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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 64


TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


thejediknighthusezni said:

    Whatever they had in mind, they should have dropped it when they didn't bring Kirstie back. The whole Saavik-David subplot was very offputting. ST has delved a little too far into the loss of loved ones. TWOK Spock worked because there was a promise of bringing him back. They had already sunk to their nadir, TSFS was about the journey back up. A black-eyed full-blood Vulcan chick with a red-shirt partner could have carried that water. Protomatter could have been an unexpected problem. The subtle art of getting us to care enough but not too much before bumping em off. Too bad "Adventure" couldn't have been menuevered into position. "I...HAVE HAD...ENOUGH...OF YOU!!!" would have had at least as much heft if it was about sheer exasperation without any revenge.

See my reply in the general Star Trek thread in off topic.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


cain spaans said:

TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

Ultimately, you're missing the point (and humor) of the whole thing.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

Ultimately, you're missing the point (and humor) of the whole thing.

Cain, they are making fun of you and your autistic traits. It's hilarious, isn't it?

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Really like that art and animation.

Yes it is nice. I especially like the second half of the "rule 1".



The video essay is too simplistic.

Star Wars isn't a Western.

It can have moments that resemble a western but it's a war epic which touches on every trope in cinema and literary fiction (Biblical epic, medieval romance, Jidaigeki, Western, ancient myth, Scherazade, Dumas, Shakespeare) but war is the centre.

It's Star WARS not Lone Star.

The beat up second hand universe only applies to the beat up second hand things in it.

In the OT the Imperials and the Bespin denizens had access to new, dent free stuff.

The Rebels and the denizens of Tatooine didn't (they were poor and/or had to make do and mend).

Covering new things with dents and scratches is stupid.

The problem with the PT isn't that it's set in the city or in the senate (ANH had conferences and was largely set inside a giant metal fortress not that different from a stone temple or a giant parliament).

The problem was the story was boring and badly written and badly acted and directed and designed.

Harry Potter has libraries and conference rooms and parliaments and when it is good it's good because of the story and the acting and the direction.

When it's bad it's bad for the same reasons and the same is true of Star Wars.

The cutesy aspect does need to go though.

Many of the aliens from ROTJ onwards look like they would be right at home in an Oddworld game.


Bingowings said:

The problem was the story was boring and badly written and badly acted and directed and designed.

Those guys should've just used *this* as their template for what J.J. should avoid...

At least he's got John Williams on board to make things *sound* good again, if all else fails.


ImperialFighter said:

At least he's got John Williams on board to make things *sound* good again, if all else fails.

But then we would just have the prequels again... those had great scores by Williams as well, and it didn't help.

But you're right, I'd rather take a bad movie with a great new Williams soundtrack than a bad movie with another Hans Zimmer soundtrack.


Sure Laserschwert, by 'if all else fails' I meant that at least we're likely to get a great 'Star Wars' soundtrack *even* if J.J. turns in a production that matches Bingowings' list of George's prequel failings.  But I'm hopeful J.J. ends up better delivering on some of those other aspects, of course.

(by the way, look out for another PM over the next couple of days, as I have some news to update you with!)


ray_afraid said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

Ultimately, you're missing the point (and humor) of the whole thing.

Cain, they are making fun of you and your autistic traits. It's hilarious, isn't it?

No it isn't. I find that very insulting. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.  

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


cain spaans said:

ray_afraid said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

Ultimately, you're missing the point (and humor) of the whole thing.

Cain, they are making fun of you and your autistic traits. It's hilarious, isn't it?

No it isn't. I find that very insulting. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.  

cain, There's no need to feel insulted.

I was poking a little light fun at Davnes, it was not directed at you.  I am well aware of your autism, as discussed (I think) in both your documentary thread and in at least one of the preservation threads.  I mentioned at one point, having learned of your situation, that I was done messing with you.

On fanedit.org, where I am a moderator, we had a similar situation recently where an autistic member was receiving some teasing, and I specifically asked people to stop.

In fact, I have a young daughter with Asperger's.  It would be extremely hypocritical of me to mock you...I worry about people doing that to her all the time.

As for Davnes, I seriously doubt he knew you had autism.  There are a lot of reasons for poor spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on.  Some people have autism.  Some do not speak English as a first language.  And some are too lazy to write well.  We (well, me at least, but I think Davnes as well) typically only mock those in the last category (and their similar elk (yes, I know)).

Anyway, no insult intended, so apologies if that's the impression you got.


ray, I'm sorry you think so little of me. :-/


Thank you I am currently planing fan projects that has nothing to do with Star Wars and will be talked about elsewhere.

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


I was under the impression that the 'autism' thing was just a theory to explain your style of writing/typing.

My humor (such as it is), was only meant to be playfully funny, and not intended to be mean spirited or hurtful.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


I wonder who the new threat will be. The empire has been defeated. I will still go along with my spoof that our heroes will be dealing with retirement home people.

RETIREMENT HOME PERSON: Oh c'mon Luke just come with us.

LUKE: Noooooooooooooooooooo. 

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


TV's Frink said:


ray, I'm sorry you think so little of me. :-/

I can see now that your comments weren't mean spirited or even directed and Cain, but I just hate to see this kind of thing, ya know? I mean, yeah, obviously you do.

I don't like the "grammar Nazi" thing that goes on online where nobody really knows the other users situation. Could be someone with certain symptoms, could be a young child or it could be a full grown moron. But no matter what the situation, pointing out your superior grammatical and spell-checking skills on a goofy online forum makes nobody better than anyone.* /StupidSoapbox

And Frink, my man the only reason I would ever think little of you is becasue my brain is tiny and can only produce small thoughts. I'll try to produce several small thoughts of you in a row and maybe they can all Voltron into one big thought of you? And maybe pull a large sword from out of nowhere to win the big battle at the end? I really hope so!


*-ok, if it can be proved to be the case, folks to lazy to type well deserve the abuse ; )

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Bingowings said:

The video essay is too simplistic.

Agreed with much in your post. I do think the extensive CGI is the issue being complained about when people talk about too much cleanliness. It's more an abundance of fake stuff that looked fake. And Padme's ship was silly! Didn't have the iconic status they must have intended.

The blue elephant in the room.


Mrebo said:

Bingowings said:

The video essay is too simplistic.

Agreed with much in your post. I do think the extensive CGI is the issue being complained about when people talk about too much cleanliness. It's more an abundance of fake stuff that looked fake. And Padme's ship was silly! Didn't have the iconic status they must have intended.

Yeah, the queen's starship from TPM actually looked cool. In fact, all of the totally chrome ships looked nice, I just don't know why they didn't stick with just the one. It was even said that only the queen was allowed a fully chromed starship. Would have been special. I don't mind clean lines and good design when it's supposed to look that way, instead of being due to CGI laziness.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


The Naboo ships, boats and speeders are an interesting look but not for Naboo.

That style matches the crystal spires of Coruscant better.

The only independent state we see in the OT is Bespin and the pod cars, the guard uniforms and weapons and the interiors all match the design of the city.

There is no reason I can think of why the Queen couldn't fly a marble spaceship covered in statues which has interiors like the buildings on the planet. It's a ceremonial craft and it would match the elaborate clothing the Queen wears.

Indeed her Royal Spaceforce could fly marble fighters too.

Lynch screwed up with Dune in many ways but one thing that you can't level at his film is boring derivative and inconsistent design.

The problem with the PT isn't that it doesn't look the OT more than design has no rhyme or reason to it.

If you look at the big ships of the golden age of exploration they were often highly carved and decorative and matched wooden buildings of the same period.

The carving on a ship would match a carving on the beams of a pub.

If you look at a cruise ship now it matches much of the curves and materials of a car or even a block of flats.

Some people scoffed at Vincent Ward's Alien 3 idea of a wooden space station.

The Star Wars galaxy has much more elaborate technology than the Alien universe so there is not reason for ships to be made of metal and look like modern fighters beyond the expense.

A royal flight that presumably hasn't seen action for hundreds if not thousands of years of peace within the Republic could look like anything.

I would much rather see how a carved polished marble starfigher breaks up in a dogfight than another metal ship.

Making TPM resemble the OT at all was probably more of a mistake than making it look different. The Clone Wars is a different issue. There I could see it beginning to look more like the OT and to some extent it does.

Ultimately who cares what the Queen's ship is like when the whole crew are a bunch of planks?


TV's Frink said:

cain spaans said:

ray_afraid said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

TV's Frink said:

Davnes007 said:

cain spaans said:

I saw Cowboys VS Aliens and I felt emotional impact when Daniel Craig,s character in the movie was so upset that that alien chick died at the end and Harrison Ford was like " It's okay she is in a better place now"

Hey look.....your 'comma' key works. Too bad you used it in the wrong place.

Sorry to break this to you, but Daniel Craig is the s character in the movie.

I was saying his character.

Ultimately, you're missing the point (and humor) of the whole thing.

Cain, they are making fun of you and your autistic traits. It's hilarious, isn't it?

No it isn't. I find that very insulting. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.  

cain, There's no need to feel insulted.

I was poking a little light fun at Davnes, it was not directed at you.  I am well aware of your autism, as discussed (I think) in both your documentary thread and in at least one of the preservation threads.  I mentioned at one point, having learned of your situation, that I was done messing with you.

On fanedit.org, where I am a moderator, we had a similar situation recently where an autistic member was receiving some teasing, and I specifically asked people to stop.

In fact, I have a young daughter with Asperger's.  It would be extremely hypocritical of me to mock you...I worry about people doing that to her all the time.

As for Davnes, I seriously doubt he knew you had autism.  There are a lot of reasons for poor spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on.  Some people have autism.  Some do not speak English as a first language.  And some are too lazy to write well.  We (well, me at least, but I think Davnes as well) typically only mock those in the last category (and their similar elk (yes, I know)).

Anyway, no insult intended, so apologies if that's the impression you got.


ray, I'm sorry you think so little of me. :-/

Yikes!  I had not realized the situation at all, and somehow missed that part of the conversation.  I have teased as well, but I apologize.  I shall not tease you anymore.