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The Rise Of Skywalker — Official Review and Opinions Thread — Page 28


Zero is fun for a laugh, but he got toxic real fast when more reliable sources countered his and turned out to be true. I stopped watching when he started to go negative. But he has a great imagination. Just too toxic and right now I don’t care. What he made of the tiny leaks that went around was an incredible fantasy. Too bad he is wasting it on being so negative.


Finally watched this a second time tonight and was able to form a more thorough opinion. Overall I like it well enough. It’s got some major flaws but I found more of its runtime enjoyable than not.

I do have a few issues though. The worst is that Finn’s “I need to tell you something, Rey” bit never pays off. I don’t care that he never actually gets to tell Rey. I care that they intentionally build this up over the course of the film and then never lead to ANY kind of payoff.

The other thing that bothered me, of all things, was that Kylo took a standard imperial TIE fighter, the kind they explicitly point out that has no hyperdrive in ANH, across the whole galaxy to Exogol. It’s particularly irksome because there are many other tiny details in the movie that show the filmmakers were really paying attention to little details (such as the way Kylo points just like Han). It’s a small detail but feels like a blatantly obvious oversight.

Everything else works well enough and several of the things I questioned on the first viewing actually have enough detail/thought put in that they worked for me this time (the storming the star destroyer on horse back, lando’s call for help to the galaxy, ben’s redemption). It’s definitely not the story I would have come up with and I think there are other possible stories that could have been much better. But for what it is, I’m able to accept it and enjoy it.

I caught one detail I liked that I missed in the theater. When threepio is saying how he can’t translate the Sith language he’s cut off as he’s mentioning something about it being an old (or new?) republic law that droids programming restrict them from translating Sith language. It’s a little detail that makes that whole subplot work better IMO and I kinda wish they made that line a little more obvious.


canofhumdingers said:

The other thing that bothered me, of all things, was that Kylo took a standard imperial TIE fighter, the kind they explicitly point out that has no hyperdrive in ANH, across the whole galaxy to Exogol. It’s particularly irksome because there are many other tiny details in the movie that show the filmmakers were really paying attention to little details (such as the way Kylo points just like Han). It’s a small detail but feels like a blatantly obvious oversight.

I’m glad someone else is bothered by this.

There’s potentially an explanation if he brings the entire Destroyer with him to the Endor system and he goes back to that after being redeemed to travel to Exegol. That would also explain why he thought he could fit both himself and Rey in his (presumably) single seat fighter. If I’m being particularly charitable I would surmise that maybe they established the Destroyer in the Endor system in an earlier cut but it was discarded for time.

But I’m not that charitable to this tragedy of a film.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Nev, if you could change that shot what kind of ship would you change his to?


RogueLeader said:

Nev, if you could change that shot what kind of ship would you change his to?

Imperial Shuttle.

The fins would be badly beat up and the top fin would be mostly missing. It would be a rusted, barely flyable piece of junk but it would have a hyperdrive. It would also have the thematic resonance of being the same type of ship that the redeemed Vader would have been on, had he survived. In this way Kylo is picking up his father’s story where it left off, in a way.

JEDIT: Now I almost want to do a mockup of the shot. Curse you, RL!

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


This wisecrack video sums up really well how I feel about this film:


To summarize TROS has many of the story beats of ROTJ, but little of the context and buildup, and it tries to hide this by being bigger, louder, and much more fast paced.


It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?


NeverarGreat said:

JEDIT: Now I almost want to do a mockup of the shot. Curse you, RL!

Do it! Make the sacrifice!

Also, the first shot in the scene of Rey climbing up the Death Star ruins, there’s an old, rusty Imperial Shuttle amongst the wreckage, almost in center frame. So you could actually set up how Ben gets there visually if you match both the shuttle in the wreckage and the shuttle he flies in.

I think they wanted that visual of a TIE Fighter and X-Wing side-by-side. I mean, it’s definitely a nerdy thing to nitpick, but I guess they could say there were some TIEs that had hyperdrives by the Battle of Endor.


DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

^^ 😃 yes! being this anal will end with someone working on edits of TROS for the next 20 years like saddo George Lucas in his basement. Take Obi-wans advice and “move along…”

heil Palpatine!


DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

krausfadr said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

^^ 😃 yes! being this anal will end with someone working on edits of TROS for the next 20 years like saddo George Lucas in his basement. Take Obi-wans advice and “move along…”

Good advice. If anything, changing the specifics of this movie to make logical sense will just decrease the sense of overwhelming shlock, which is the only level on which I can enjoy this shitshow.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required. It’s like they chose the one ship that would make the least sense for the scene. Any other TIE variant and you could handwave it.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required.

But that implies there are also long range fighters. It was only the EU that established none of the Imperial fighters can jump to lightspeed, so I don’t see the problem. And like I said before, I think the idea of “plot holes” as an objective measure of quality is dumb in general.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I’m legally compelled to jump in and note that the novelization labels it as a prototype TIE Scout.


StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required.

But that implies there are also long range fighters. It was only the EU that established none of the Imperial fighters can jump to lightspeed, so I don’t see the problem. And like I said before, I think the idea of “plot holes” as an objective measure of quality is dumb in general.

Obi-wan was commenting on the size of the fighter as a measure of its range. The EU established that Vader’s larger TIE variant could go to Hyperspace, so it’s not a question of type but of size.

Regardless, your overall point is correct. Plot holes don’t make a movie bad. Sometimes they can even help obscure problems in a movie. It’s something I’ve realized on my fanedit of TFA, that the more I fix the logical problems, the more the underlying soul of the movie comes to the surface. In a good film this can be a good thing, like in Adywan’s edits of the OT. In TFA however, the more I fix things the more a viewer can only focus on the core of the story, and there really isn’t much there. Once the superficial problems are gone the true inner hideousness is allowed to shine through.

We could endlessly argue about whether or not a TIE fighter could make it across the galaxy, but this discussion is only a distraction from the fact that the entire Rey/Kylo dynamic of the film is utter trash.

Douglas Adams summed up this style of movie-making far better in SLATFATF:

“In other words - and this is the rock-solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation’s Galaxywide success is founded - their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.”

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required.

But that implies there are also long range fighters. It was only the EU that established none of the Imperial fighters can jump to lightspeed, so I don’t see the problem. And like I said before, I think the idea of “plot holes” as an objective measure of quality is dumb in general.

We could endlessly argue about whether or not a TIE fighter could make it across the galaxy, but this discussion is only a distraction from the fact that the entire Rey/Kylo dynamic of the film is utter trash.

I heavily disagree. I personally felt the Rey and Kylo dynamic was good, but you do you I guess. And you could do well to be less hyperbolic, instead of calling this movie “utter trash” and “hideous” as if it’s the worst Star Wars movie ever made (which it isn’t).

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required.

But that implies there are also long range fighters. It was only the EU that established none of the Imperial fighters can jump to lightspeed, so I don’t see the problem. And like I said before, I think the idea of “plot holes” as an objective measure of quality is dumb in general.

We could endlessly argue about whether or not a TIE fighter could make it across the galaxy, but this discussion is only a distraction from the fact that the entire Rey/Kylo dynamic of the film is utter trash.

I heavily disagree. I personally felt the Rey and Kylo dynamic was good, but you do you I guess. And you could do well to be less hyperbolic, instead of calling this movie “utter trash” and “hideous” as if it’s the worst Star Wars movie ever made (which it isn’t).

I think it comes pretty close. It’s my least favourite Star Wars film. There’s essentially no story here, just a big McGuffin chase, cool visuals, a metric ton of nostalgia, callbacks, and more holes than Swiss cheese.


DrDre said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s truly mind boggling to me that someone could have two problems with this movie, and one of them is that a specific kind of TIE fighter doesn’t have hyperdrive. Like, you realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis uncouples from the ISS at the conclusion of another successful mission. On the other side of the space station, a VW Beetle from Russia fires its retro rockets on approach.

Not the same thing. Star Wars isn’t real life, and you don’t need to read an obscure EU book to know that a VW Beetle can’t fly in space. I’m not bothered by it at all, and I love the imagery of an X-Wing and a TIE fighter parked next to each other. It really helps illustrate Rey and Kylo coming together.

Obi-wan says that this TIE fighter is specifically short range in the original movie, no EU required.

But that implies there are also long range fighters. It was only the EU that established none of the Imperial fighters can jump to lightspeed, so I don’t see the problem. And like I said before, I think the idea of “plot holes” as an objective measure of quality is dumb in general.

We could endlessly argue about whether or not a TIE fighter could make it across the galaxy, but this discussion is only a distraction from the fact that the entire Rey/Kylo dynamic of the film is utter trash.

I heavily disagree. I personally felt the Rey and Kylo dynamic was good, but you do you I guess. And you could do well to be less hyperbolic, instead of calling this movie “utter trash” and “hideous” as if it’s the worst Star Wars movie ever made (which it isn’t).

I think it comes pretty close. It’s my least favourite Star Wars film, and that includes AOTC. There’s essentially no story here, just a big McGuffin chase, cool visuals, and a metric ton of nostalgia, callbacks, and more holes than Swiss cheese.

That’s what my first reaction was after the movie came out, but after rewatching the movie on home video I’ve warmed up to it. You’re entitled to your own opinion of course, but I don’t see how it could be considered the worst Star Wars movie by any measure.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I liked TROS better after multiple viewings too though it is very flawed.

The worst Star Wars movie is probably TPM, then AOTC (I do like ROTS a lot-- fanedited to remove the schlock). Followed by ROTJ (terrible editing choices that highlights all the terrible acting).

The best movies are TLJ, then TFA, then Rogue One. I like the New Trilogy better than the Old Trilogy.

heil Palpatine!


DominicCobb said:

Nothing will ever be worse than AOTC.

TROS is worse for me. At least AOTC had some interesting concepts underneath the horrible execution. TROS for me is the answer to the question, what if Michael Bay made a Star Wars film? It’s a quest for the McGuffin, that leads to translating the McGuffin, that leads to another McGuffin, that leads to the big bad, whose only weakness is to cross the streams like in Ghostbusters (only this trick was actually properly set up in Ghostbusters). Who knew two lightsabers would be kryptonite to a Sith Lord? It would be one thing, if the McGuffin quest was actually good, but it’s all so terribly executed, and all those fake deaths? Ugh…


The Phantom Menace is the best prequel and ROTS could use more schlock IMO

Rise of Skywalker is definitely my least favorite SW movie. The Ewok movies are better.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing