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(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress) — Page 27


Always good to see this is making progress!

Regarding Bad Batch I hope we get a show that follows up on those plot lines. If Barris happens to be in it as well, there could be a nice way to do a Dark Times fan edit of BB, TotE and that new show.
Fingers crossed.


TheDimitrios said:

Always good to see this is making progress!

Regarding Bad Batch I hope we get a show that follows up on those plot lines. If Barris happens to be in it as well, there could be a nice way to do a Dark Times fan edit of BB, TotE and that new show.
Fingers crossed.

Honestly, a film or two of “The Dark Times” based on some animated plot lines with TotE and TBB might be pretty cool. Would be a hell of a task to pull off, but I do think it’s possible to have a movie or two about the Republic --> Empire transition that doesn’t solely focus on TBB squad. Something to mull over perhaps. Want to keep focus on TWoM here, but feel free to post in my TBB thread if you have other thoughts on a structure for that.

Final update, I have been working with a professional artist on slightly updating the logo for this series and creating a very well-designed movie poster for it as well. Not necessary of course, but I have put so many hours into this project over the years, it felt appropriate to create that for the final release coming soon.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


Acbagel said:

Darth Sadifous said:

Hey Acbagel, how are you enjoyed bad batch? Have you done anymore tinkering with the final book yet or taking a needed pause to recharge? By all mean take your time, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I can’t wait for the final book this series (at least for now)!

Hey Darth! I did have a little bit of a break, took the family on vacation, had a huge event at work, and then have been working on two editing side projects as well (one relates to The Way of Mandalore and I’ll announce below). I also did indeed watch all of Season 2 and Season 3 of The Bad Batch + Tales of the Empire over the last three weeks, so that was a lot of spare time consumed but I like to stay relatively up to date with ongoing Star Wars stories. To be honest, I thought The Bad Batch peaked in Season 2 Episodes 7/8, the senate ones about the clone conspiracies. End of Season 2 was great as well, but I thought Season 3 went absolutely nowhere and didn’t wrap up any of the plots I was most interested in (Project Necromancer, the developments in the senate, the Clone Rebellions, Rex/Cody/Wolffe etc). So I was quite let down by the conclusion and ended up feeling like the whole series is a little bit pointless. I didn’t connect with the Batch or Omega at all, so I know they got a good story together but I thought they were by far the least interesting part of the series. Oh well, still might try to complete a movie edit one day…

So Book 6 update, I have spent a few hours going through Act 3 which is the battle on Mandalore. It’s not good, there was a lot of criticism about the nonsense structure of the base, starfighters completely disappearing, and very poor pacing, but some of the scenes are well made too (jet pack battle comes to mind). It’s been a lot to sift through looking for solutions. The first 2 hours of the movie are pretty much ready for a final polish check, but that last hour of the film is still a doozy to work out. I could release Book 5 updated right now, but I am somewhat worried I am going to have some idea in Book 6 that makes me need some scene from Book 5 or at least make me need to change a line or two so I’ve just been sitting on it… I might just drop it though as I’m still at least a month+ away from Book 6.

I could not agree more regarding your assessment of the Bad Batch series. It basically is the anti Mandalorian. It intially presented a larger scope beyond clone force 99 with exploration of Project Necromancer, the developments in the senate, the Clone Rebellions, Rex/Cody/Wolffe, etc. and then opted for a more narrow, intimate final season. I cannot help, but wonder if things changed behind the scenes between season two and three much like we speculate things changed between season two and three of mandalorian to warrant this pivot. I thought at least they were setting up Ventress to guide the escaped children through “the path” established in Kenobi and pair her back up with Vos. I guess time will tell.

I know I would like to personally see a “completed” book five while you tinker with book six if you don’t mind. I think we all understand it may not be the final “product”. However, release things when you are ready and let us know if you need any suggestions in terms of structure or what not for book six. Anyways enjoy the rest of your weekend and may the force be with you!

PS: What did you think of Tales of the Jedi/ Empire?


Acbagel said:
Honestly, a film or two of “The Dark Times” based on some animated plot lines with TotE and TBB might be pretty cool. Would be a hell of a task to pull off, but I do think it’s possible to have a movie or two about the Republic --> Empire transition that doesn’t solely focus on TBB squad. Something to mull over perhaps. Want to keep focus on TWoM here, but feel free to post in my TBB thread if you have other thoughts on a structure for that.

This sounds like a great idea. I’ve been intending to watch Bad Batch, with the idea of making a single movie cut out of the whole thing. Compact it into a tight, fun 2 hour movie. But your idea almost sounds even better.
I have not even watched all of TBB cause its just not really my thing. But to me, the mostr valuable plot line I’ve seen so far is that they address the transition from clones to storm troopers. No other movie or show to my knowledge has addressed that directly (only indrectly, the sequels, the Solo movie).


Darth Sadifous said:

I know I would like to personally see a “completed” book five while you tinker with book six if you don’t mind. I think we all understand it may not be the final “product”. However, release things when you are ready and let us know if you need any suggestions in terms of structure or what not for book six. Anyways enjoy the rest of your weekend and may the force be with you!

I think I can manage to get Book 5 ready for release soon. It’s just one scene I can’t say I’m 100% certain on yet, but it might just be a couple of lines of dialogue I’ll change in the future so I’m going to move forward with prepping for release.

I needed a new local storage drive to contain all my files, and unfortunately, I messed up some of my source footage placement… I don’t believe I deleted anything permanently, I just didn’t realize where certain files were linked from and I “lost” them on the drive. As in I simply can’t find them. One of Boba’s segments I forgot I had exported separately and then reimported, so I’m trying to reconnect everything. I definitely needed more space and better organization, so this new drive was necessary, but I have been recently tied up trying to relink everything.

Other than that, not a ton of new updates on Book 6. The only major news to share is that I am now leaning toward once again cutting Dr. Pershing’s content. This movie is just getting too busy, and his story is such a distraction (though it’s individually well done) and every time I’ve reviewed an Act, it always interrupts the flow of the Mandalorians. By Book 6, I have too many characters as-is that need satisfying conclusions. Din, Boba, Bo-katan, and Grogu all get a spotlight in this movie, so to introduce Dr. Pershing AND conclude him here… It’s too much. I am heavily leaning toward cutting it, especially considering this movie is trending ~3 hours already, adding him in there is holding back the flow of the main characters. I may release the mini-film of his episodes as we’ve discussed here before.

Other than that, I have completed audio on a couple of previous scenes, but the next step is an intense dive into the Battle of Mandalore. I have to analyze this thing from top to bottom and see what I can do with it. Disappearing fleets, a base layout that shatters the space-time continuum, and plant-filled symbolic caves, oh my!

PS: What did you think of Tales of the Jedi/ Empire?

I disliked it. Episode 4 and the beginning of 5 were great, Grevious and Thrawn looked good, but other than that… Big no from me. Don’t want to bog down this thread as it’s off topic but I posted my review here: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Tales-of-the-Empire/id/116495/page/1#1588394

Hope The Acolyte is good! I haven’t read any of the High Republic material, so going in pretty blind. The marketing material has been hit and miss for me, but excited to give it a fair chance.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


I will be looking forward to watching an updated Book 5 whenever it reaches completion. I too was disappointed with Tales of the Empire after really enjoying Tales of the Jedi. I honestly liked the Morgan Elsbeth arc more than the Bariss arc which was surprising. The final two episodes were a real letdown. However, I understand not wanting to bog down this thread discussing another show. That said, I guess we will find out about The Acolyte later tonight. I do not have the highest hopes, but fingers crossed I am pleasantly surprised.


Hey, folks! I have successfully recovered and relinked everything from my SSD upgrade and drive reorganization. Nothing was lost and the project is back in action. As I began structuring the Battle of Mandalore, I made the Executive decision to cut Dr. Pershing. I put a lot of work into that episode so I still plan to release it sometime, might be a good “short film” watch to do between Books 5 & 6 in the future. But I desperately needed the runtime and it was way throwing off the pacing in general, so I feel much better about keeping Book 6 either right at or under 3 hours now. Going back into “full-scale” editing mode next week to get back to finishing this saga!

I will bounce back and forth between finalizing the Special Editions of the earlier books (this is simply enhancing SFX, double-checking colors, and adding Mando’a/consistent story elements as I alter Book 6), re-releasing Book 5 to match the events of Book 6, and completing Act 3 of Book 6 so I can prepare for the final release. Still waiting on some elements from the other artist I previously mentioned, so I want to tie at least the final Book 6 release into that and call this project COMPLETE! … at least until 2026.

In the meantime, if anyone has thoughts on how to improve Mando S3 E07 & E08 (the final two episodes), the time to share is now. Will be going frame by frame through everything over the next couple of weeks and completing this edit. So let me know if you have general or specific ideas for improvement. Once I have a solid game plan, I’ll drop my big-picture idea for it here as well.

Finally, I have gotten a few DMs about if I’m going to do an Acolyte edit. I will say, maybe. I think the show is begging for one, and I’m sure at least a dozen other people are going to jump in the mix to do it. So it depends on the timing, my interest as the season goes on, and if anyone else steps up to execute the same ideas I’ve had for it. I know I don’t want to touch it until we see more of the show’s episodic structure between the past and present because flashbacks could really change the plans in my head for it all. If you’re interested in my thoughts or reviews about the show, I have been writing detailed reviews of its lore and cinematic attributes here: Episodes 1/2, Episode 3.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


What a blessing! That the work wasn’t lost.

Can’t wait to see 5 & 6, I have not watched them. But i also like that you’re going back on the earlier films as well.

Book 2 remains my favorite movie. To me it feels the most like a single movie rather than several TV episodes put together. I say that with love, I’ve watched your first 4 films and think they are all the best way to enjoy these series. But it seems, if you’re keeping almost all of the different plots as you’ve done, that it is a feeling that is impossible to get away from entirely. Book 2 did the best imo.

There is one line I think could be improved. When Fennec wakes up at the campfire and meets Boba after he saved her, and you end on that line “I am Boba Fett.” and it did feel epic.

But, there is a bit more to that exchange that I feel could be used. Thhe full exchange goes:

BOBA: I am Boba Fett.
FENNEC: Boba Fett is dead.
BOBA: I was. Left for dead on the sands of Tatooine.

Now, I agree with your cut that the “Left for dead on the sands…” line is just too on the nose, saying too much that the audience doesn’t need to hear because they know it already. But those immediate lines after, I think there is something there. I would like:

BOBA: I am Boba Fett.
FENNEC: Boba Fett is dead.
BOBA: I was.

I think that “I was.” line is great. And when you cut out the cringy “left for dead on the sands” and leave it just as “I was.” I feel it implies something greater, like Boba isn’t just referring to the Sarlacc and Jabba’s palace, but even more that he is saying “I was.” as in his whole life from when his father died, that moment in the opening. He was dead inside until he found his new family. It says a lot with two words, and through the magic of editing turns a cringy line into great writing.

Also a side benefit, Fennec has a great reaction shot when he tells her his name.