Really enjoyed boba episode 3. EDIT: except for the chase. That sucked…
Predictions: By the end of the show, Boba will prove to other tribes of Tuskens that he has some Tusken history himself, and unite the tribes in a battle against the Pikes. I think Krrsantan will come back too, and fight alongside Boba, Fennec, the kids, the Gamorians, the Tuskens, etc. Obviously Boba will be leading the charge on his new rancor, and hopefully Trejo sticks around too. I’d also love to see other frequent Robert Rodriguez collaborators show up, but not getting my hopes up. EDIT 2: oh yeah and I assume the warrior woman Tusken will come back for that finale also, since we didn’t see her body in the slaughter.
Its also interesting how they keep mentioning how Tattooine used to be an ocean planet. I don’t think it’ll ever be that way again (it can’t cause of TRoS anyways), but I do think that means water will play a role somehow in the climax of the finale episode.
At one point, I thought Fennec would betray Boba due to him becoming so sympathetic, but I no longer think that’ll be the case.