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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 681


Do you think you’ll have more or less free time during the holiday season? lol


Oh, depends. I don’t really have passive or invitational time. I’ll try to get some work done on it tonight. The good thing is that it’s all cut out for me at this point.

I need to readjust the Italian language track to fit from V3’s changes, and the commentary track. And finish adjusting the subtitle tracks. Then the chapter stops. Then I can start to bake it all together and distribute.

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s out already?

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


At long last! I’ll check it out after TLJ:R!

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


So I just checked out the new stuff for V4. The AI voices sound SO much better and more natural than they did in V3. Terrific work, Jar Jar!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Good to hear!

It would have been cool to have had access to the voice to voice feature back when we were working on v4 so everybody on the forum here could have contributed their actual voices to the final lines. Ya know, instead of me generating the same line hundreds of times in a row haha.

Good news is that I don’t think it would have resulted in a better-sounding line necessarily, it just would have been faster to get what we wanted. Plus, it’s quite similar to what we did for the civilian fleet.


Just skimmed V4. The new voices are seamless! Great work on V4, Hal! And a tremendous thanks to the community of OT for making this a worthy conclusion to the saga!

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


This could just be me, but “We’ve become a dyad in the Force” doesn’t sound as smooth as it was in v3? I could just be misremembering this, however.


Hal 9000 said:

V4 is now available in all the usual places.

And the Google Drive is working again! It’s 100% up to date now.

Immense praise and thanks to you and everyone else attached to this project at any point for this fantastic work!


Hal 9000 said:

It wasn’t something I updated, and it sounds good to me as I just double-checked.

It’s definitely a headphones thing then. I’m sure it will sound fine on a speaker because it did the last time I watched it.


Bravo to everyone involved this was a pretty enjoyable watch.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Ready for Christmas: NeverarGreat’s The Force Awakens: Starlight, Bobson Dugnutt’s The Last Jedi - Expanded Edition, and now Hal 9000’s final version of The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant.

This should be the first time I’ll sit down to watch the definitive version of the ST.


Once again, stunning work. Big ups to Hal and everyone who contributed!


Super-excited about this! Thanks to everyone involved!

Will there also be an updated version for the Rey Nobody-version or is the version from last year the final one?

Faneditors - I salute you.


I skimmed through the changes. The AI voices are very well integrated now. Kudos!

I was opposed to Leia telling Rey “You are family” from a writing standpoint because I thought it undercuts her journey and I still believe that, but I must say it made me quite emotional hearing that on the scene. Not only for what it means to Rey but because it made Leia feel more alive and present in the movie than ever before.


krlozdac said:

I was opposed to Leia telling Rey “You are family” from a writing standpoint because I thought it undercuts her journey and I still believe that, but I must say it made me quite emotional hearing that on the scene. Not only for what it means to Rey but because it made Leia feel more alive and present in the movie than ever before.

I would agree with you if not for the fact that Rey is clearly insecure about her self-worth after seeing that vision. Yes, Leia tells her that she is family, but logically that would only serve to make her feel worse about not telling her that she saw herself on the throne of the Sith. She believes that if Leia knew the truth about her then she wouldn’t be saying that.

Which is why I’m mildly miffed that Leia knowing all of this about Rey isn’t in this edit. Something like “Leia saw your vision, too” from Luke on Ahch-To. But I can live without it I suppose.

EDIT: Just remembered that we might be doing this for the new Rey Nobody edit so I might just be able to splice this change into v4.


I just got around to watching this edit, and fun fact, this is the first time I’ve seen any version of it. First of all, wonderful work everybody! Most of the changes are seamless, and they really elevate this from a train wreck to something quite watchable. Now to the notes:

My first thought is that I still don’t like what they did with Poe. Before this movie, I thought that Poe had come from the New Republic military, which would give each main character a very different background, with Poe being the heroic Republic pilot, Finn being a dastardly Stormtrooper, and Rey being a scavenger from nowhere. Now the dynamic is far less interesting. So I thought since we’re able to change pretty much any voice now, that Zorri could have different dialogue, indicating that Poe was only posing as a Spice Runner for a while to infiltrate Zorri’s crew:

“Your friend never told you? He worked undercover as a spice runner for a long time.”

“I’m still digging myself out of the hole you put me in when you were called back to the Resistance.”

The bigger issue with Poe’s scenes is that there’s almost an arc but not quite. It would be really nice if we could establish that Poe has some reason to believe that people won’t join the war, perhaps stemming from his inability to recruit Zorri to the Resistance years ago. So the conversation between Poe and Zorri on the rooftop could be changed to indicate this, since Zorri’s mouth is always covered.

Or, we could use this opportunity to shore up the ‘For Skywalker!’ subplot that Ascendant introduces. The first indication of Luke’s inspiration is the festival, and the final result is the massive fleet and the voices, but it feels like there could be one more clue to this result:

“Wanna come with me?”

“I can’t walk out on this war. Not until it’s over. Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

“And then they saw Luke take on the whole First Order all by himself. Things are changing, Poe. The First Order wants us to believe that we are all alone…but there are more of us.”

The next note is about Occhi’s dagger. It still feels forced when Rey abandons her friends on the Star Destroyer to go looking for it, so I got to wondering if we could find a way to tie the dagger into the greater story. Why would Rey go after something like that? Well, that moment feels very similar to the moment in The Force Awakens when she goes to the basement of Maz’s castle. So let’s have the dagger act in a similar way to Luke’s lightsaber. When she first touches the blade in the cave there are sounds of bloodshed and violence but they are distant and confused, never becoming a vision. Reinstate the line ‘Horrible things…have happened with this.’

When she later goes to Ren’s ship and says they need the dagger and Poe asks why, cut her line and have her simply walk away, emphasizing the strangeness of her action. Then, when she’s fighting with Kylo, he can say that the dagger offered her a vision but she refused to see it. For a Rey Palpatine version, this vision would be the one of Occhi killing Rey’s parents and the suggestion that this is because she is a Palpatine.

“You are hard to find. I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it…I needed you to see it…who you are. The dagger showed me the rest of your story. You were right…your parents were no one. They chose to be…to keep you safe. If you held the dagger now you would see them.”

Rey sees the vision of her parents and her abandonment.

They paid for your protection…in more than one way. Rey, I know what happened to them. Tell me where you are…you don’t know the whole story. It was Palpatine who had your parents taken. He was looking for you. But they wouldn’t say where you were…so he gave the order.”

Rey sees her parents get killed. (For a Rey Nobody version, the vision would be of Rey destroying her parents in an attempt to keep them on Jakku.)

“You know why the Emperor’s always wanted you dead. I’ll come tell you.”

In the hangar, Kylo can have some dialogue indicating why she keeps abandoning and imperiling her friends:

“You are drawn to the darkness, Rey. You would even abandon your friends to achieve your destiny…just like me.”

  • JEDIT: On another dagger note, I didn’t realize before watching the edit that Rey using the dagger at the Death Star was removed. Doesn’t this mean that her going after the dagger on Ren’s ship was entirely pointless? I’m one of the few people who actually thought using the cutout on the dagger was a fairly fun moment, in a Goonies sort of way. Team goofy dagger unite!

I still think that Hux as the spy needs work, simply because the Hux from the first two movies would never intentionally want the First Order to lose to the Resistance. However, if he believes that Kylo Ren is such a bad leader that the First Order is doomed, then it makes sense why he would aid the Resistance in taking him down. Unfortunately, there’s not much room to communicate this, but maybe something like this:

“For the First Order to win…I need Kylo Ren to lose.”

The effects and grading in the film was very good overall, but I couldn’t help but notice that Luke’s island is too red, compared to the raw clips.


Luke Red


Luke Blue

When Poe and Finn are playing chess with Chewie, it would be nice to have some clanks and crashes as Rey exits the ship, indicating that Chewie was throwing a fit at being called a cheater.

Anyway, that’s about it. Regardless of these notes, this edit is a fantastic achievement.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I’d totally be down to try some of that Zorri stuff, Nev.

As for my previous idea, I just couldn’t help myself - https://youtu.be/MX-HgxqpIQI?si=PbzIctb6tFbibNqA

I believe Hal poked at the line “she still trained me” because at the time Leia would have seen her vision she would have still trained Rey for a year, meaning she couldn’t take back what she’d already given. To that, I say this - fine, delete that line as we currently have it. All Rey needs to say is “She didn’t tell me”.

EDIT: Just realized Rey’s second line could be dubbed over with “She still trusted me.”


About Leia knowing Rey was a Palpatine…

To me the idea just makes no sense. Even if books or comics explain it, it is a real headscratcher within the film series itself.

I don’t think it works to have a medium-sized revelation during the island scene about Leia knowing about Rey’s struggle or sense of darkness. We can see it on Leia’s face earlier in the film anyway. I think it is more effective for Luke to pierce Rey’s avoidance with a straightforward “So what?” about her being related to Palpatine. Not that Leia knew and didn’t care but that it doesn’t matter.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’d say you’re oversimplifying things. The point is the exact opposite of “Leia knew and didn’t care.” It’s the fact that she DID care so much as to return Rey the Skywalker lightsaber and literally say “you are family to me” despite what she’d seen potentially happening in the future. It’s the exact inversion of what Anakin does. Her placing so much hope in Rey is what gives her the strength to push back against that dark fate. It’s extremely powerful stuff.

Whereas the way we currently have it, Leia realizes there is a struggle Rey is going through but may not perceive the exact depth to it. It’s clear that she cares, but who’s to say she wouldn’t be quite disturbed at the idea of Rey becoming Empress of the galaxy? Would her behavior to Rey have changed if she knew the truth of her struggle?

It may not be a big reveal to the audience, but it is to Rey since she is living with that uncertainty of whether or not Leia would judge her for all this. It’s a character development moment, not something to make people gasp.