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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 651


RogueLeader said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

“You’re just a ghost, in a rotting shell”. I like that, and I thought about sharing it but I was trying to avoid referencing the anime Ghost in the Shell.

That’s exactly why I used that phrase! At least you have more restraint than I do.

JarJar, how do you give “direction” to ElevenLabs to have different iterations of the voices display more/varied emotion?

You use different labels and adjust the “stability” to a lower value. Less stability gives increased emotion at the cost of it likely glitching out. So you just keep generating until it gives you something you like.


At least these are audio-only changes, as I’m working to get V3 finished, lol.

There’d not be a ton of room to shoehorn in new dialogue in those two shots in the opening scene, but I think I prefer, “You’re just a phantom… what could you give me?” Remember, in Ascendant, as opposed to the theatrical version everyone got the chance to complain about, we just saw a pickle jar full of Palpatine clones (or even if they aren’t obviously him, certainly clones) and heard exposition about him casting his spirit elsewhere after dying. So I do not feel a strong need to for Kylo to comment on his cloneliness.

No words would help the moment of the transfer of the saber from Rey to Ben, I wouldn’t want to add any there.

Same for Ben reviving Rey. I think the trilogy has enough instances of people saying “Rey” in isolation.

As for adding a line of dialogue after Ben dies, my only concern is that it may undercut the reveal at the end of his ghostly image.

So… none of these feel necessary to me, and would have to really strike me as working very well in order to make it in.

My stance on revising fan edits.


“Palpatine, it’s you!! You’re The Phantom Menace?!!”


“What’s that? You’ve cloned yourself? We’d better watch out for an Attack of the Clones!”


I realllllyyyy like the line “You’re just a ghost, in a rotting shell” or something very close to that. I think even with the vats of Palpatine clones a line like this is needed.

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


Thanks for making these samples! I think for the sake of the scene, I would also re-do the “What could you give me” just so the whole thing fits as good as possible. And I think the reading of the “phantom” line just sounds more like Adam. Also, there is a sort of alliteration/rhyme with phantom and failed clone that makes the sentence flow nicely. This would be a great resource to have for other edits even if we don’t add it to Ascendant.


I agree with Hal, remove the word “just”. Not sure how long of a pause there is for that last sentence of “Out for Revenge”. I’d recommend two files, one with it and one without it.

Krlozdac, if you are starting to run out of tokens on your account you can PM me the Adam Driver source audio and I can give it a whirl. I need to renew my account anyway for 3PO stuff in Hal’s Cloak of Deception.


Darn I should have caught onto that I was just making the same joke lol.


RogueLeader said:

Thanks for making these samples! I think for the sake of the scene, I would also re-do the “What could you give me” just so the whole thing fits as good as possible.

I’ve tried that but it gets complicated to match his delivery given his pause midsentence.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Krlozdac, if you are starting to run out of tokens on your account you can PM me the Adam Driver source audio and I can give it a whirl. I need to renew my account anyway for 3PO stuff in Hal’s Cloak of Deception.

I’ll send it your way so we can
Alt Text


You have to put a bunch of periods between the sentences to get a gap like that. But not too many or it glitches out.

Or just do it the lazy way and make two separate generations.


Hal 9000 said:

You’re compelling me, that’s really something there.

“You’re a Phantom, a failed Clone. Out for Revenge.”

Kylo: “You’re a Phantom, in a failed Clone. What could you give me?”

Palpatine: “Revenge.” starships rise from the ice


No, it’s gotta be brief and unintrusive, not just because there’s a brief space for the line to fit but to avoid feeling clunky.

I like, “You’re a phantom/ghost, in a failed/rotting clone. What could you give me?”

Maybe, “You’re a ghost, in a rotting clone.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve always just liked, “You’re just a clone.” Short and sweet.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


That would only work if Palp responded with: “More than a clone, less than a man.”


"Look at what you’ve become… what could a rotting clone give me?” - Kylo

“Everything” - PalpsClone #66

  • Kinda plays well with Palps: “Look what you have made” later in the movie.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I wouldn’t say he’s a “failed clone”, the cloning process was successful, it just can’t contain the Sith spirit. How about “failing clone” instead, to highlight his decaying state, sounds better than “rotting” but conveys the same idea.


Just consulted the novelization, and there is no direct equivalent line at that point, no “you’re just a clone” or anything like that. But, there’s a line from Hux as he and Pryde watch Kylo mow down posers on Mustafar that, “Flames of rebellion burn across the galaxy and Kylo Ren chases a ghost.” I think “phantom” risks being rather on the nose given the official title of Episode I. The fewer words the better, also. We don’t want it to come across as a nerdy insert, despite that being what it is.

That’s why I prefer, “You’re a ghost, in a rotting clone. What could you give me?”

My stance on revising fan edits.