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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released) — Page 18


If I could give one criticism to this edit is the abruptness of the scene of Yoda telling Obi-Wan that Anakin is consumed by Darth Vader into Obi-Wan and Padme on her veranda. I think adding in the Obi-Wan telling Yoda he doesn’t know where to look, and Yoda telling him to use his feelings to find him is a better transition, and less abrupt.


I have no problems, really… except I still prefer the scene replacing the Death Star with Coruscant.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


I just saw your movie and I like it. I just have two ideas that I think would improve the movie.

  1. I think Yoda fighting Palpatine was a great moment in the movie, and it should be preserved. Otherwise it makes Yoda look like a coward, just running away and leaving the Sith to rule the Galaxy.

I understand that the fact that he is unable to beat Palpatine makes Luke victory seems “too easy” in ROTJ, but with some clever editing it is possible to make it look like Yoda was winning the fight but Palpatine was saved by imperial troopers. I mean, in the last scene, when Yoda and Palpatine where exchanging lighting, only Palpatine would fall. Yoda would stand on his feet but in that same moment, imperial troopers appears (distant from Yoda) and shoot Yoda, that falls when trying to avoid being hit by the lasers.

  1. I don’t think Padme’s labor should be seen. Besides giving away that Luke and Leia are brothers, if Padme lives, it doesn’t give a good explanation to why Luke was separated from Padme and his sister. I think it would be enough if we see Natalie Portman scene in Ana Bolena with a baby girl. That way someone who sees the prequels think she only had one baby girl (preserving the secret of Luke being Darth Vader’s son) and avoiding giving a decent explanation to why Luke was separated from his mother.

Anyway, just my two cents. I don’t know if someone else already suggested those ideas.

Other than that, I really appreciated your edit. Great work Hal, I’m still trying to download the 2 previous movies in order to see them.


chyron8472 said:

I have no problems, really… except I still prefer the scene replacing the Death Star with Coruscant.

I have some questions: Why was the Death Star replaced by Coruscant? What purpose serves really? I mean, i dont think its a bad idea, is just that I dont get it, why that change was made??

I don’t really care if it’s in the shape of a movie, or a cartoon tv-series, or if it’s on videogames and books. Neither if it’s canon or legends; I love all my Star Wars (yes, even the prequels).

“Laugh it up, Fuzz ball.”

Oh wait, no, not all of it, don’t count the Holiday Special on it.


Edezio Enk’or Valorum said:

chyron8472 said:

I have no problems, really… except I still prefer the scene replacing the Death Star with Coruscant.

I have some questions: Why was the Death Star replaced by Coruscant? What purpose serves really? I mean, i dont think its a bad idea, is just that I dont get it, why that change was made??

Do you mean “why was the Death Star replaced with Coruscant” or “why was the replacement of the Death Star with Coruscant then replaced with the Death Star again?”

I like for the Death Star’s construction to still be on the drawing board at this point. I mean, it’s 18 years or so until it’s completed. That’s a long time to be working on it only to have it rebuilt bigger and better just a few years after the first one is destroyed.

But Hal ultimately liked the scene with the Death Star in it better. I just disagree.

Hal 9000 said:

I am of two minds regarding the Death Star scene. I’m erring on the side of caution, I guess. It’s not part of the story of the prequels, and only appears during the pre-ANH traileresque ending montage. (There’s no reason to involve Geonosis or Dooku; at least here it remains an Imperial project.) I prefer to have Coruscant, technically, but emotionally feel the Death Star is what gives the scene its weight.
However, anyone wanting to hack at my cuts to tweak to their liking, it’d be a quick fix.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


I mean it as a ‘‘Why was the Death Star replaced with Coruscant’’, I think I dont get the exact purpose of it, I believe that change was on V3 of the edit? I dont remember quite well, but I still dont get it haha

I don’t really care if it’s in the shape of a movie, or a cartoon tv-series, or if it’s on videogames and books. Neither if it’s canon or legends; I love all my Star Wars (yes, even the prequels).

“Laugh it up, Fuzz ball.”

Oh wait, no, not all of it, don’t count the Holiday Special on it.


I dislike the unnecessary inclusion of the Death Star as part of a very abrupt slideshow of placing everything neatly how it is as ANH begins.
Unfortunately, I think the scene feels ‘edited’ when we have Tarkin joining Palpatine to gaze out the window and miming “I’ll leave you two to it” without the Death Star.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


It would have been cool if they had been overseeing construction of the Imperial Fleet, consisting of thousands of Star Destroyers and support craft. Something like this:
Planetary Shipyard except that the planet would clearly be a non-Coruscant world such as Corellia.

JEDIT: Looks like Bingowings beat me to it by about 8 years: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Prequel-Radical-Redux-Ideas-Thread/id/9911/page/15

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

I dislike the unnecessary inclusion of the Death Star as part of a very abrupt slideshow of placing everything neatly how it is as ANH begins.
Unfortunately, I think the scene feels ‘edited’ when we have Tarkin joining Palpatine to gaze out the window and miming “I’ll leave you two to it” without the Death Star.

I believe this may have been mentioned before and although this may not be necessary for Hal’s edit, I think a good solution would be to use some photoshop wizardry to put the laser dish on the station’s equator. It would suggest that this is not the same Death Star we see in the OT, but possibly a smaller prototype. This would also connect with the schematics in the Death Star plans the Rebels steal, since that also features a version where the dish is on the equator.


That would be really cool.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I don’t see the issue here, especially since R1 (my favorite SW movie as you may all know) strongly implies that the DS project took a long time to reach completion.


Hal 9000 said:

I think the scene feels ‘edited’ when we have Tarkin joining Palpatine to gaze out the window and miming “I’ll leave you two to it” without the Death Star.

Yes, and I disagree. I think the scene feels forced with the Death Star in it. Like another fan-service-y reference to the OT. Tarkin is there, but being involved in that project surely has not been his only job. (I have not read the book “Tarkin” yet so I don’t know his official backstory.)

At some point, when I actually get around to it, I’m going to reinsert Coruscant into Hal’s then-latest edit (since the version with it doesn’t also have the Russian Vader scream and I liked that as well.)

…and also insert Hal’s (or L8wrtr’s) space battle over Naboo into Q2’s edit, but that’s off topic for this thread.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Now you’re talking! It’s the only way to be happy with this stuff.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I love this edit Hal 9000, it’s the only cut of Episode 3 I will watch. There is only one main criticism I have, as I’ve stated above.


1anakin said:

I love your Edit Hal9000, it’s the only cut of Episode 3 I will watch. There’s only that one main criticism I have stated above.

Indeed, Episode 3 is great. Unfortunately I couldn’t find Episode 1 and 2 to see.


RogueLeader said:

Hal 9000 said:

I dislike the unnecessary inclusion of the Death Star as part of a very abrupt slideshow of placing everything neatly how it is as ANH begins.
Unfortunately, I think the scene feels ‘edited’ when we have Tarkin joining Palpatine to gaze out the window and miming “I’ll leave you two to it” without the Death Star.

I believe this may have been mentioned before and although this may not be necessary for Hal’s edit, I think a good solution would be to use some photoshop wizardry to put the laser dish on the station’s equator. It would suggest that this is not the same Death Star we see in the OT, but possibly a smaller prototype. This would also connect with the schematics in the Death Star plans the Rebels steal, since that also features a version where the dish is on the equator.

Couldn’t resist mocking that up.


And, you know, if anyone wanted to keep it in Episode II, a possibility:


Hal 9000 this edit is the finest fan edit ever made, I mean it 100%!!!


This is my first post
I was a fan of the old star wars movies…unfortunately the prequels where really a mess,there are some excellent parts,but some other are sh…,the history of a fallen paladin could be told in many differents ways(arthas in warcraft is a perfect example)but the fallen of Anakin is really stupid…I viewed some fanedits (anti-chesse,no jar-jar)but they were not good enough

the force awakens almost got my faith in star wars completely lost,its the same film (avatar/pocahontas)(armageddon/deep impact)…and again stupid things that didnt added anything

but thanks to the rogue one movie I´m interested in the star wars series again

I searched again for a better fanedit and I could only find the third chapter…it is much better than the original

I also read the edits you made and I agree with you in almost everything

Where could I get the links for the prequels…and for the force awakens


PM sent

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


@HAL 9000, I would also appreciate a link to at least 2 & 3. Just showed my roommate Rogue One, and she’s jonesing to see the prequels, but I’d feel like a bad person if I showed her the originals. Would much rather show her a good version. 😉



PM me these things, people, please.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I am sorry guys, I am new here… would anyone help me find out how to watch Hal 9000’s fan edits? are they torrents? I’ve not messed with torrent sites much either


Did you bother to read the thread, like at all? For example the post right above yours? Although he does probably get bombarded with pms as it is