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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS *


I was a little disappointed with some of the new show titles announced at Investor’s Day (Lando series is called ‘Lando’, Ahsoka series is called… you get the idea) but ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ has a nice ring to it and a ‘book’ compliments the mythical feel that Star Wars has.

I also like that it’s executive produced by Robert Rodriguez as well as Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. Dave and Jon have a lot of producing to do over the next couple of years.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


timdiggerm said:

After Rodriguez’s episode of Mando, I’m not enthusiastic about him, but…we’ll see.

Well, he’s not directing - Rodriguez’s exaggerated shooting/editing style was really what some people had a problem with, wasn’t it?

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I’m excited for this.

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There’s a lot of stuff they can use, and I want to see more underworld stories. Will Daniel Logan get to be young Boba I wonder?


BIG Fortuna

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jedi_bendu said:

I was a little disappointed with some of the new show titles announced at Investor’s Day (Lando series is called ‘Lando’, Ahsoka series is called… you get the idea)

So true! I was really hoping it would be called “The Calrissian Chronicles”.


Knight of Kalee said:

jedi_bendu said:

I was a little disappointed with some of the new show titles announced at Investor’s Day (Lando series is called ‘Lando’, Ahsoka series is called… you get the idea)

So true! I was really hoping it would be called “The Calrissian Chronicles”.

Yeah, I was hoping the same. That was a real missed opportunity. Some of the titles on that list sound like working titles, but oh well, name recognition is important I guess.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I can’t wait for The Book of Boba Fett. Before this season of Mando, I never had any interest in the character. Even when I heard he’d be in the season earlier this year, I wasn’t that excited about it. However, in literally 30 minutes (Chapter Fourteen), I found I was really invested. I think it was to do with the surprising way he was characterised in wanting to be as honourable as possible and deciding to help Mando find the child. I always figured that he would fend for only himself. Also, Ming-Na Wen is awesome and Fennec Shand is a great character. So glad she came back. I’m really looking forward to the show - which I’m sure will only make me more invested in their stories.

Perhaps we’ll see flashbacks explaining how he escaped the Sarlacc Pit?
I also think there’s potential for other characters to show up - Cad Bane could be a cool option, if he’s alive. After all, judging by what we’ve seen of that unfinished TCW arc, Bane - if alive - would likely be out to get him.


captainadano said:

I also think there’s potential for other characters to show up - Cad Bane could be a cool option, if he’s alive. After all, judging by what we’ve seen of that unfinished TCW arc, Bane - if alive - would likely be out to get him.

Indeed! Bane and Boba’s standoff from the cancelled TCW arcs is not considered as canon yet, so maybe it could be reworked into any of the newer projects as long as Filoni’s involved.

If I had to pick any cameos or returning characters they would be Bossk, Dengar or Embo.


Knight of Kalee said:

captainadano said:

I also think there’s potential for other characters to show up - Cad Bane could be a cool option, if he’s alive. After all, judging by what we’ve seen of that unfinished TCW arc, Bane - if alive - would likely be out to get him.

Indeed! Bane and Boba’s standoff from the cancelled TCW arcs is not considered as canon yet, so maybe it could be reworked into any of the newer projects as long as Filoni’s involved.

I thought all the unfinished stories were considered canon. Or does that only apply to events that have been adapted or mentioned in some other series?

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ZkinandBonez said:

I thought all the unfinished stories were considered canon. Or does that only apply to events that have been adapted or mentioned in some other series?

I think the 2nd. For example Crystal crisis and Bad Batch, despite the unfinished animation and fx, were “officially” released as complete story reels and thus they were considered canon.

My current line of thought is that the unfinished material can be optionally considered canon until a newer work or adaptation overwrites or contradicts them. For example I can choose to believe whether Cad Bane was killed by Boba, while waiting for an upcoming source to confirm or deny it happened.


I believe that those unfinished scenes are, until finished and released, non-canon, but I’ve long forgotten where I got that from. I actually hope Cad Bane was killed in that shootout - in my mind, a great story arc for Boba Fett would involve him standing up to Bane and killing him, only to eventually replace him as the galaxy’s most feared bounty hunter. I think this ‘vicious cycle’ would make a good theme around bounty hunting.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I don’t much like his female assassin side kick. The most interesting thing you can do with their dynamic is cause a betrayal or power struggle between them. Right now it’s too vague and dull. Plus Fett really hasn’t convinced me yet. I wanted him to be something colder and less sociable. Would’ve preferred if he’d tricked or double crossed Mando and the female assassin in s2 just to reclaim his armor and vanish rather than aiding and assisting everyone. He came off like some duty driven tool instead of the spiteful bounty hunter I hoped for


I wonder if there’s a connection (beyond the obvious debt of influence) with Rogue One and Book of Eli scriptwriter Gary Whitta.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I much prefer Boba being an honourable man now, that’s believable character development. We get to see some of his humanity for a change, instead of him being stuck in the generic mould of ‘impersonal cool-looking villain’ because that’s what everybody knows him as from the OT. Not that I don’t like Boba Fett from the OT, but often character change is good, particularly in Star Wars.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


SW is overcrowded with heroism to the point where it’s starting to feel less like high science fantasy and more like low level Marvel superhero team ups (ala those Netflix Marvel series that all had the same dour hallway fight scene in every one lmao).

The height of Boba Fett storytelling for me came in the form of the graphic novel, Boba Fett: Death, Lies, & Treachery

Fills that anti hero need and vibe by pitting him against even meaner and more brutal enemies and situations while still keeping him mostly a cold untrusting and ruthless loner


Also, Ming-Na Wen is awesome and Fennec Shand is a great character.

Fennec Shand is a non-character. Remove her and her introductory episode (one of the worst episodes) and nothing changes. She’s so forgettable when she’s reintroduced in S2 and Din recognizes her I had to take a moment to figure out who she was. They could’ve at least given he a unique design or something.

Do not DM me for edits. Whatever you’re looking for I don’t have it.


Well, she’s popping up in Bad Batch and this show, which should give plenty of time for her character to have some focus and some deeper development.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Fennec Shand is a non-character. Remove her and her introductory episode (one of the worst episodes) and nothing changes. She’s so forgettable when she’s reintroduced in S2 and Din recognizes her I had to take a moment to figure out who she was.

Still more characterisation in that brief conversation she has in Chapter 5 than anyone across all three prequels.

They could’ve at least given her a unique design or something.

It’s all about the flashy looks, isn’t it? Obviously the quality of a character is assessed by their costume.

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Chase Adams said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Fennec Shand is a non-character. Remove her and her introductory episode (one of the worst episodes) and nothing changes. She’s so forgettable when she’s reintroduced in S2 and Din recognizes her I had to take a moment to figure out who she was.

Still more characterisation in that brief conversation she has in Chapter 5 than anyone across all three prequels.

Uh, what? You sound like a sequel hater here. Anakin is a bad character, but he has ten times more depth than Fennec could ever hope to have.

They could’ve at least given her a unique design or something.

It’s all about the flashy looks, isn’t it? Obviously the quality of a character is assessed by their costume.

That’s not what he’s saying at all, in fact he’s saying the opposite. Fennec has practically zero character, so if they want to make her memorable they could at least pull a Boba Fett and make her look cool.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I don’t think she’s bland at all, I really like the orange and black and the geometrical shapes in her outfit. I really hope the Book of Boba Fett (and Bad Batch) develops Fennec’s character further because I was really disappointed when she was temporarily killed, seemed like wasted potential. Like does she have a code of honor? Any backstory? Were there any personal reasons for her to join the top crime syndicates?