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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 12


Surprisingly for a show called Book of Boba Fett, Boba doesn’t act like the badass bounty hunter that I know. I’ll keep watching but I don’t consider this canon.

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Darth Muffy said:

and those bright space Vespas what were they thinking 🤨

I’ve seen literally everyone say this.

I’m probably the only person outside of the show’s creators that likes them.

So they don’t fit in with Tatooine’s aesthetic… Who’s to say they’re even from Tatooine?

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JackNapier said:

Surprisingly for a show called Book of Boba Fett, Boba doesn’t act like the badass bounty hunter that I know. I’ll keep watching but I don’t consider this canon.

It’s interesting to see more people in this thread finally making this complaint. I’m cautiously optimistic, but so far, I’ve only really liked Chapter 2. The trailer was highly misleading, which I think was a poor marketing choice (although I would rather the show actually give us the Boba Fett from the trailer).


Chase Adams said:

Darth Muffy said:

and those bright space Vespas what were they thinking 🤨

I’ve seen literally everyone say this.

I’m probably the only person outside of the show’s creators that likes them.

So they don’t fit in with Tatooine’s aesthetic… Who’s to say they’re even from Tatooine?

As I mentioned earlier, based on their British accents, their fancy clothing (which reminded me a bit of Canto Bight), they probably blew all their money on cybernetics and ended up stuck on Tatooine. I also get the impression that cybernetics probably isn’t a common place thing on Tatooine, plus they are a biker gang, so they probably travel from place to place.

I also think that when most people think of Tatooine they think of the Lars’s Farm or Mos Eisley, all of which are fairly small places on an already unimportant planet. Mos Espa on the other hand is as “modern” and interplanetary as Tatooine gets, so although it’s hardly Coruscant, it’s the place where’d you expect to see the most diverse crowd. And even Mos Eisley had quite the variety of humans and aliens in ANH, though it seems like Mos Espa has become the new hot spot after Jabba’s death.

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Boba is reinventing himself. He’s fortunate to have not died in the sarlacc, and if he continues down the bounty hunting path his father set for him, he will end up dead just like his father. I think this is what his dream symbolized.

He spared the Gamoreans, and they saved him when the Order of the Night Wind assassins attacked. He helped the cyborg biker gang and they saved him when Black Krrsantan attacked. He freed Krrsantan and I bet that will end up benefiting him later on as well.

This is a different Boba. One that mourns when a Tusken family dies and doesn’t want to see a rancor suffer. I think it would be boring if a character stayed the same for over 40 years and I don’t think Star Wars would be successful if limited to the same characters doing the same thing decade after decade. People evolve and Star Wars evolves.


I saw this and immediately thought back to this

Boss Hogg’s Cadillac from the Dukes of Hazzard.


I quite liked the biker gang. They felt very much like something George would’ve done, given his appreciation for 50s/60s cars, Dex’s Diner, American Graffiti etc. Perhaps I’ve just gaslit myself into unironically appreciating the prequel aesthetic.

Even if it’s not 100% successful, I appreciate it any time the newer stuff dares to go beyond slight variants on OT designs - across the sequels, Rogue One, Mando and now BOBF I feel like we’ve spent way too much time on dusty desert planets trying to recapture that ANH look.

The slow car chase was hilarious though; between episode 1 and 3 of this and his Mando episode, Rodriguez does seem to struggle with action scenes.


The vespa gang and mos espa, there’s a comment made about no work. Mos Espa is a big Sao Paolo with favelas
The biker gang has nice rides because they’re exploiting what the can from the have nots.


I agree with everyone else that the biker gang is probably the worst part of the show so far. They were built up as being these threatening cyborg warriors, but they look and act more like the protagonists of a crappy YA dystopia novel. Their rainbow colored Spy Kids speeders don’t look very good either. And don’t get me started on that chase scene: the entire thing was basically just “Oh no, we’re about to crash into a recognizable thing from the previous movies!” I mean, they even crash into a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting!

Also, I feel like they made Boba way too soft in this show. I get that he’s been through some traumatic stuff, but he just seems blind to the realities of running a criminal organization. Instead of him being the calculating warrior from the OT and Mando, his solution to everything seems to be “give the bad guys some money and hope they go away.” And that tendency was especially bad this episode: did they really need to include that scene of him going kawaii-mode over the baby Rancor?

So yeah, the latest episode has definitely knocked this show down a couple pegs in my opinion. Hopefully the show will redeem itself somewhat by the end of the season.

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sade1212 said:

The slow car chase was hilarious though; between episode 1 and 3 of this and his Mando episode, Rodriguez does seem to struggle with action scenes.

The crazy part about this, to me, is that supposedly he’s an action movie director! However, I have not seen his films, other than Spy Kids.

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I think Rodriguez’ most known movie is From Duck Till Dawn. I also like El Mariachi and Desperado. Sin City isn’t a style for everyone, but I liked it as well. Lastly, I think Alita: Battle Angel is underappreciated. I think it’s a really great movie. It’s actually my favorite of his.

I don’t mind the colorful bikes. Tatooine has cities and spaceports. It only makes sense that there’d be some variety. Perhaps Mos Espa is the Star Wars equivalent of Dubai. The chase did look slow though. I don’t think they film outdoor scenes in the Volume, right? I had no problems with his direction of the fight scenes though. I think they’re excellent.


Chase Adams said:

I’m probably the only person outside of the show’s creators that likes them.

I like them well enough too. Star Wars has always been full of wacky designs, and colourful designs from the prequels onwards I guess. I can understand the complaint that they look garish and silly against a bleached Tatooine background though.

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Rodney-2187 said:

I love the majordomo’s speeder.


Agree! Good design decision.

This was the weakest episode. The swoop gang aesthetically reminds me of something out of contemporary Doctor Who and doesn’t feel genuine on Tatooine nor fit with what those characters are supposed to be. On Coruscant this aesthetic could work.

The blue elephant in the room.


Mrebo said:

Rodney-2187 said:

I love the majordomo’s speeder.


Agree! Good design decision.

This was the weakest episode. The swoop gang aesthetically reminds me of something out of contemporary Doctor Who and doesn’t feel genuine on Tatooine nor fit with what those characters are supposed to be. On Coruscant this aesthetic could work.

I can’t image Coruscant would be the best place to be at this point in the SW timeline, so maybe they’ve gone to the outer rim to try their luck (and clearly not finding it). Things should have calmed down a little bit by this point, but it’s still only 5 years after ROTJ, so 2-3 years or so after the rebels retook Coruscant and the core worlds…I think. I’m not too sure about the canon timeline, but I that should be roughly correct.

We might get an explanation about where the cyborgs are actually from in later episodes, but everything about them seems to suggest that they have not been on Tatooine for than than a few years at the very most.

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Really enjoyed boba episode 3. EDIT: except for the chase. That sucked…

Predictions: By the end of the show, Boba will prove to other tribes of Tuskens that he has some Tusken history himself, and unite the tribes in a battle against the Pikes. I think Krrsantan will come back too, and fight alongside Boba, Fennec, the kids, the Gamorians, the Tuskens, etc. Obviously Boba will be leading the charge on his new rancor, and hopefully Trejo sticks around too. I’d also love to see other frequent Robert Rodriguez collaborators show up, but not getting my hopes up. EDIT 2: oh yeah and I assume the warrior woman Tusken will come back for that finale also, since we didn’t see her body in the slaughter.

Its also interesting how they keep mentioning how Tattooine used to be an ocean planet. I don’t think it’ll ever be that way again (it can’t cause of TRoS anyways), but I do think that means water will play a role somehow in the climax of the finale episode.

At one point, I thought Fennec would betray Boba due to him becoming so sympathetic, but I no longer think that’ll be the case.



That female Tusken warrior will stand next to him in the throne room.

Also, he’ll have a band playing something

Everyone is loyal to him

He feeds someone to the Rancor.

Band plays again

End credits


I hope at some point Boba Fett shows up, because this old guy, wearing the cheap plastic Boba cosplay and leaving the entire decision making to Fennec, really is boring… And it looks more and more like “AOTC: the tv series” with bits of recycled shots from Rogue One (I think they confused Mos Espa with Jeddah).

It’s just getting worse 😦

So long 🙌


I think the quality of these shows would improve immensely if Favreau got a team of writers working with him. His scripts for some of these episodes feel like they needed a few redrafts to say the least.

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Rodney-2187 said:

Perhaps Mos Espa is the Star Wars equivalent of Dubai. The chase did look slow though.

On a social level, it’s the complete opposite though. The SW equivalent of Dubai is more Coruscant.

So long 🙌


idir_hh said:

I think the quality of these shows would improve immensely if Favreau got a team of writers working with him. His scripts for some of these episodes feel like they needed a few redrafts to say the least.

When the guy just re uses visual Lucas humor from previous movies, it really is uninmaginative and very lame… he’s showing his limits and should leave others do the writting yep.

So long 🙌


MalaStrana#2 said:

Rodney-2187 said:

Perhaps Mos Espa is the Star Wars equivalent of Dubai. The chase did look slow though.

On a social level, it’s the complete opposite though. The SW equivalent of Dubai is more Coruscant.

Huh? Wouldn’t New York be a better comparison? Coruscant is more than just tall buildings, it’s primarily a giant slum with some rich neighborhoods as well as important trade and political centers.

Mos Espa and Dubai is’t the most accurate comparison either though, but Mos Espa in TPM and BOBF definitely gives the sense of somewhere more important than what we’ve seen elsewhere on Tatooine. Mos Eisley was a somewhat important–although still minor–spaceport, while Mos Espa is the city that seems to have the most contact with the larger galaxy, which allows for it to have a certain sense of wealth and minor glamour. It is after all also the place where the Boonta Eve race takes place.

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StarkillerAG said:

Also, I feel like they made Boba way too soft in this show. I get that he’s been through some traumatic stuff, but he just seems blind to the realities of running a criminal organization. Instead of him being the calculating warrior from the OT and Mando, his solution to everything seems to be “give the bad guys some money and hope they go away.” And that tendency was especially bad this episode: did they really need to include that scene of him going kawaii-mode over the baby Rancor?

We’re three episodes in and the audience still hasn’t been given a clear reason why Boba wants to be a crime lord. Furthermore, it’s even less clear HOW Boba is a crime lord, given that he lacks the necessary organisation to be one. &, no, a bunch of pouting cyber-mods doesn’t address that deficiency.

It does make me wonder if the show was a last minute stand-in for the Mandalorian season 3, and there’s some truth to the rumours of behind the scenes difficulties. But perhaps that’s being to charitable to Favreau, and the limitations of his writing ability are being exposed here. The plot manages to be both simplistic and convoluted. They need to put a good writers room together.

& I agree they need to stop ‘humanising’ the villains. They don’t all need redemption arcs. There are other interesting character arcs.

Also, it’s really striking how much of the praise for the show is focused on fan service. But it’s not a substitute for a strong narrative and risks turning Star Wars into a zombie franchise.


GuardianoftheWhills said:

Also, it’s really striking how much of the praise for the show is focused on fan service. But it’s not a substitute for a strong narrative and risks turning Star Wars into a zombie franchise.

I can’t speak for others, but I’m not enjoying the show so far because of fan service but because I think it has so far has been an interesting character story and I hope it will continue to be so. Sure, not every SW story needs to be a redemption arc, but it is very baked into the DNA of the franchise and I don’t think a series where Boba Fett is just a ruthless bounty hunter would be all that interesting. A character driven series needs more depth than that, and based on what we’ve been give so far I think we’ll get it.

Just because we’ve gotten one mediocre episode with some wonky effects and action I don’t think there’s any need to panic. I mean we’re not even halfway through the series yet. Yes, it is completely possible that this entire series was something of an afterthought and a necessary filler in between season 2 and 3 of The Mandalorian, but if that’s the case then I’m only more impressed by it.

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