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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 139


DarkSpecter5K said:

How’s this rendition of the victory celebration for the ending, especially if other planets are added to the falling Star Destroyers and maybe with people cheering


It’s not bad but it doesn’t really sound like John Williams’ score, also it sounds a little synthy

booyah baybeee


Darth Muffy said:

Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

So this video clip is a must for the final edit, Right?

Force Ghost Video

FYI, Jonh has done a few updates to the scene done this upload. It looks even more awesome now.

Cool, Do you have the link to Jonhs updated version,Oh and Hal 😋

HAHA Hal 🤣

Here’s the current link. There are other changes by it’s tricky to navigate this site on my phone. If you go back a few pages on here Jonh has posted them all.


Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


DarkSpecter5K said:

How’s this rendition of the victory celebration for the ending, especially if other planets are added to the falling Star Destroyers and maybe with people cheering


I’d really love to change the end music. JJ seems to play the whole soundtrack in the last 40 minutes and doesn’t know who’s theme goes with what.

This celebration track would be great if someone has been able to isolate the sound from the music?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Lol someone put a really weird filter on my voice during Lando’s arrival.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

So this video clip is a must for the final edit, Right?

Force Ghost Video

FYI, Jonh has done a few updates to the scene done this upload. It looks even more awesome now.

A friend has told me that the proportion of yoda in the general shots is wrong, fucking shit, and now I can not stop seeing it too high, what annoyance, I will try to do an update in a few days 😓😓😓

It bothers me, because I have made you all download a thousand versions


Movies Remastered said:

JJ seems to play the whole soundtrack in the last 40 minutes and doesn’t know who’s theme goes with what.

Yeah, this film would benefit greatly with a little score rearrangement / replacement.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Would be interesting if familiar echoes/screams of darkside related voices were heard during the Sith chants as nice call backs, sounds people would recognise. similar to the world between worlds moment from Rebels.

Tried to make it as subtle as possible, Qui-Gon calling out through the force from episode II.


Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


jonh said:

Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

So this video clip is a must for the final edit, Right?

Force Ghost Video

FYI, Jonh has done a few updates to the scene done this upload. It looks even more awesome now.

A friend has told me that the proportion of yoda in the general shots is wrong, fucking shit, and now I can not stop seeing it too high, what annoyance, I will try to do an update in a few days 😓😓😓

It bothers me, because I have made you all download a thousand versions

Please don’t change the epic pan shot from Yoda to obi. Love that shot 💚. The only one the stood out for my was in the recent update where to do was an image from ESB?

Non of us are racing to a finishing line on this edit so don’t burn yourself out. You’re a valued team member so take your time. 😎

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

jonh said:

Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

So this video clip is a must for the final edit, Right?

Force Ghost Video

FYI, Jonh has done a few updates to the scene done this upload. It looks even more awesome now.

A friend has told me that the proportion of yoda in the general shots is wrong, fucking shit, and now I can not stop seeing it too high, what annoyance, I will try to do an update in a few days 😓😓😓

It bothers me, because I have made you all download a thousand versions

Please don’t change the epic pan shot from Yoda to obi. Love that shot 💚. The only one the stood out for my was in the recent update where to do was an image from ESB?

Non of us are racing to a finishing line on this edit so don’t burn yourself out. You’re a valued team member so take your time. 😎

not! Only my friend told me that in the shots with Rey, he looks too high …
I’ll try to fix it


Cinefy said:

Lol someone put a really weird filter on my voice during Lando’s arrival.

There are filters/FX on EVERY submitted voice so they sound like they’re coming from comms systems of various qualities (I figured some would be scratchier than others since they’re just random ships)

I like the idea about Dark Side noises you put together, though I don’t know if Qui-Gon saying “Anakin” specifically works. What else could go there?


jonh said:

Movies Remastered said:

jonh said:

Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

So this video clip is a must for the final edit, Right?

Force Ghost Video

FYI, Jonh has done a few updates to the scene done this upload. It looks even more awesome now.

A friend has told me that the proportion of yoda in the general shots is wrong, fucking shit, and now I can not stop seeing it too high, what annoyance, I will try to do an update in a few days 😓😓😓

It bothers me, because I have made you all download a thousand versions

Please don’t change the epic pan shot from Yoda to obi. Love that shot 💚. The only one the stood out for my was in the recent update where to do was an image from ESB?

Non of us are racing to a finishing line on this edit so don’t burn yourself out. You’re a valued team member so take your time. 😎

not! Only my friend told me that in the shots with Rey, he looks too high …
I’ll try to fix it

Yoda is just levitating to be in the shot more 😉 haha

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Not gonna lie, until the previous post I definitely thought we were talking about Yoda looking stoned.

EDIT: not that he does (look stoned)

EDIT EDIT: ok not that that isn’t normal for him

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


jonh said:

A friend has told me that the proportion of yoda in the general shots is wrong, fucking shit, and now I can not stop seeing it too high, what annoyance, I will try to do an update in a few days 😓😓😓

It bothers me, because I have made you all download a thousand versions

👏👏👏 Well done jonh for making that, and looking at that clip with fresh eyes I can’t see any issues with Yoda or any other issue, seems you even fixed the long pause in the original when Rey catches the sabre to when she gives her line. Perfect work nice one.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Darth Muffy said:

seems you even fixed the long pause in the original when Rey catches the sabre to when she gives her line.

I think you’re just misremembering, it was like that in the original version.

But I agree that the scene is perfect now, I don’t see any issues with Yoda or anything else. Jonh doesn’t need to make any fixes.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Movies Remastered said:
I’d really love to change the end music. JJ seems to play the whole soundtrack in the last 40 minutes and doesn’t know who’s theme goes with what.

The main new theme of the soundtrack (aptly titled Rise of Skywalker) is arguably its best and it really works during the triumphant Star Destroyers falling montage at the end, and during the final scene with Rey, Finn and Poe, so I wouldn’t change that particular track.

It’s the rest of the score during the celebrations on Ajan Kloss, however, the one that’s all over the place. Why use Yoda’s theme? Luke and Leia’s theme? They’re awesome pieces of music in their own right, but a great part of the appeal of Williams’s themes is the association between the actual music and the character/place it represents, otherwise they lose their meaning and become trivial.

I don’t see any issues with Yoda in jonh’s ghosts scene. For me it’s perfect the way it is.


Knight of Kalee said:

Movies Remastered said:
I’d really love to change the end music. JJ seems to play the whole soundtrack in the last 40 minutes and doesn’t know who’s theme goes with what.

The main new theme of the soundtrack (aptly titled Rise of Skywalker) is arguably its best and it really works during the triumphant Star Destroyers falling montage at the end, and during the final scene with Rey, Finn and Poe, so I wouldn’t change that particular track.

It’s the rest of the score during the celebrations on Ajan Kloss, however, the one that’s all over the place. Why use Yoda’s theme? Luke and Leia’s theme? They’re awesome pieces of music in their own right, but a great part of the appeal of Williams’s themes is the association between the actual music and the character/place it represents, otherwise they lose their meaning and become trivial.

I don’t see any issues with Yoda in jonh’s ghosts scene. For me it’s perfect the way it is.

Yeah, Luke & Leia’s theme over Lando and his daughter was off too. I’ve changed the ending significantly to fit that piece and made it second to last scene a very mixed emotional feel. I do think the score works well when Poe, Rey and Finn meet, I just seem to feel very aware of the changing tracks nearer the end of the film.

This guy made some great points https://youtu.be/L_8-dWSLDWI

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

Okay, finally was able to listen with earphones. I agree, it’s awfully noisy. I truly hate not to include a clip from everyone who submitted something, but maybe it’d be better to actually hear what people are saying… That initial mockup had some chatter and calling in, with some boosted to be audible and others less so, but there wasn’t as much sheer content then. Maybe going back to having fewer clips, selecting those that sound the best and making sure to include the ones from people who have contributed to this project the most regardless.

I think I prefer option A overall, but maybe it’s just because it’s closer to the clip I listened to a bunch to do my initial mockup. I do think that the wookiee roar should be a little earlier, unless intended to represent Chewie himself, since it happens as the Falcon swoops into frame.

I do appreciate you tackling the mixing for this, and hope this isn’t a big setback!

Okay, new test

EDIT: https://vimeo.com/428168141

Moved the wookiee cry forward so it seems more like it’s coming from Chewie, centered the Mon Calimari fleet, lowered the background chatter, and tried to make the “For Skywalker” bit clearer without being shockingly louder than Poe’s dialogue right before it. Let me know what’s still not working, or if anyone has any ideas to improve the mix.


DarkSpecter5K said:

How’s this rendition of the victory celebration for the ending, especially if other planets are added to the falling Star Destroyers and maybe with people cheering


I love victory celebration (a lot), but I don’t think it will fit in this movie. Maybe if its a subtle callback on some notes it could work, but this version is far too off the tone one of the ending IMHO.

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

Okay, finally was able to listen with earphones. I agree, it’s awfully noisy. I truly hate not to include a clip from everyone who submitted something, but maybe it’d be better to actually hear what people are saying… That initial mockup had some chatter and calling in, with some boosted to be audible and others less so, but there wasn’t as much sheer content then. Maybe going back to having fewer clips, selecting those that sound the best and making sure to include the ones from people who have contributed to this project the most regardless.

I think I prefer option A overall, but maybe it’s just because it’s closer to the clip I listened to a bunch to do my initial mockup. I do think that the wookiee roar should be a little earlier, unless intended to represent Chewie himself, since it happens as the Falcon swoops into frame.

I do appreciate you tackling the mixing for this, and hope this isn’t a big setback!

Okay, new test

EDIT: https://vimeo.com/428168141

Moved the wookiee cry forward so it seems more like it’s coming from Chewie, centered the Mon Calimari fleet, lowered the background chatter, and tried to make the “For Skywalker” bit clearer without being shockingly louder than Poe’s dialogue right before it. Let me know what’s still not working, or if anyone has any ideas to improve the mix.

This is fantastic! It sounds so seamless. My only little nitpick, and this is totally a personal thing, is that I’d love to be able to hear Kaz, Yeager, and Jacen and that Zay was a little louder.


jordan_winter said:

axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

Okay, finally was able to listen with earphones. I agree, it’s awfully noisy. I truly hate not to include a clip from everyone who submitted something, but maybe it’d be better to actually hear what people are saying… That initial mockup had some chatter and calling in, with some boosted to be audible and others less so, but there wasn’t as much sheer content then. Maybe going back to having fewer clips, selecting those that sound the best and making sure to include the ones from people who have contributed to this project the most regardless.

I think I prefer option A overall, but maybe it’s just because it’s closer to the clip I listened to a bunch to do my initial mockup. I do think that the wookiee roar should be a little earlier, unless intended to represent Chewie himself, since it happens as the Falcon swoops into frame.

I do appreciate you tackling the mixing for this, and hope this isn’t a big setback!

Okay, new test

EDIT: https://vimeo.com/428168141

Moved the wookiee cry forward so it seems more like it’s coming from Chewie, centered the Mon Calimari fleet, lowered the background chatter, and tried to make the “For Skywalker” bit clearer without being shockingly louder than Poe’s dialogue right before it. Let me know what’s still not working, or if anyone has any ideas to improve the mix.

This is fantastic! It sounds so seamless. My only little nitpick, and this is totally a personal thing, is that I’d love to be able to hear Kaz, Yeager, and Jacen and that Zay was a little louder.

I get that. But since we’re trying to improve TRoS, it felt weird to have impressions of specific characters that don’t quite sound like them. If this were an animation or something, I’d bump them all up, but since this is an actual SW film, it feels wrong to have impressions front-and-center. Does that make sense? If we had raw audio of the actual characters, I’d be more than happy to feature those, but since we’re filling this in with fans, I felt this was the right balance.

That being said, this isn’t my project, so if Hal disagrees, I’m happy to change it.


axlanian said:

jordan_winter said:

axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

Okay, finally was able to listen with earphones. I agree, it’s awfully noisy. I truly hate not to include a clip from everyone who submitted something, but maybe it’d be better to actually hear what people are saying… That initial mockup had some chatter and calling in, with some boosted to be audible and others less so, but there wasn’t as much sheer content then. Maybe going back to having fewer clips, selecting those that sound the best and making sure to include the ones from people who have contributed to this project the most regardless.

I think I prefer option A overall, but maybe it’s just because it’s closer to the clip I listened to a bunch to do my initial mockup. I do think that the wookiee roar should be a little earlier, unless intended to represent Chewie himself, since it happens as the Falcon swoops into frame.

I do appreciate you tackling the mixing for this, and hope this isn’t a big setback!

Okay, new test

EDIT: https://vimeo.com/428168141

Moved the wookiee cry forward so it seems more like it’s coming from Chewie, centered the Mon Calimari fleet, lowered the background chatter, and tried to make the “For Skywalker” bit clearer without being shockingly louder than Poe’s dialogue right before it. Let me know what’s still not working, or if anyone has any ideas to improve the mix.

This is fantastic! It sounds so seamless. My only little nitpick, and this is totally a personal thing, is that I’d love to be able to hear Kaz, Yeager, and Jacen and that Zay was a little louder.

I get that. But since we’re trying to improve TRoS, it felt weird to have impressions of specific characters that don’t quite sound like them. If this were an animation or something, I’d bump them all up, but since this is an actual SW film, it feels wrong to have impressions front-and-center. Does that make sense? If we had raw audio of the actual characters, I’d be more than happy to feature those, but since we’re filling this in with fans, I felt this was the right balance.

That being said, this isn’t my project, so if Hal disagrees, I’m happy to change it.

Oh I totally understand and I’m sure most people on this board would agree with you. It’s still incredibly impressive, well done!


Personally, while I have allowed anybody to send in pretty much anything they wanted to record, I prefer to emphasize names and voices that we came up with ourselves. Ideally, it would be a bunch of fan edit enthusiast inserting themselves into the universe directly.

My stance on revising fan edits.