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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 679


Quite an undertaking with this project. Looking forward to more.


So I just got V3 and wanted to check out what’s new. The Sith eyes look fantastic, but I do have thoughts on the AI voices. They don’t always sound like the actors most of the time, and it could be the tone and inflections found within ElevenLabs. I think RVC might work better, since it takes an existing piece of recording and uses the model to speak it out as the same, but through the new voice.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


We’re changing all of the ones that stick out for v4. Nothing to worry about.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

We’re changing all of the ones that stick out for v4. Nothing to worry about.

Thank you for all of your contributions to this massive project! Do you have an idea on when V4 may be released?


Here is the laundry list for V4, what stands out as incomplete or undecided:

  • Undecided on whether it is better to use the Jedi healing illustration, which sacrifices the foreshadowing of the Wayfinder, or to allow her verbal reference to the texts be enough (not to worry, I know at least one other editor wants this illustration in their version, so it wouldn’t be a total waste!)

  • I still need the AI lines for Jannah, either on their own or the audio for the entire edited scene

  • It’s not too late to try replacing “lightspeed ramming” with someone else, but I’m okay with what is there

That’s a short list, guys!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yeah, RL should have all of those already. And it would be a shame not to use that wonderful illustration.

All of that being said, I prefer lightspeed “clipping” out of the options!


“Lightspeed-clipping” through the ice wall works for me!

Screw the Wayfinder, healing is the way to go 😉
The Wayfinder is already established at the beginning of the film. Having the texts have ancient knowledge is way better than a forced-McGuffin.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I personally prefer lightspeed slipping. The idea being that a ship can enter hyperspace in order to “slip” past or through objects in real space. As long as the object doesn’t have a heavy mass shadow, like a planet or moon. So Poe was trying to slip past/through the ice wall, but called it a little close and damaged both the Falcon and the wall. Although it was still preferable to the alternative, which would’ve been just crashing right into the wall and blowing up. I did suggest both originally and made arguments for both, but I feel lightspeed slipping feels slightly more like authentic Star Wars lingo vs clipping imo.

But I think I have versions of both “slip” and “clip”, so I’ll send both to Hal.


Ah that makes more sense. It’s like the scene of Ant-Man trying to slip through the key hole. But Poe messes it up.

But then couldn’t you make the argument that failing the maneuver results in a lightspeed clip? 😉

So, either way, I think it works.


Didn’t you say you were going to fix the AI lines in V3 for V4 to sound more natural and like the actors, Jar Jar?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Yes, as far as I can tell, the only AI lines from v3 that will be unchanged in v4 are 3PO’s and the masked Kylo Ren ones. The rest have been upgraded in terms of quality by being based on character audio from the film itself and in some cases completely re-written (example: “You are family” instead of “A Jedi needs her weapon.”)


I think in the context of the surrounding scenes, the way finder makes more sense. Especially since she then goes and tells Leia about it.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


So I have the Jannah Scene audio and the “lightspeed” alts done. I’m posting them here in case anyone else wants them for their edits.

The Jannah Scene is basically 5 tracks, small adjustments made to most of them but the bulk of the work is in track 4. I would just put each channel in for the entire scene and adjust volume accordingly if needed. I have a reference video in the folder as well so you can see where these tracks start. It should start on the first frame of the shot before the Jannah scene begins (with Poe repairing stuff in the cockpit). This might not be the most efficient way to do this, but hopefully it’ll do.

Also, the new Jannah shot is in this folder. Idk if the actual video quality is as good as it can be, but maybe it is good enough, or someone can upscale it. I might be able to redo it with a higher quality version as well if it is an issue. But that shot should fit right on top of the entire shot of Jannah saying, “You say that like you’re sure it’s real.”

Folder for Jannah Scene:

For the lightspeed alts, I also have a reference video (starts on the shot of Rey and Finn hugging). For this one, you just need to replace the center channel with one of these. I have a lightspeed clip version, and a lightspeed slip version.

Folder for lightspeed alts:

As for the Jedi Text shot, I had considered putting the healing image on the page before Rey turns to the Wayfinder page, but it would literally be a blink and you miss it shot so I don’t think it’d be worth it unless you extended the shot. It’d be a pain to do because Rey is already in the process of turning the page when the shot begins. I think it’s doable, I’m just not doing it tonight. I’d rather be 100% sure we want it before I spend any time on it. And maybe it’d be weird to have the page about Force healing be right next to the page about the Sith Wayfinder.

Also, I did want to point out one thing. The last test Hal posted for the Poe dialogue sounded good, but I still feel like the second line about cannons sounds weird. I think the worsd sound fine, but I don’t think the delivery totally fits the rest of Poe’s dialogue. I think it might flow better if Poe says, “Each ship has been modified with dreadnought laser cannons.”
You may get a better delivery if you type into the ElevenLabs prompt something like: “Each ship has been modified with dreadnought laser cannons…”, he said slow and solemnly.

Based on my tests it should still fit into the shot, I just can’t get a delivery I’m 100% happy with. That’s just my opinion on it though. Might be worth playing around with just a little bit more.


I removed “has been” at the request of Hal I believe. Or maybe it was somebody else. I can take a look at it tomorrow morning.


Cool, thanks Jar Jar. Well to Hal or whoever it was, was it because of the way it fits in the shot? Or just the wording alone? I feel like it would still fit, but I think you could remove the word ‘lasers’ in order to make it fit if it just didn’t work. Just think “has been” makes the entire speech flow better… though I guess it is punchier without it. It also could just be a matter of delivery, maybe if it was just slightly slower. Idk.

EDIT: Honestly it does sound better on my phone vs my desktop. I have been listening to the same lines for hours so maybe I’m just a little over-sensitive right now.


Lightspeed “slipped” sounds a lot cleaner than “clipped”. I think it should be “slipped”, but up to Hal!

Back to the illustration on the page…

I feel adding the picture of the force healing adds way more to the Ancient Texts, and helps to explain how the concept is new for a final installment of the series. I’m sure if that was in the film when it was first released the concept of “force healing” wouldn’t be as much of a hot topic because the assumption would be that it is ancient knowledge the Jedi of the prequels did not know.

We see the Wayfinder at the beginning with Kylo, and Rey shows Leia in the book later on when she hears Exegol mentioned at the briefing.

ALSO… the Wayfinder illustration is in Luke’s journal, not the Ancient Texts. It makes more sense for Rey to be reading through the ancient texts after her “failed” run at the obstacle course as she is pushing herself into learning more. It is then at the briefing that she heals “Exegol” and remembers it from Luke’s journal, she then tells Leia it is called a Wayfinder and you need it to get there, almost as if she is seeing the Wayfinder for the first time.

Okay mini-rant over LOL

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


What about this for Poe’s lines?

He’s been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years.

They’ve modified an enormous stockpile of Imperial Star Destroyers.

He calls it the Final Order.

Just one of these ships would decimate us.

The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions, on a world called Exegol.

The goal here being to make the lines sound more like something Poe would say instead of just reading off of exposition cue cards 😉

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ brings up a good point. Are we even certain that the Sith wayfinder illustration is from the Jedi texts and not just Luke’s own notes he happened to keep with them?

That would make the most sense seeing as how they are the ancient Jedi texts and should predate the Sith Order by a great deal. And it lines up with Rey’s dialogue in the scene with Leia: “Luke searched for it for a long time. He nearly found it. There are ciphers here I can’t read, but he said to get there you need one of these. A Sith wayfinder.”

Notice how she doesn’t say, “the Jedi said to get there you need one of these.” This was all initiated by Luke. He wrote the ciphers, and ancient Jedi had nothing to do with Sith wayfinders.

What I’m trying to say here is that if we want the ancient Jedi texts themselves to actually be seen and do something for the plot, we need the new illustration. Otherwise, we get a reference to the texts but no visual of them. And, as DZ pointed out, it makes the most sense for Rey to search for answers about her inner darkness in the ancient texts rather than Luke’s private journal.


Agree completely

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


Not really related to Ascendant, but I feel like there is this unaddressed thing in the movies where the books are the “original Jedi texts”, but also Luke’s personal journal (Obviously a Johnson vs JJ/Terrio discrepancy). I think in some ST edit I’ll probably never do, I would want to make the texts LUKE’S Jedi texts. Instead of being the original Jedi texts, that have somehow survived over 25 thousand years, I’d want them to be everything Luke has learned about the Force and the Jedi that he’s written down. This could include ancient knowledge and lost wisdom from old masters, but all passed through the lens of Luke.

So even though we don’t get to see Luke rebuild the Jedi Order proper, Luke’s very own words can become the foundation of the New Jedi Order. Luke would become a Moses figure for the future Jedi religion.


It definitely feels like the Jedi Texts are a patchwork of various authors, of whom Luke is the latest. Certain parts may have survived from the beginning with scraps of ancient papyrus or something, but more likely these are copies of copies of copies, with annotations from a thousand generations of Jedi thrown in for good measure.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

It definitely feels like the Jedi Texts are a patchwork of various authors, of whom Luke is the latest. Certain parts may have survived from the beginning with scraps of ancient papyrus or something, but more likely these are copies of copies of copies, with annotations from a thousand generations of Jedi thrown in for good measure.

This is what I always thought of the Sacred Jedi Texts being. Kind of like that one Jedi Path book. Or “The Red Book of Westmarch”… lol


RogueLeader said:

EDIT: Honestly it does sound better on my phone vs my desktop. I have been listening to the same lines for hours so maybe I’m just a little over-sensitive right now.

That’s the case with most of these AI lines. They sound flawless on a TV speaker from your couch, or the speaker on your phone. But as soon as you put on a nice pair of headphones you can spot a little bit of something if you try hard enough. Not a whole lot to do about that.

Here’s three options for the second Poe line:

I prefer the second one there.