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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 667


Damn that’s both quick and good work.


Goddamn this is all so exciting!

A friend of mine is a huge old-school Star Wars fan and Original Trilogy purist, enjoyed the first two sequels and was all primed to watch TROS at midnight on opening night until the early reviews started dropping. He decided not to watch it at all. He’s since promised that his first time watching the movie - four years too late - will be v4 of this. I’m really excited to show him the finished product.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


NeverarGreat said:

There may be an issue in that this is the same page Rey shows to Leia when talking about the wayfinder. I doubt most people would catch that but it’d still be pretty obvious. Maybe the ilustration could be put on one of the other pages Rey flips through, but then it’d be weird to have ancient healing techniques right next to Luke’s notes on Exegol.


Eh, I personally think that’s a very minor issue. If you go to that scene in question you only see the bottom half of this page, so it’s hard to spot the similarities. Plus, it’s not like any of these writings are decipherable so it could merely be following the same formatting as previous pages.


I noticed that as well. But the second scene doesn’t really give a good look at the top part of the page, only the bottom part which is dominated by the Wayfinder illustration. I also noticed that the little page of shapes is not really folded in the second scene and looks rather different, which is a continuity issue.

Basically, I’m happy imagining that this is a similar page or a partial copy of another, which would happen in an old tome cobbled together over the centuries.

JEDIT: what Jar Jar said 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

DZ-330 said:

NeverarGreat said:

A mockup of the Force Healing illustration:

That looks incredible! I do wonder if there can be some “>” arrows added on the line to better illustrate the person with his hand on the other is actually sending energy over, not draining it.


The talent! Great work.


Wasn’t the line: “But Leia felt…” ?

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Google Drive derps like that on audio playback sometimes. It’s there, I recommend downloading it so it doesn’t start late.


Without having access to headphones at the moment, I agree that does sound pretty darn good. Thank you so much for taking the time to run that through so many permutations, man.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Also on my list is to try extending the vision Rey has while training to include the stuff in the ‘Rey Nobody’ version of signs of darkness from prior movies. And maybe toss in “You have no place in this story.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Without having access to headphones at the moment, I agree that does sound pretty darn good. Thank you so much for taking the time to run that through so many permutations, man.

No problem. I accidently went for the 22 dollar plan before realizing that the premium voice cloning is basically useless because it requires authentication from the real person lol. So I’ve got an abundance of credits for this stuff.


I’m not sure because I haven’t tried creating the premium voice yet. It takes like 3 weeks for them to get back to you apparently and you have to give them like 3 hours of speech upfront.


Not to derail this thread too much but I just want to say that this new sort of AI voice model work you all have been doing for this is so exciting, not only for this edit but for any future edits of other shows and movies. Within Star Wars alone, I know some people have had problems with how both Vader’s lines in Obi-Wan Kenobi/Rogue One and Luke’s lines in Mando/Boba Fett have sounded and with this new way to use this tech, we could get a more accurate voiceprint of both of these characters from the original movies.


Hal 9000 said:

And oh jeez, sorry I skipped right by Nev’s awesome drawing.

Also, can the Poe line be shortened to just read “each ship [has been] modified with delreadnaught laser cannons”?

JarJar, let me know if you don’t do the Poe thing and I can try to mess with it sometime. I kept having trouble getting Poe to say “dreadnought” and “cannons” in a more Oscar Isaac way. I even typed it out more phonetically, like “dread not” and “can-ins”. Maybe you’ll have more luck with it than I did. But any lines needs a “de-cruft” just send it my way.

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Not to derail this thread too much but I just want to say that this new sort of AI voice model work you all have been doing for this is so exciting, not only for this edit but for any future edits of other shows and movies. Within Star Wars alone, I know some people have had problems with how both Vader’s lines in Obi-Wan Kenobi/Rogue One and Luke’s lines in Mando/Boba Fett have sounded and with this new way to use this tech, we could get a more accurate voiceprint of both of these characters from the original movies.

I honestly shut Star Wars edits mostly out of my mind when this stuff first started popping up because the possibilities were just too overwhelming. Now I’m just trying to take it one idea at a time. The Rey Nobody edit has been this forum’s white whale for awhile, so I’ve been mapping out new dialogue for that. Might not be right for Ascendant but I’ll try to post some test sometime.


RogueLeader said:

I honestly shut Star Wars edits mostly out of my mind when this stuff first started popping up because the possibilities were just too overwhelming.

For the sake of sanity… I think it would be wise for faneditors with pre-existing edits to ONLY revisit ideas that were like 98% completed towards what they wanted it to be, to help give it that extra 2% to complete their vision. And for any new edits, to only rely on AI voices to help implement a greater change elsewhere.

Otherwise, it’ll just be a crapshow where half a movie will be AI dialogue and it will lose the DNA that made it unique.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

RogueLeader said:

I honestly shut Star Wars edits mostly out of my mind when this stuff first started popping up because the possibilities were just too overwhelming.

For the sake of sanity… I think it would be wise for faneditors with pre-existing edits to ONLY revisit ideas that were like 98% completed towards what they wanted it to be, to help give it that extra 2% to complete their vision. And for any new edits, to only rely on AI voices to help implement a greater change elsewhere.

Otherwise, it’ll just be a crapshow where half a movie will be AI dialogue and it will lose the DNA that made it unique.

Fully agreed.

Of course, TROS has always been a special case.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)