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The Acolyte (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread — Page 6


Acbagel said:

daveybjones999 said:

So the new trailer for this show has dropped and it’s way better than the first one we get a much better sense of the stakes and the scale that the story is going to take place on. The action we see here looks better than the previous trailer as well. Also, it seems like the color grading is a bit better and we’re seeing scenes with more desaturated colors and a better sense of characterization. So the trailer makes me way more hopeful for the show, but there’s still something that feels missing and I’m not sure what it is.

Agree on this one, new trailer did a much better job than the first teaser. Made me a little bit more hopeful for this project. I disagree with a lot of the criticism online about this, and while I don’t think it looks great, I remain slightly optimistic about this story. Something does still feel off about it though! I don’t feel “High Republic” setting when I watch. It looks like a very sterile hollywood production, but I’m open to being wrong about that once we start seeing full episodes.

The same for me, the new trailer was a solid improveemnt. I hope we get something like a 5-10 minute background video for this explaining what the whole series is about, the tone, before it airs. Something like, but for all the characters, or maybe an overview video from Headland herself?

This 2 minute YouTube video is from the official Disney+ Korea channel:

The Acolyte | Master Sol Lee Jung-jae Special Video

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


Keyan Farlander said:

The same for me, the new trailer was a solid improveemnt. I hope we get something like a 5-10 minute background video for this explaining what the whole series is about, the tone, before it airs. Something like, but for all the characters, or maybe an overview video from Headland herself?

This 2 minute YouTube video is from the official Disney+ Korea channel:

The Acolyte | Master Sol Lee Jung-jae Special Video

Honestly, this was the best trailer I’ve seen yet for the show. Wish we could get more character previews like this or what you mentioned as well. I think we are missing the background intrigue for this show, like we don’t even have a timeline placement for it yet. I guess it’s possible that could be a spoiler somehow that they’re keeping hidden, but part of the announcement for wiping away the EU was that Disney had a new plan for an organized and structured canon. We certainly didn’t experience that with the ST, no one (not even the directors) understands the chronology or placement for The Mandalorian/BoBF, and it seems like they’re just releasing projects flippantly without trying to work them into the star wars chronology.

The Acolyte has huge potential to bring interest into a structured High Republic era. I don’t like how the HR has gone with the out-of-order Phase 1, 2, 3 to begin with, but I think some background and structure would really help bring the interest in before release. I really, really want this show to succeed, I think it could launch a ton of interest into unique storytelling for this era. Just think the promo for it has been lacking a bit, but I like a lot of what I have heard from Leslye Headland in regard to Legends and her desire for character growth (though I am also concerned for just as much on the flip side for some of her comments). Either way, it’s all coming down to execution in 3-4 weeks. I am excited mostly for the concept of a new show in a new era, but very, very cautious with getting my hopes up.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


Skybatman said:

new fight scene between Master Sol vs Mae:

Some good and fresh choreography there. It is actually refreshing to see fight scenes that aren’t constant cuts every 10 milliseconds, or embarrassingly slow or formulaic.

I liked that, and the other new trailer spots on the official SW YouTube channel:

The Acolyte | Evolve | Streaming June 4 on Disney+

The Acolyte | Creating the Acolyte | Streaming June 4 on Disney+

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


I’m not super excited for this but i have to say the production design is amazing, so are the fight scenes. I was expecting it to be awful but i was pleasantly surprised.


JadedSkywalker said:

I’m not super excited for this but i have to say the production design is amazing, so are the fight scenes. I was expecting it to be awful but i was pleasantly surprised.

Same here for me. If we get something closer to Andor, than to Ahsoka, BoBF or Kenobi, I’ll be happy.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Lighting is overlit and clouded with too much colors and details in the background - giving it a fanfiction feel, and the costume design look stale and cheap (look at how the “Jedi robes” are reflected when the light is straight on it - like plastic). Also, the facial expressions and reaction shots in the clip above are too long and overly focused upon - giving it this teenage drama feel like you would expect from Buffy in the 90’s or the Marvel TV Shows, but the fighting choreography is surprisingly good. However, I can’t shake the feeling this is gonna try to be The Matrix meets Star Wars meets modern Earth 2024 - and I don’t see it working. None of this gives me a Star Wars feel - more like (ironically) something that would pop up on the Disney Channel trying to target and please everyone rather than what is right in the world of Star Wars.

In other words, I’ll check out some clips on YouTube when episodes release to get a feeling (not to mention reviews), but nothing in this is remotely near getting me nor my family to want to stream this and purchase Disney+ ever again.

#SIDENOTE: Just watched the series actual trailers, and the acting on certain members of the cast is atrocious - and I’m not trying to be rude. If you can’t sell an emotion like fear in a Star Wars project you shouldn’t be near it. Also, the trailer make the fighting choreography look very up and down - some were outright horrid (it looks like certain fighting scenes were made by totally different people). This is also a bad sign imo, and might be a huge hint at budgetary constraints and behind-the-scenes conflicts redirecting pivotal roles around to whomever is available on the day. Could also explain the very bad and uncomfortable acting.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Something about the action in the clip they just release feels off to me. Despite the lack of cutting/editing it’s not working. Maybe it’s the lack of properly dynamic martial arts camera movement and the lack of old-school pow-powder? Maybe they’re just not trained fighters and are just acting out the motions. It’s kinda weightless for some reason.


rocknroll41 said:

My enthusiasm for this show keeps fluctuating, but the new cast interviews popping up have reignited my excitement, thankfully. Seems like a lot of passion was put into this.

I am experiencing this too. My excitement has jumped up and down week to week from a 3/10 up to a 7/10 or anywhere in between. Really not sure what to think. My suspicion is that the show will be better than the marketing material which hasn’t been a great depiction of the tone/setting. Usually, trailers/teasers/marketing get handled by a completely different team and the director has little to no say in what goes out, and the tone is lost in translation. I think that’s happening here. But I’m with you that I do believe we have a genuine love of the source material and story from the director and actors. That has been missing in past Disney Star Wars productions and was noticeable.

I am currently expecting this show to release decently well and have a 7.5-8/10 review, landing somewhere better than the below-average releases we have been getting recently but not peak Disney Star Wars.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


rocknroll41 said:

New Sith sounds pretty cool:


The more of these new trailers I see, the more I wonder why none of this was in the first trailer…

I think you and Acbagel are right with the marketing for this, it does appear a lot different to that initial teaser (that looked bland, formulaic and something out of the Filoni-verse type series). Maybe it was the same marketing team for all these shows? Or they’ve been told to improve their game after the initial poor reception?

Since that teaser, the trailers have improved considerably. They still feature some issues, but I am at least kind of now looking forward to watching this.

I just have to remember it finally airs this Tuesday!

“It’s Coming” 15 second trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6poFQjvrsco

“Crafting the Combat” 1+ minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dju63U24m0

The Acolyte official playlist on SW YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL148kCvXk8pARzKsL1kF0F7oh6tCua1rv

‘‘The Acolyte’ Cast on New Lightsabers and Droids’ (and on The Acolyte in general) a 25 minute video at Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkJos35CuV0

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Initial reviews from people who’ve seen the first two episodes in theaters appear positive. Early media reviews too. Something fresh and different. I hope so, although we’ll find out for ourselves soon enough.

RT scored it 86%: https://x.com/RottenTomatoes/status/1798030129748492798
RT’s average audience score (before audiences have seen it), at 48%: https://x.com/JacobsQuest/status/1798059472872718593

June 5 Edit: This time around RT have since wiped the audience score, so only people who could have seen actually it will have their vote counted? Although now it has been released I guess some people will return there to review bomb it without having still seen it.


I imagine all those involved in the early Project Luminous team are going to be proud to see the first High Republic project on TV soon.


Really enjoyed the first 2 episodes of the show and I think it’s the strongest Star Wars show since Andor. I think the writing is pretty good so far, and I don’t have any issues with the pacing so far. I think the key to whether or not I end up finding the show successful is going to hinge on if the answers to any of the mysteries it’s setting up are satisfying.


After being pretty “meh” after seeing the trailers, i was surprised at how much i liked the first 2 episodes. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but to me it actually feels like Star Wars, unlike BOBF, Ahsoka and the latter part of Mando. The acting & dialogue is fine, which the trailers somehow made it seem prequel level bad, but it isn’t. And thank GOD we finally have colour back in Star Wars and not that horrendous desaturated & over dark grading that’s plagued the majority of the TV shows so far. The only thing that feels a bit off to me is the ending of both episodes. They don’t seem like an episode ending. It’s seeming to be aimed at editing into one long movie that has been chopped up into episodes more than an episodic formula.

Sadly, the dark side of the fandom is ripping it apart. The usual " Woke" bullshit comments are everywhere. Slating the show because of its female lead, the fact they mentioned " two mothers" and other crap. If it’s not white male lead they don’t class it as Star Wars. Wankers. I’m so fed up hearing how Star Wars is dead, just because it doesn’t follow their narrow minded bullshit. No one is allowed to just enjoy it any more without all their vitriol. I’ve seen so many commenting on how they refuse to watch it but will review bomb it wherever possible. Then attacking fans who dare to say they like anything “Disney” Star Wars.

This show has started out pretty well. It has my interest. I LOVE the score and i think that’s one of the reasons why it feels more like Star Wars to me. It feels very Willams to me. Although i don’t mind the different style scores in things like the Mandalorian, it seems to take away something for me. The Acolyte is probably the first TV show that i rewatched the first eps in the same day.




The mysteries around what exactly went down on Osha’s homeworld definitely have me intrigued. Whatever it is I assume at this point it’ll likely be more to it than that.

The production values, sets, the effects, sound, acting are all on point. As well as the choreography and direction. The story has me engaged, wanting to know more, and is cleverly done.

I’m drinking in the depiction of the Jedi here so far; both the older Jedi and the younger more arrogant Jedi, although I guess there’ll be more to come on that as well. We’ve already learnt a lot, far more than I expected for the opening two episodes. A big plus for the fight choreography; slick, fresh and yet felt very Star Wars.

Really enjoyed this so far, and looking forward to next week’s episode.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Watched the premiere last night, I think I called it pretty well to my expectations. The set design, color palettes, and feel of the worlds exceeded what I saw in marketing, I was pleasantly surprised with the environments, VFX, and characters for the most part, but there are indeed some glaring issues holding it back from being great. I think it will end up being a fine show, but unfortunately, Star Wars does not need fine. In fact, I would say fine hurts Star Wars at this point. They need big wins to restore some brand image. Is it fair to place that much pressure on The Acolyte? Probably not, but it’s reality, something has to come out to unify the fanbase if we want to see Star Wars stay at the forefront of the mainstream. The Acolyte does not appear that it will be that thing, but it’s certainly not a terrible show.

Pacing and Structure

The most glaring issue with The Acolyte is its pacing. The hyperspeed paced episodes seem crammed with short-form content, leaving little room for the story to flow naturally, for scenes to breathe, or for us to grow quick attachments to characters. It certainly has that “things are just happening” feel. This series’ potential is being massively held back by rapid and frequent cuts between A and B plots. Scenes often last only around 60 seconds before switching, which feels jarring and disjointed. This approach I suspect is an intentional move by Disney to maintain the action sequences and avoid the viewer drop-off experienced by previous series like Ahsoka and Andor, which received complaints of being “boring” or “slow” (not from me), but here in the Acolyte with a new timeline setting and brand new characters and an unfamiliar storyline, this rapid cut pacing ultimately disrupts the storytelling rhythm. I truly think that each episode was originally ~50 minutes and was chopped to hell in post-production to cut down to get to the action. I really do not like this kind of editing.

The structure of the premiere overall was poorly done in my opinion. Especially the endings to each episode feel extremely tacked on and do not flow whatsoever with character arcs. Very bad forced “hooks” that barely even function as hooks. This show does not want to be 30-minute episodic format, but I believe it was forced to be in Post.

Dialogue and Writing

The dialogue in “The Acolyte” is a mixed bag. While it does not fall to the level of being objectively terrible, it fails at delivering impactful and memorable lines. Fans of Lucas’ dialogue (I find myself strongly in this category, highly recommend watching this video to learn why: George Lucas: King of Wooden Dialogue) may find some nostalgic charm at times, but I absolutely understand why others might find it lacking in the depth that Andor possessed. At the very least, I am happy that this series avoids the contemporary lingo that plagued The Last Jedi and some of BoBF, but the lines here also don’t quite capture the epic feel that Star Wars dialogue is known for. It’s not a standout, but it’s not distractingly bad.

The writing of the plot is intriguing enough to keep my interest piqued, but not enough to impress me. Compared to some of the best show premieres (GoT, Lost, The Boys, House of Cards), this is nowhere close to being called “incredible 10/10!”, nor is it “absolute trash, 1/10!”. It’s a very middle-of-the-road plotline. It’s a simple murder “mystery” where we already know the murderer and some of her motivation, though I am positive there will be some twists here. The element of how the Sith play into all of this is the greatest hook the show has. We had some decent moments teasing this aspect, but it failed to build any tangible tension. I am interested in seeing where this goes, so it’s not bad writing, but I am certainly not on the edge of my seat wanting to rewatch and anticipating next week with great excitement. The prison escape on the ship, the crash, and some of the “infiltration” into the Jedi Outpost in episode 2 was quite weak in terms of writing, but there is at least intrigue with the relationships being developed, the Jedi investigation, and the looming Sith presence. However, someone watching this with no context of the timeline or what the Sith are will be feeling extremely bewildered I would imagine.

Production Quality and Creative Direction

Despite having a significant budget, The Acolyte still feels constrained creatively. There’s a palpable sense that Disney’s marketing team heavily influenced the production, resulting in a cautious approach that prioritizes accessibility over depth. The potential for a more mature and well-crafted narrative is evident but remains unfulfilled. This cautiousness likely stems from Disney’s desire to avoid another significant failure for the “Star Wars brand”, which is currently at a critical juncture for its profit margins. This leads me to feel like a lot of the creativity is stifled and stale. The VFX is good, not outstanding, but serviceable to bring you into the world. I was hoping that this era would feel more distinct, but I am at least pleased that I can say some of it felt like Star Wars. Props to the crew for being able to invoke a feeling that is extremely difficult to replicate. The costumes look a bit stiff, and I think that’s part of the point, but it doesn’t translate well for the point they want to make. You can make the Jedi give the vibe you’re going for without having every robe look like it’s oversized and pulled right off the press. Have to highlight a couple of great designs like the hyperspace droid chairs, the starship models, and the appearance of the Jedi Temple. I will say “No comment” on the pudgy Jedi…

Hope to see more of the High Republic’s uniqueness expanded upon in future episodes, but for now, I think we’re missing the worldbuilding needed to get people interested in these hundreds of years of potential storylines. The style of combat selected for creative purposes does seem to be at the forefront, and I was neither blown away nor disappointed by it. I prefer it to the absolutely atrocious fight choreography and shaky cam in BoBF, Ahsoka, and Kenobi, but it’s still nowhere close to Prequels combat scenes or even other large Hollywood productions (this show had a Dune-sized budget… it has to be judged at a high level). I dislike the constant pausing in the fights, that feels very unnatural, grabs a leg, freeze, lock eyes, start next sequence of choreographed moves. Nick Gillard was so intentional about making attacks look like they are intended to harm/kill, and the threat just doesn’t feel there at times in this show.

Performances and Characters

On a positive note, some performances, particularly by Sol, really stand out and add a ton of value to the series. He is a great actor and his emotions translated well to his character. He reminds me of an emotional Qui-Gon. Of course, Yord is not a character we are supposed to “like” per se, but I enjoyed his presence in the story and for an annoying character, he is the good type of annoying. Jecki is kind of just there, but also not annoying. Not sure if this is just me, but I thought the weakest character in the show was Osha. Found her to be quite bland and I am not at all invested in where her character goes yet. Indara dying so early felt like a bit of a waste…? I understand the deaths of these Jedi is the premise of the whole show, but it’s hard to build memorable characters when each new one is dead within 10 minutes of appearing for the first time in a 30-minute episode. We really, really need some preliminary worldbuilding before characters start dropping or beginning their main character arcs. Other characters like Vernestra, Mae’s accomplice, Torbin, not much to say… I think it’s a waste that we miss out on the depth of development for side characters. The best shows make you care about side characters and even create whole individual scenes around them. Again, this goes back to the bad pacing because you’ll never accomplish this in 30 minutes of total screentime. We need 50 minimum.

Rating: 6.6/10 (I’d call it “pretty good”, but not “really good” or “great”)


Standout performance by Sol
Visually pleasing environments that feel alive
Retains elements of “Star Wars” charm


Poor pacing and way too frequent cuts
Feels creatively constrained by forced mass appeal
Lack of depth to the main characters and a simple storyline

Best scenes:

  1. Sol at the Jedi Temple (great emotion in the performance, resembled a true Jedi with his demeanor)
  2. Mae’s interaction with the Monk Jedi (interesting power dynamic, creates intrigue for Mae’s revenge)
  3. Confronting Mae’s accomplice (decent tension here, unsure of what would happen)

Worst Scenes:

  1. “Sith” hook at the end of episode 1 (worse than 0 budget fan films I have seen)
  2. Intercutting of Mae’s crash landing and Jedi coming to rescue her (A/B plots moving WAY too fast)
  3. Osha’s vision of Mae (dialogue was WAY too on the nose and expository, “Brendok!” “Hello, SISTER!” the rhyme about them being twins. Show, don’t tell, people!)

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


It’s not amazing or anything, but it’s very watchable IMO! I like the characters so far and am on its wavelength re: the Jedi. There are decent hooks here. The production is perhaps not as up to snuff as what we’ve seen before - we’re firmly in television ass television - but that’s no bad thing tbh, that’s literally what this is. It’s still colorful and charming all things considered.

I like it. I’m not as compelled to watch week to week, but I’ll definitely wrap around when the season is over.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


The focus of the mystery is not entirely what I expected and that’d a good thing from my POV. The twin theory being revealed almost immediately, so there is no ambiguity about who is doing the killings, but there is a mystery in why she’s doing it. Which I found absorbing.

Massive plus for the hand to hand martial arts fights. The idea that Jedi wouldn’t activate their lightsabers at first is a great touch. This kind of inspired fight choreography works so well.

Credit to Headland who has obviously done her research going into the show and it will probably be much appreciated for the HR book readers, and yet doesn’t come across as fan service or a “need to previously know this for it to work” type of thing either.

Production values looked pretty strong to me. Real sets augmented with CGI is a welcome change to the Stagecraft orientated series of late. Feels like being closer to Andor in production quality than the Stagecraft shows too (Mando season 1 apart).

Early days, but after the 2 episodes this has been an enjoyable watch, not brilliant, but above average, and has drawn me in for more.

A big plus also for the Neimoidians no longer having those dreadful stereotypical Asian accents they infamously had from TPM!

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


The acting is well done. I’m not 100% sold on Vernestra but we are only 2 episodes in. If being nitpicky, theb some of the exposition and dialogue was a little rushed and could have done with a polish, but much better than most of what we’ve seen in Star Wars of late (Andor apart). Lee Jung-jae and Amandla Stenberg area joy to watch here, with good support all around.

I enjoyed the worldbuilding, the small things, the depiction of every day life, locations, with the real sets and the direction helping. Fight scenes were also very well done. You can really tell the difference between the Volume series (post Mando S1) and the series with real sets. Immersive, beautiful colours and textures.

There is something alluring about the series. It is like it has a soul of its own, doing its own thing in the SW Universe, and I hope that continues for the rest of the season.

I’ll be happily watching both these episodes again before next week’s 3rd episode is released.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


I liked the opening title card, a mix of familiar fonts from previous crawls.

The Acolyte definitely benefits from being a fresh start for the creators and the audience alike. No homework required. No needless fan service added to the mix, and although there are nods to the publishing side The High Republic they are so subtle they likely wouldn’t be noticeable to anyone who hasn’t read the books and comics yet. Which is what good fan service should be, not the key jangling kind we often get under Filoni.

It does also help that not all the Jedi are devout dorks who shy away from emotional attachment. And so far, there are no logic defying plot issues and handwaving away, that we saw too often saw in Ahsoka, BoBF, Kenobi and late Mandalorian. It appears the Jedi as a concept and an order will be scrutinized here, with anxiety in regarding the perception of the Jedi Order to governing bodies and the public by Vernestra being something I’m looking forward to see more of as the story progresses.

The two main leads are great so far, and like others have said some good performances from the supporting cast too. Direction and editing is tight, loving the look of the show and the choreography of action scenes. Sets look gorgeous. The story is compelling and has grown on me already after only two episodes. A solid and entertaining setup, with much mystery to explore.

Some likes: the yellow lightsabers, Jedi having attachments, behaving more like some of us older fans may have envisioned the Jedi to be before the Prequels retconned all that. Jedi outposts on different planets. Seeing a Jedi Wookiee onscreen. Manny Jacinto’s role and hoping to see more of that. Being actively engaged with a story and wanting to see how it plays out.