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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 365


Yeah, I did think of how it would explain the logic but I feel it’ll be a subtle introduction to Ben’s healing powers, and the scene to come. Kylo had no reason to fix Vaders helmet because it was a reminder of his battle and cremation.

I’m going with “ultimate power” red lightning following the line “look what you have made…” Palpatine never had the ability to use red lightning before but now he’s drawn power from the dyad it’s made him even more powerful. I also feel we need to give Palpatine something different, something that takes 2 sabers, 4 force ghosts and Rey to defeat. We’ve already seen Palpatine beaten with the powers he possessed in ESB for I feel these changes gives everything more gravitas.

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I am so ready for V2 I can’t wait. I won’t be surprised if V3 does happen, but I’m not exactly counting on it.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Me neither. Never say never, but I imagine V2 will accomplish everything we set out to do with this project.

Well, that and the Rey Nobody version, too.

And then I’ll try not to cry while burying the sabers in the sand, I guess.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The only things I see creating a v3 are new visual effects being released by the community or (please God) the release of several deleted scenes from TROS.


skenera said:

sherlockpotter said:

Hal, are you using the V4 edit? V4 (I think) removes the color banding, as well as adds film grain, and probably is the closest match in terms of color and brightness to the rest of the scene.

Also, maybe I’m going slightly crazy from having obsessed over the coloring of that scene, but it looks like your test clip there doesn’t include the color re-grade present in Ascendant V1? My V4 edit was designed to match the Ascendant tone. Does that have to be changed?

That said, I think the flow works very well!

V4 clip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzaKiOT4X4DKFrPOTqiZpysUfoUDTsT7/view?usp=sharing

And some screenshots for comparison.

V3: https://i.imgur.com/4xIMw0w.png
V4: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png

It’s subtle, but you can tell the light is fake, you should blur it or use a different shape to make the falloff softer.

Those ridges were a deliberate effect that I wanted, to try and make it look like a directional beam of light, rather than just an ambient light mask. But if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

I’ll leave it up to you guys: Do you prefer it with the “beam” effect, or more flat?

Beam: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png
Flat: https://i.imgur.com/TC2woJB.png

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Movies Remastered said:

Yeah, I did think of how it would explain the logic but I feel it’ll be a subtle introduction to Ben’s healing powers, and the scene to come. Kylo had no reason to fix Vaders helmet because it was a reminder of his battle and cremation.

I’m going with “ultimate power” red lightning following the line “look what you have made…” Palpatine never had the ability to use red lightning before but now he’s drawn power from the dyad it’s made him even more powerful. I also feel we need to give Palpatine something different, something that takes 2 sabers, 4 force ghosts and Rey to defeat. We’ve already seen Palpatine beaten with the powers he possessed in ESB for I feel these changes gives everything more gravitas.

Good point about the lightning - I’m definitely interested to see how it looks! Plus, red = Sith in Star Wars, so red lightning has to be Super-Duper Sith-y, right?

I’m still not quite convinced about the crystal though. Force Healing was explicitly described as “Giving your life force to someone else,” so if Ben uses it to fix the crystal, that implies that the crystals themselves are alive. (Maybe that’s in Legends, but it was never implied in the main films.) And why wouldn’t Rey - Force Healer extraordinaire - just fix the crystal then? I just feel like it will open up more questions than answers, and it won’t lead as effectively to the sabers shorting out after the fight (assuming that effect is still on the list as well).

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s what I’m leaning toward as far as placement: https://vimeo.com/515582857

It works fairly well.

That said, it would work far better if someone were to paint out the medal altogether. I don’t get the connection between the medal and Ben at all, other than it’s just Leia reminiscing about her past. But even then I feel like it cheapens the moment since it would then feel like she’s not focused solely on Ben.

It’s just weird.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


And just be a closeup of her rubbing her hands together in that shot? 😄

She’s holding the metal because she is basically conjuring Han for the scene a little after where Han and Kylo “speak” again. That’s Han’s medal.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


NeverarGreat said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s what I’m leaning toward as far as placement: https://vimeo.com/515582857

It works fairly well.

That said, it would work far better if someone were to paint out the medal altogether. I don’t get the connection between the medal and Ben at all, other than it’s just Leia reminiscing about her past. But even then I feel like it cheapens the moment since it would then feel like she’s not focused solely on Ben.

It’s just weird.

The medal insert shot isn’t in the theatrical version at all. Leia’s just magically holding it when she loses the will to live. Off screen, Maz pries it from Leia’s not-yet-cold fingers before rigor mortis sets in, and then she gives it to Chewie at the end of the movie, like, “Hey, Sexy. I know you’ve been moping for the past 30 years about not getting a medal. You can have this one - it’s only slightly used.”

If it were up to me, I’d cut it from the film entirely - from Leia and Chewie both - as the pandering fan service that it is; but as long as the general consensus is that Chewie should get the damn thing, I agree with Hal that it makes sense to set it up ahead of time.

God, this movie sucks.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


You guys… lol. Come on.

She’s holding the medal because of Han showing up 5 minutes later. She’s touching the medal as a sort of memento connection back to Han, that’s how she gets a physical representation of his memory over to Kylo to push him over the edge back to the good side. The medal is required to convey what’s going on without words, because Carrie Fisher wasn’t with us anymore to properly act/explain this clearer, and they had to piece together something for Leia to do as a final heroic act. This was a fair trade off. Context, guys.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


In my mind, Han showing up is simply the visual representation of Ben’s inner monologue - he’s not actually there. The scene is just for the purpose of filming something visually. “Leia channeling the Force into a medal that Han wore for 45 seconds one time 30 years ago, in order to project a conscious, sentient image of her dead husband to their son, who is halfway across the galaxy, several hours after her own death (because Finn and Poe have managed to fix the busted, crashed Falcon, leave Endor, and get all the way back to the Resistance before we see Kylo again)”…yeah, I don’t buy it.

If you wanted a visual metaphor for Han, why not use the dice? You know, the dice that were used throughout the previous movie to represent Han?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


It was supposed to be Leia’s doing. That’s why she dies doing it. She did a force thing similar to Luke’s death causing move in TLJ, with a hologram of someone.

It took Leia all the effort she apparently had to get the “spirit” of Han over to Ben. With that in mind, it would make sense that it took a little bit of time for him to get there. It’s unclear exactly how long it took Luke to get his hologram over to Crait.

By the time the lightsaber fight is over, the Falcon arrives to pick up Finn and Jannah off the wreckage. So, with it now up and running, it could have taken the Falcon any amount of time to get from (now Endor) to the Resistance base via hyperspace. The gap of time isn’t that bad here. It’s not hours on end. It could have been like a half an hour or less.

Leia has the medal. She probably brings it with her everywhere, especially after Han’s death about a year before EP 9. If we are to argue semantics and locations and timeframes, well then keep in mind that the dice are on the Falcon. Which Leia was not on or around when she decided to make her final move. So there you go, lol.

And yeah, they went with the medal so Chewbacca could get it. Because of the silly joke, sure, but it also still holds a meaning for these characters in-universe. Han, Luke, Chewbacca and Leia’s lives all changed after they met, and the medal symbolises that turning point for them. Han’s dice mean something to him alone, while the medal(s) mean something to the whole group. That feels kinda phony and silly to say, but it kinda works? Ehh?

These edits are just making all of this a little bit clearer.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


It would have worked much better if it was the dice she was holding, that is definitely true. But Chewbacca getting the medal is a decent send off, thus having Leia holding the medal be… acceptable. I’ve seen people be more 50/50 on that Chewbacca part, rather than straight up everyone hates it and thinks it’s horrible fan service. It is, and it isn’t.

I should also bring up that Luke gave Leia ghost dice. It’s unclear what Luke did with the real dice after pulling them down from the Millennium Falcon’s rear view mirror. So, they went with the medal. But even still, it could have been more poignant to use the dice and finish off the “arc” of the dice. However, the medal isn’t completely egregious…?

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


The medal is pretty egregious. I would say it’s more than a decent jump you have to make to get from Leia holding the medal to Han appearing a few scenes later. The dice in TLJ works because you clearly see it is something that belongs to the Falcon, and therefore is Han’s. Obviously if you’re a fan who knows the dice are in ANH, or if you watch after Solo, it works even better, but it still works without that. The medal, we are given no indication that it is specifically Han’s. In ANH we see at least Luke get one as well. If you don’t have a good working memory of ANH (enough to know what a prop from one scene looks like), you won’t recognize it. Even if you do, there’s at least three different steps you have to make in your own mind (with no help from the film itself) to reach the outcome of Han appearing to Ben.

I don’t begrudge anyone wanting to include the shot, especially if you’re still keeping Chewie getting the medal at the end (anything to make that scene better). But this is another case of ‘they cut out all the scenes that explained this.’


I’m with Icecream on this one. Having a quick shot to show the medal ties a few things together well. I just hope we can get it so there’s no color banding, even if it means avoiding adding a light effect.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Maybe my monitor just isn’t very good, but I don’t see any color banding in the most recent screenshots. Is that not the case?

(You and me, Dom. You and me. I appreciate the support! lol)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

And why wouldn’t Rey - Force Healer extraordinaire - just fix the crystal then? I just feel like it will open up more questions than answers, and it won’t lead as effectively to the sabers shorting out after the fight (assuming that effect is still on the list as well).

Kyber crystals ARE actually alive in canon. The reason a crystal turns red is because a Sith makes it bleed. As a result, I’m fairly certain that your first question there is actually the reason as to why her lightsaber doesn’t crackle in the original film. She healed the crystal with her powers. That’s also why she clearly knew about force healing while approaching the snake.

That being said, I prefer to have the crackly saber. Nothing in the films themselves suggest the crystals are alive, so it’s better that Rey couldn’t fully repair the blade.


sherlockpotter said:

Maybe my monitor just isn’t very good, but I don’t see any color banding in the most recent screenshots. Is that not the case?

Well, it looks okay but it seems like compressing it introduces the banding. Maybe tonight I’ll try exporting it exactly as I will for a final product and see how it looks.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I know we have shots of Star Destroyers blowing up after the Exegol battle (both from the theatrical version locates and some fanedit extras), but are there, or did anyone do shots of those ships arriving at those locations? I swear I thought someone did but I can’t find them anywhere. Am I imagining that?

“That’s not how the Force works!”


GMatias said:

I know we have shots of Star Destroyers blowing up after the Exegol battle (both from the theatrical version locates and some fanedit extras), but are there, or did anyone do shots of those ships arriving at those locations? I swear I thought someone did but I can’t find them anywhere. Am I imagining that?

I believe Movies Remastered did an edit of Star Destroyers showing up to deliver Palpatine’s broadcast?


I was under the impression that those Star Destroyers above the planets were First Order in nature. In which case they would have been there for a while. Or am I wrong in assuming that? It makes more sense that way; by removing Kijimi’s destruction, the viewer assumes that all Final Order destroyers were on Exegol and never escaped.


sherlockpotter said:

In my mind, Han showing up is simply the visual representation of Ben’s inner monologue - he’s not actually there. The scene is just for the purpose of filming something visually. “Leia channeling the Force into a medal that Han wore for 45 seconds one time 30 years ago, in order to project a conscious, sentient image of her dead husband to their son, who is halfway across the galaxy, several hours after her own death (because Finn and Poe have managed to fix the busted, crashed Falcon, leave Endor, and get all the way back to the Resistance before we see Kylo again)”…yeah, I don’t buy it.

If you wanted a visual metaphor for Han, why not use the dice? You know, the dice that were used throughout the previous movie to represent Han?

Did you see my video explaining this exact situation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueu_fV8lbac

You’re completely on my wavelength

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