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The "EditDroid" Trilogy DVD Info and Feedback Thread (Released) — Page 21

Originally posted by: Darth Mallwalker
As far as I'm aware, official artwork for the first ANH disc (with three soundtracks) hasn't circulated.
If they're feeling generous . . . .

I made a lookalike cover for the first EditDroid version of Star Wars, which you can see on page 22 of this thread.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Your spine doesn't "lookalike" Sluggo's

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

Originally posted by: Darth Mallwalker
As far as I'm aware, official artwork for the first ANH disc (with three soundtracks) hasn't circulated.
If they're feeling generous . . . .
I'll find out about that as well, if I don't have it somewhere. I know I have the art for the trilogy with the revised ANH disc.

Disc art for the Special Features discs should be interesting in that it appears to be Lightscribe, which we can't duplicate exactly without a Lightscribe burner. I assume the original art will look okay when printed normally as well.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]

Hmmm. Maybe the lightscribe discs are their way of marking their original product. Honestly, the discs don't look like any lightscribe discs I've seen before. On the other hand, I don't get out much either.
Friends, is here some nice person who would be able to send this "new" set to a fan without torrent or usenet access here in Europe ? Pleaaaaaaaaase ?
Now that we have established the set does indeed exist... is anyone planning on posting it to a torrent or usenet?
It's coming. I'm mailing out the set tomorrow for torrent or newsgroup thing. And a PiF chain. And such.
So this is more of a LD fan preservation set rather then an edit like DE's?
Originally posted by: kaine23
So this is more of a LD fan preservation set rather then an edit like DE's?

Yup. The Making of.. LD's are new captures and the other discs have lots of other goodies.

I shipped out the usenet (or torrent or whatever) to MoveAlong and the PiF chain one to Erik today. So it won't be long now.

I'll have to check this out then when it's torrented. If I like I'll replace my RtW set! If anyone can pif me a copy, I'd be appericated and would pif it myself as well.
Actually, Kaine, I think the set that's being discussed is the set of supplementary discs to accompany the original EditDroid trilogy set, which has been making the rounds for quite a long time now.
So has anyone gotten this set of discs yet?
I got the discs yesterday in the mail. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet. I'll be making copies today and tomorrow, and mail them on Monday.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Got mine. Unfortunately, disc 1 was a coaster. Should have a replacement soon.

First impressions?

Most impressive... As stated earlier, the professionalism of the authoring is amazing! My favorite part so far (haven't seen disc 1 yet) is the trailer section. I don't know, but some of the theatrical teasers and trailers for Empire and Jedi look so good that I suspect that they are first generation 35mm telecines specifically obtained for this collection. Amazing color! Blows away anything LFL has ever released on home video. Oh, to think what could be. Some of the trailers also have deleted scenes. Luke/Leia kiss, 3-PO pulling the wampa warning sticker down, Falcon sandstorm scene, etc...

Bottom line?

Every self respecting fan of the OT needs to have this in their collection. Sure, a lot of the content is already out there. But, not all of it by a long shot. When I get disc 1 I'll be posting as soon as I can.

Sluggo, Is there disc and case art on disc 1? I noticed that discs 2, 3, and 4 did not have anything like that.

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

The Story of Star Wars
The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker

I'm still waiting to hear back on the disc and case art. I should know more by tonight...
Or.. If I can get someone who is good in the Photoshop to to clean up my scans of the cover and disc art to a perfect state and can promise to get the files to MoveAlong and Erikstormtrooper by MONDAY so they can add them to a DVD-ROM folder, that that would be ok too. Send me a PM to volunteer.
Sluggo, any takers on the DVD covers and labels? Or should I start making my PIF copies?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Geh, no takers yet. I suppose you could make 3 of the 4...
Well, here is the link for the scans. If anyone wants to take a crack at cleaning them up, please do it.
Sluggo, I'm taking a crack at it. The only difficult part should be the editdroid logo. Don't know if I'll be able to do the discs as I don't have the pics. well, I might have 2 of the 4. I'll let you know how I'm going in a little bit. I'm currently retyping the text.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

What's the deadline on this thing? which Monday are you referring to? Today? [Feb 5th] Is it worth having a go? I took a look at the scans. I think the best think might be to redo from scratch - it's all pretty basic looking.

My reconstruction's practically done. I just need the image used on the back. What's shitting me is that I know that I have it somewhere! I just looked through my 3 main archives of Star Wars images and couldn't find it. Does anybody have the hi-res version? I think it was even posted at this forum once. Coov might have it as he used it for a cover... but he hasn't been around lately I don't think.

Can anyone help me out? I tried to color-correct the image and whatnot and it looks okay but I think it would be better to use the hi-res image that I know is floating around here somewhere.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Well, here's the preview image for my cover as it stands. I'd like to get a hi-res version of the editdroid logo, that artwork used on the back and confirmation of what font they used on the back for the content descriptions (the one in white - mine is a near perfect match though). It's just that I remember the ED people made a big deal about cover art last time (when their film transfers were finally distributed via torrents) that they wanted their high-quality correct-color TIFF files out there to replace someone else's JPG conversions. I don't want the ED people to have problems with my recreation of their cover. I'm only doing this because it seems as though the official cover files aren't available to us?

In any case...

I did it in a single-width case as you can see. I just figure that's what we all use these days. I will make the fat-spine version as well once I have finished this one. Don't worry about the spine ID at the bottom that'll go. The editdroid logo will be on the final version, I'm just trying to make the most of the low-res scan version.

So... anyone got that image?

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Everybody hang on for a minute. We just might have the files for these afterall. I'll know a bit later tonight. Klokwork, could I have you hold onto the art just in case this doesn't work? I'll post as soon as possible.

Erik and MoveAlong, could you guys post the art on the first disc as a DVD-ROM folder. The discs are named STAR_WARS_FEATURES_1, STAR_WARS_FEATURES_2, etc. If the ones I sent out are labeled NEW or anything else, I'd appreciate the discs be distributed with their correct names. Just out of my GREAT respect for the EditDroid team. I was a bit sad to see these leaked, but what's done is done. Anyway, the PiF chain and the torrent should be going in the next day or so. I appreciate all your patience for these discs to let us release them correctly.
