in my opinion.

Isn’t it voice-acted? The lines are verbatim from Duel of the Fates and I seem to recall someone adapting that scene



No the guy said in the description of the video that he used Elevenlabs. But RL’s method of making voice clones can’t really be beat.


In the spirit of DOTF, and since we’d already be removing one instance of Palpatine telling Kylo to kill Rey after he asks “Who is she?” I genuinely think it would be best to replace Kylo’s vision with Vader’s mask with repurposed footage from the Kylo Ren vs Vader fan film. Especially since we can replace their voice acting with true to life AI voice clones. The end result of all this would be an edit in which Anakin/Vader is at the forefront of everything, as he rightfully should be in his own saga.


Eh, I’m not a big fan of putting fan film footage into any fanedit. Granted, Kylo vs Vader does look a lot more professional than SC38 or something like that, but it still has a lot of moments that make it obvious it’s not official material. In an edit like Hal’s, seamlessness is the goal.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Exactly. That’s why we’d only be using brief snippets from it in rapid succession. Think of it like a “best of” montage in the style of Rey’s vision. The key is that Kylo has his helmet on in it, and upon defeating “Vader” he’d think he’s earned the right to don it again in reality, thus why the next scene is him reforging it.

Perhaps Kylo should even say something like, “You’re Palpatine” at the beginning of it. To which Vader responds: “I am your own fear.” This would all line up perfectly with how Rey is forced to duel her own fear on the Death Star wreckage.


I think these ideas are starting to stray too far and should probably be in a different thread.

V4 was meant to be an end for the edit, and I thought a potential V5 would be some small audio tweaks or visual improvements, not widespread story changes…

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


At this point a v5 would have to pick up whatever pieces of Nev’s edit or my edit it chooses to. I guess I should continue voicing these ideas over there, the only reason I brought it up here is because it’s tangentially related to the idea of the DOTF conversation between Luke and Kylo, which several people have voiced an interest in for Ascendant itself.


And to think V4 WAS going to be the end for the edit…

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


DZ-330 said:

I think these ideas are starting to stray too far and should probably be in a different thread.

V4 was meant to be an end for the edit, and I thought a potential V5 would be some small audio tweaks or visual improvements, not widespread story changes…

This is correct. Ascendant has another update in it, but its ambition is curbed and it deserves to firm up into a final configuration.

That said, I hope there’s another project for these Starlight-type ideas and will support that project materially if I can.

My stance on revising fan edits.


That’s cool to hear.

I’d ideally like to let simmer what I shared in these threads for a week or so before I go back at it. So I may go dark for a bit. That way other people can point out out anything I might have missed (in other words what might not work fully).


Hi guys! I just want to let you know that i’m currently working on the french audio track version of Hal9000 Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant so that we can have another audio track language for the fan-edit. I don’t know when it will be done but Hal9000 will let you know thank you!


I am very interested in viewing your edits of the whole sequel trilogy I would greatly appreciate a link!!


I absolutely love this edit and version 4 is fantastic (the only thing in version 3 I preferred was “lightspeed rammed” than “lightspeed slipped”). You guys are great!


so v4 is the final version? i want put this edit on a disc for my personal collection. I dont wanna waste a disc if v5 releases 😅


It’s up to Hal. I’m working on some things for a Starlight-esque edit of Ascendant along with some other miscellaneous improvements, including those to certain AI line. So it’s a pick and choose scenario.


So for now, V4 is the (somewhat) final version?

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)