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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 169


Hal 9000 said:

I think it looks pretty good. It’s about the first thing we see in the movie, anyway. Would just the shot of the TIEs in the forest be enough, though?

That TIE forest shot just feels comforting and nice. Like paintings with Star Wars stuff added. https://www.somethingawful.com/photoshop-phriday/star-wars-art/1/

The shot of the transports landing looks good. It does not look like jarring video game footage. Id just use it right after poppa’s ties with monit the other lava shots.

heil Palpatine!


poppasketti said:

Here’s a first pass of the D-O squeaky wheel FX shots:

pw: fanedit

I still have a bit more clean-up to do, particularly on BB-8’s second shot.

Movies Remastered helped with the clean plates! Thank you!

DUDE! That’s amazing! First clip is perfect. Like you say, second part slightly morphs BB8’s shape but it’s fantastic. really nice working with you 😃

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I really like that last mock up Hal. The only thing I would recommend, if it’s possible, is to rearrange the battle so that the first shot of Kylo isn’t that close-up shot. It feels jarring to cut from that long shot of the troops to a sudden close-up.

Everything else felt spot on.

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Chase Adams said:

I’ve had a talk with the incredible Bobson Dugnutt about his progress on Luke’s force ghost and fortunately, he has informed me that at some point today he’ll be posting a preview clip of what he’s done so far. Hal, I would hold off on exporting anything final until Bobson has wrapped this project up because believe me, you’ll want to include this in your edit if he can pull it off!

Also, It’s worth noting that from what I’ve seen, Skenera’s LUT applied to Bobson’s test screenshots works beautifully together!

Do you have a link to what Bobson is doing?


Great idea I saw mentioned on another thread… have the force ghosts watch the Falcon fly off into the sunset during the ending. One last Luke looking at the suns shot and seeing Rey off.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


This is definitely a nit-pick but in the transporter shot you can see the star destroyer in the sky and you don’t see it in any other shots in the atmosphere.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


The music is extended backward from where it matches the Kylo Ren cue, so it’s totally authentic. I’m glad natm and the rest of you guys suggested it because I wouldn’t have realized that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


dgraham414 said:

This is definitely a nit-pick but in the transporter shot you can see the star destroyer in the sky and you don’t see it in any other shots in the atmosphere.

I wonder if it would be possible to add the shadow of the star destroyer over the landscape in the TIE shot.

Also I’m not totally sure how I feel about the new clip. I think the cut from the troopers to Kylo is too abrupt.


Yeah, visually it blends a bit more seamlessly but in terms of pacing the scene works better with the troopers, then to Kylo.


I agree the pacing feels off without the second shot. And the Star Destroyer in atmosphere seems out of place.


What do you think of using the reverse Tie fighter-destroyer shot from TFA? I think it works well with the flow of the scene.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I don’t think that shot would work. If it’s taken from another Star Wars movie, it would be too obvious if it was included in this one.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Hey Hal,
Just picked up on a potential issue with one of the edits implemented and thought I should bring it to your attention before I head off to bed.

So seeing as to how you’re using snooker’s Endor establishing shot to re-contextualise Kef Bir as the forest moon of Endor, we may have a problem…


As you can see, the falcon flies directly past what is clearly the same forest moon from ROTJ, if we reestablish Kef Bir as the forest moon, then the actual forest moon would need to be erased. It seems silly to have the forest moon of Endor right next to a massive planet that we have never seen before anyway…

Since this has become something of a Hal/Poppasketti collaboration, I was wondering if either of you two had any thoughts about giving this a go?

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I had noticed that when I did my endor kef bir shot and I thought that it could be left in because it has almost no screen time and it’s just a neat little reference to the original painting.


Yeah, it could be that the forest moon’s orbit just happened to pass by another moon when TROS takes place.