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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 16


CarboniteSolo said:

Jabba moved around fine in A New Hope special edition …

Haven’t seen any special editions and I’m unfamiliar with the prequels. I’ll take your word for it, but they still seem ridiculous to me. They would be slaughtered very quickly.

Didn’t Luke strangle him with a chain in Return, or was he killed when the barge crashed?

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Anchorhead said:

CarboniteSolo said:

Jabba moved around fine in A New Hope special edition …

Haven’t seen any special editions and I’m unfamiliar with the prequels. I’ll take your word for it, but they still seem ridiculous to me. They would be slaughtered very quickly.

Didn’t Luke strangle him with a chain in Return, or was he killed when the barge crashed?



CarboniteSolo said:

StarkillerAG said:

Anchorhead said:

Didn’t Luke strangle him with a chain in Return, or was he killed when the barge crashed?

Leia was the one who strangled him, actually.

He’s being sarcastic

I wasn’t. I forgot who strangled him and then thought maybe he died on the barge crash. Its been a really long time since I saw Return.

Weird how time gets away from you. I remember where I worked and how we had Lunchtime Theater everyday. We did a Star Wars week one time. That was back in '97. Like I said, been a while since I saw it. Last time before that was the one time in the theater on its Opening Day release.

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I’ve seen the entire Holiday Special more times than you’ve seen Return of the Jedi. lol


Anchorhead said:

Went back and finished #3 and watched #4. My opinion hasn’t changed. It’s a weird mix of interesting (Fett and Krrsantan), uninteresting (Hutts), stupid (kitchen scene that felt like 1978 Holiday Special), and weirdly unnecessary (Mods). Fennec being repaired by the Mods (who behave like Rockers) seemed like Prequel style backstory.

The Hutts, in 1983 and in this, seem ridiculous. If the show even flirted with realism, they would have been done away with quickly and easily. If you’re a worm that has to be carried everywhere, you can be easily killed by the criminals and killers you keep close by. But I digress…

This thing is a mess. It reminds me of the film Solo. Too many chefs and too many side character stories. Boba is the only really interesting part for me. The rest feels and sometimes looks like TV show filler. I won’t be watching this series a second time. My personal canon for Fett will stay Empire and Mandalorian.

Lucas said, (at the time anyway) he was going for an Arabian Nights fat sultan vibe with Jabba. Would you rather Jabba have looked like this guy? 😉

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Where were you in '77?


Well that was a nice comeback for the show after the middling chapter 3. This was much more engaging and the direction and cinematography were a lot more competent. Unfortunately it seems Robert Rodriguez directed three episodes so there’s one left among the upcoming three.

Chapter 4 is my second favorite, after 2. First of all I loved Fennec Shand getting both more character development and action scenes this time around.

I was surprised the flashbacks caught up so soon with the timeline of The Mandalorian.

I liked the little references to the Clone Wars series (the ratcatcher droid and the four-legged Gonk droid).

The mods and their retro aesthetic felt less jarring this time. Maybe cause their scene was set at nighttime.

The little Rancor moment at the Godfather-like meeting was great!

I’m thrilled by the possible return of Din Djarin, and it would be such a wasted opportunity if they didn’t bring Bossk into the mix. They could even set a sort of arc for Black Krrsantan, as they established a little backstory for him and his hatred for Trandoshans. I hope as well any surviving members of the Tusken tribe come back for the finale.


SilverWook said:

Lucas said, (at the time anyway) he was going for an Arabian Nights fat sultan vibe with Jabba. Would you rather Jabba have looked like this guy? 😉

Yes. 😉

At least he was someone who could move and function like a crime boss.

That said; having him as someone who is never seen, just a plot point to keep our rogue hero on the run worked much better for two films. We never needed to see him. He worked perfectly as an unseen threat.

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4th episode was better but still has major issues. Boba continues to be a moron who needs Fennic’s guidance to actually get anything done. Going back to the sarlacc could’ve made sense is he was just going to the area to search for his armor. Poking his entire ship into the hole? How stupid is he?! And as others have mentioned, he used his armor to escape. Why would he still think it’s in the hole? Why wouldn’t he be looking for it around the wreck and the dunes?

Mods still look like something from Doctor Who and feel jarringly out of place. The thing is, they could totally work if handled just a little differently. Much like so many parts of the prequels, the idea of people intentionally modding themselves with droid parts could feel very much in line with Star Wars, but the execution just kills it. If their designs were more simplified, homebrew, and analogue rather than sleek and high tech I think this subculture could work. Their droid parts should be rusty and outdated looking, not so modern and shiny. Star Wars does have a long history of cybernetically enhancing humans, after all.

Once again I thoroughly enjoyed Black Krrsantan. I guess I’m just a total sucker for a big Wookiee! But did anyone catch why he hated the trandoshan? Was that explained and I missed it or did the show not give a reason for his hate?


canofhumdingers said:

Once again I thoroughly enjoyed Black Krrsantan. I guess I’m just a total sucker for a big Wookiee! But did anyone catch why he hated the trandoshan? Was that explained and I missed it or did the show not give a reason for his hate?

Trandoshans used to hunt Wookiees (and many still do) so there’s been a long feud between the species.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Yeah there’s a long standing hatred between the species. Even in the first episode the Trandoshan representative offers a Wookiee pelt as tribute to Boba.

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Yeah and in the old EU he probably would have accepted the gift.


I wonder if it would be possible to reframe it from Boba going back for his armour to boba going to get revenge on the sarlacc,

Flies over the pit - shoots - boom - out.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


So, if the music at the end of ep 4 means what it obviously ought to mean, Mando (and maybe others??) are going to show up as hired guns soon. In-universe, it’s been several weeks, at the very least, since we left Mando, Bo-Katan, Fennec, et al on the bridge of their commandeered Imperial cruiser. What did happen after the end of Season 2, and how did Fennec then meet-up with Fett and head for Tatooine? Where is Mando now, and what’s the status of his sword-feud with Bo-Katan? Does this mean there’ll be a bit of a time jump between Mando seasons 2 & 3? What will that do to the tension between him and Bo? I have questions.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


idir_hh said:

I wonder if it would be possible to reframe it from Boba going back for his armour to boba going to get revenge on the sarlacc,

Flies over the pit - shoots - boom - out.

Almost reusing some of the flyover scene shooting the bikers maybe?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’m not sure Bo will appear given that we don’t know if she and Din are even on good terms at this point. But I’m really looking forward to seeing Din with the Darksaber. Maybe we could catch a glimpse of a new starship for Din?


Canofhumdingers, I agree with a lot of what you said, however, Vader and Luke both had top of the line mods, and they aren’t even close to what the gang has on them.

I do agree their mods look shiny and new, instead of put together from old different parts, something Star Wars is known for. These shiny new custom mods feel a little like Star Trek or Terminator 3 to me.


Great analysis of how the themes and lessons of BOBF line up with the philosophies of George Lucas.

How the Tuskens Made Boba Fett Strong
https://youtu.be/U_X1oc8Lxa8 - from the Star Wars Explained YouTube channel (9 mins long)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I wonder where the Armorer and her group are? It would be awesome if they set up in the palace with Boba.


I like that idea, probably won’t happen though. Boba Fett doesn’t follow the rules, and many people have seen his face.

This is the way, is not Boba Fett’s way, I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. I would love to see him meet Omega and Captain Rex, you know kinda like a family reunion would be cool to see.


I’d be fully on board with them bringing in Omega and Rex. That would give the story some needed depth.
If not, I think it would be great to see a live action version of the two of them in a series of their own.

For Omega, they could cast Angourie Rice. She’s a ringer for Omega and she has the chops to bring her to life.

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Although it would be interesting to see Omega in BOBF, it kinda seems a little premature since she was just introduced in BB and I think there will be another season? If this show has more than one season, i can see he popping up after a little more back story development in BB.

(Also hoping for an improvement on BB since it was kinda overall lackluster? I didn’t build it up mentally but was still slightly disappointed.)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Knight of Kalee said:

Unfortunately it seems Robert Rodriguez directed three episodes so there’s one left among the upcoming three.

Unless he improves on his disappointing first 2 outings…then I sure hope he’s not doing the final one…especially if he heavily features some ‘scooter gang’ antics again…

Well, after the underwhelming 3rd episode, this 4th one turned out to be a big improvement for me overall. In fact, things are building nicely with Boba’s more ‘thoughtful’ persona at this point, as something was addressed that had been bothering me so far - because we finally got a sense of his current motivations, which explained WHY he was giving up the ‘bounty hunting’ game to attempt to take over Jabba’s/Bib Fortuna’s position in the first place. And he and Fennec Shand had some pretty good team-building together in this one.

In fact, I liked a LOT of moments in this latest episode, including some neat stuff involving one of my favourite ship designs from the Original Trilogy…Boba’s ‘Slave I’…and it was very satisfying to see PLENTY of action involving it.

I also liked the set-piece with the ‘Sarlacc’, as the shots of it’s innards were greatly improved compared to the gloopy, rubbery mess with the stormtrooper in the 1st episode…EXCEPT this entire scene of Boba looking for his armour INSIDE the ‘Sarlacc’ seemed ridiculous seeing as he was conscious when wearing it to escape in the 1st episode, before he collapsed in the sand. Did he somehow forget he had it on when he got out? And did he also forget about the jawas taking it off him when he ‘reacted’ to them before they knocked him out too? Did he somehow think he just got out in his ‘long johns’? - so as much as it was quite a neat sequence overall, I would definitely REMOVE it for any re-edit of the episode. There were plenty of other good scenes involving the ship anyway, so I wouldn’t miss losing this section one bit to make things more plausible.

However, this episode was nicely cinematic overall, and some of the shots of the exterior of Jabba’s/Boba’s palace were very well done indeed. And that little ‘rat-catcher’ droid was right up my street when it first appeared too.

But I could have done without the graffiti-covered MOD-ification shop where Fennec got her life saved, as I’m really not liking the whole ‘Inspector Gadget’-angle for the local youths who look more suited to an episode of Star Trek…nor their blinged up scooters. - so I would ALSO REMOVE that entire scene and it’s annoying music altogether, and just show the night-time scene in the desert where Fennec recovers beside the campfire, as Boba simply TELLS her what he had done to her to save her life.

All in all though, I’m a lot more invested in this show again after this episode, and I hope that continues to be the case.


I presume Boba suffered from some oxygen starvation and his memory of escaping the Sarlacc was swiss cheesed as a result. There may have not have been much air left in that dead trooper’s suit to begin with.

As an example, I had really bad asthma attacks as a little kid, and was rushed to the ER more than once. My parents kept a small emergency oxygen tank handy that looked to me like a green cartoon bomb after that. I have no memory of ever being in the ER at that age though. Probably a good thing.

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Where were you in '77?