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adywan, there's still a few things concerning the 'Medical Frigate' that I'm interested to know if you're planning to do something with, or not, but I'll need to go into them over 3 seperate posts to make things easier for me to describe properly -

Here's the first thing -

Shot 1 -  In this first series of screenshots showing the initial shot of the 'Medical Frigate' coming towards us, the 'window' bay is not 'lit' up...

Shot 2 -  ...but when we then immediately cut to this next shot below, the 'window' bay is 'lit' up now...

Shot 3 -  ...then we cut to this shot...

Shot 4 -  ...then we cut to this shot...

 Shot 5 -  ...then we cut to this shot...

Shot 6 -  ...then we cut to this shot...

Do you reckon you are able to give a hint of a 'light' glow to the 'window' that is currently 'greyed' out in Shot 1, so that it ties in with the glow we can see in Shot 2(I doubt that you'd be able to show a tiny C3PO and R2 at the 'window' of this moving shot...but then they haven't necessarily gone over to the window until a few moments later anyway, so it wouldn't matter, lol)  But a hint of a 'light' glow would be good at least, if possible.

Although my first choice would be to see a hint of 'light' added to Shot 1, you could alternatively just also 'grey' out the one seen in Shot 2 as well, so that it wouldn't be so jarring...and we'd then just focus on the 'lit' up 'window' by the time we get to see it properly in close-up in Shot 5See what you think.


Here's the second thing -

Do you reckon you are going to be able to make the shape of the miniature's inset 'window' match the angles of the full-scale one, even though it's a moving shot?


Here's the third thing -

Do you think there should be a slight hint of the 'miniature's outer protruding detail seen in Shot 1 added to the left of the full-scale 'window' seen in Shot 2, or not?  (I'm uncertain about this, but am interested to see if you reckon it would be visible at all, due to the angle that we see out of the full-size 'window' in Shot 2)

Shot 1 -

Shot 2 -

Here's how things look directly from the outside, which may help to decide if anything would show, or not...

...and here's a larger version so that it's clearer -  http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1145/starwars54453.jpg


Here's the fourth and final thing -

Is it going to be possible for you to add a glimpse of C3PO and R2 as seen in Shot 2 into the right-hand side of the miniature 'window' seen in Shot 1, even though it's a moving shot?

If so, due to the angle, do you reckon that we would see a portion of them both, or just R2?  C3PO is initially close to the edge of the full-scale 'window' in Shot 2, which matches where he's positioned when we eventually see him in Shot 3 below...

Shot 3 -

...but while R2 is situated in a spot where we'd likely see a portion of him in the miniature's 'window', I'm curious if you reckon we'd also see a little of C3PO's right arm, or not, from that angle...since he doesn't step nearer towards R2 until a little afterwards...


I'm looking forward to seeing if anything can be done with any of these things.


ImperialFighter said:

Is it going to be possible for you to add a glimpse of C3PO and R2 as seen in Shot 2 into the right-hand side of the miniature 'window' seen in Shot 1, even though it's a moving shot?

Wow, that'd be something. As usual, good thinking. Your posts are crazy! (in a good way) It would make sense, as they're only a couple of feet back from the window, but that sounds like it could be a lot of work to get it to play smoothly.

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Hi everyone,

I have a few questions regarding Ady's 1980 theatrical reconstruction of the empire strikes back.....

What exactly was restored with this version of the film? Where there improvements to the color timing, etc? Also, this is not the special edition I would imagine?

Lastly, where can a person download a copy of this film?

"Remember, the force will be with you....always."



ImperialFighter said:

Here's the second thing -

Do you reckon you are going to be able to make the shape of the miniature's inset 'window' match the angles of the full-scale one, even though it's a moving shot?

Would it be easier to change the window in the bottom static shot from inside to match how it appears from the outside (that way you don't have to worry about rotoscoping with the movement)?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


ImperialFighter said:

Shot 2 -

Shot 3 -



A couple of extra points:
should we be able to see the galaxy/forming star in the first shot with 3P0 (being that you can see it move slowly from the right to the left of the screen in the final shot seen directly above, which would place it's visual origins off to the far right of the screen in Shot #2)?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


uyrnihssi said:

Hi everyone,

I have a few questions regarding Ady's 1980 theatrical reconstruction of the empire strikes back.....

What exactly was restored with this version of the film? Where there improvements to the color timing, etc? Also, this is not the special edition I would imagine?

Lastly, where can a person download a copy of this film?

Wrong thread, pal:



I apologize for the inconvenience........pal.

"Remember, the force will be with you....always."



Monroville said:

ImperialFighter said:

Shot 2 -

Shot 3 -

A couple of extra points:
should we be able to see the galaxy/forming star in the first shot with 3P0 (being that you can see it move slowly from the right to the left of the screen in the final shot seen directly above, which would place it's visual origins off to the far right of the screen in Shot #2)?

I don't think the placing of the galaxy/star thingie is that big of a deal.  The fleet may have adjusted their course from the one moment to the next.

And you pals could relax a bit.

John McClane said:

Welcome to the party, pal!


In the Christmas clip I noticed the fishing line atached to the rock that Luke stacks. Can that be fixed Adywan?


I've never seen this fishing line. Can anyone circle it for me? I've looked and looked!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

I've never seen this fishing line. Can anyone circle it for me? I've looked and looked!

 Here it is. I raised the brightness and contrast for it to be visible, but it is much more visible in motion.

Ady, I just realized that the shot where we see Yoda after he fell off Luke's feet is a flipped shot (the bump above his eyebrow is above the other eyebrow, and the ears are mirrored). Will this shot stay flipped or can it be fixed? If it can't be fixed, it's fine if it stays flipped, it's not too noticeable.


As I said earlier it's noticeable on the mkv version of the clip (though the wink illusion isn't).


The Golden Idol said:

Ady, I just realized that the shot where we see Yoda after he fell off Luke's feet is a flipped shot (the bump above his eyebrow is above the other eyebrow, and the ears are mirrored). Will this shot stay flipped or can it be fixed? If it can't be fixed, it's fine if it stays flipped, it's not too noticeable.
Not only does that remain a flip shot due to not having another shot, Ady has to use it again in it's proper place later in the scene to show how Yoda got up on the mound so fast. I think Yoda's new expression is perfect, and makes up for it.

I started on some comparisons, but my computer was being stupid yesterday.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


vaderios said:

DarthJarJar said:

I like my Dagobah gloomy. I like vignettes and I like mattes. I don't mind if they look like they are painted. Sometimes I like them BECAUSE they look like paintings. Great paintings.

That's not to say I don't like Adys changes. I loved ANH:R and I am excited about all the changes in ESB:R. I just wanted to say that I have a love of the old fashioned arts of movie making.

Ady released a pre SE version of ESB ;) Its full of the stuff you like in the best quality available. You can check it ;) There you will find "your dagobah"



As I said, I like the stuff Ady has done. IN ANH:R he enhanced some mattes but they are still there. He revisited with a light touch. Even when he did cut loose with his big changes (DS reveal and the battle of Yavin) I felt he was spot on (particularly the battle which is now epic).

In ESB I love some of the SE stuff, such as the windows in cloud city but I hate the vader shuttle sequence / Boba Fett's voice and the Emperor's dialogue. It looks like Ady is removing/fixing all these but keeping the stuff I like and giving it a polish too. The best of both worlds.


AuggieBenDoggie said:

The shuttle replacement looks great also. Did you use the audio from the original Tie Shuttle or did you use the sound from one of the imperial shuttle's used in Jedi?

The audio is from the GOUT as i use this as a sync basis for the edit. It will be different in the final mix.

The Golden Idol said:

Hey Ady, that was an amazing clip, but I noticed that on the Stardestroyer that releases Needa's shuttle (great work on the new shuttle, by the way!), the two "prongs" - the two curved sticks on the underside of the SD - flicker a bit around the 5:19 mark on the YouTube video.

Also, the Yoda enhancements are absolutely fantastic, but have you ever considered doing some occassional minor movements on Yoda's brow? Maybe a slightly raised or furrowed brow would give him a bit more expression in some quick moments? I think a slightly raised brow would look great for the "That is why you fail" line. Because the mouth movements and blinks are pretty much perfect, but a bit more brow movement would totally sell the lifelike-ness of Yoda.

I don't know what happened to cause the flicker, but it's an easy fix.

I did try adding some tweaks to the rest of his face but it really didn't work too well. It looked a bit fake so i dropped the idea

JediBorota said:

Yesterday was my birthday and that was such a great treat to see that clip, especially since it had Yoda in it.

Happy belated birthday JediBorota

AuggieBenDoggie said:

Ady Just curious, but did you use AE for the creation of that Shuttle insert or did somebody else render that shot with Lightwave or 3DSMax?

I'm pretty sure that the guy who is doing the CG uses 3DSMax

TML said:

As I said before, amazing work ady. I hate to deviate from the recent clip, but I have a quick question about the Battle of Hoth. I remember seeing ady saying something about shooting/adding ground troops to the battle. Does anyone know if he means adding Snowtroopers to the shots or adding more Rebel Soldiers, or both?

No, there will be no added snowtroopers. It's just going to be filming for rebel troops to replace some bad elements and some background characters.

The Golden Idol said:

doubleofive said:

I said this on the FB copy and want to see if I'm just crazy: am I the only person who thinks the X-Wing should be starting to slip into the swamp as R2 to turning to watch it? 1. Why would he turn to look if he didn't suspect something and 2 I think it goes from perfectly still and all the way out of the water to the last part of it sinking rather quickly.

 I completely agree. Ady, what do you think?

Also, in the shot directly following the part where Luke fails to raise the X-Wing, Yoda closes his eyes in disappointment. When he closes his eyes, his right eye closes much quicker than his left. Is this going to be left in, or will you fix that?

I actually prefer not knowing that there is anything wrong with the X-wing until R2 goes nuts and puts Luke off his concentration. R2 could just be sensing something that we are unable to see or hear. And i don't think that Yoda's eye needs fixing

Bingowings said:

I think I've detect the reason behind the perceived 'wink'.

The mkv version of the clip wasn't playing on my laptop version of Vlc (it's an older mac and Vlc is no longer supporting that version of OSx with upgrades) so I had only the Boobtube version to judge it by.

When Yoda screws his face up in disappointment it drew my attention (and presumably the attention of others) to the right side of his face so I only saw the left side of the blink which registered as a wink. It's such a compelling illusion that I can still see it even though I know it's not there (check out the clip on youtube and see if you can confirm this).

I loaded the mkv over onto my big Mac and on a larger monitor it's clearly a blink and not a wink (sorry if this caused any anxiety) but I did see the still very noticeable wire/thread lowering the top rock down during the telekinesis training, which isn't noticeable on the smaller screen (I don't know if you intend to do something about that).

yeh, it's probably down to youtubes bad compression. I missed the wire. Will have to go fix that.

gobalicious said:

Great work.

I can't help but notice Yoda's ears.  They vibrate a lot as he moves his head.  It seems that real cartilage is stiffer than whatever the puppet is made of.  Try flicking your own ears.

Yodas vibrating ears are part of his charm and it also seems to add age to him. This is something i would never think of changing

TheBoost said:

But with Yoda the blinks feel unnessesary. All joking aside, look at any Michael Caine perofrmance. The man never blinks. Neither did Yoda.

A few people have commented on the blinks. The most commented on one was his final blink just before he says "that, is why you fail.." where it's been said that it looks too fake and that Yoda doesn't blink. Well that one right there isn't new. It's original and there in 1980. Others have commented that they are either too slow or too fast. Well it can't be both. It may just be down to the fact that they're new and you're not use to seeing him blink.

Jaitea said:

If you could contact this guy Ady.......the best CG Falcon I've ever seen......you might not need to build that Fine Molds one :]



That's a nice model but there is no way i would use CG when i could use a model. The CG model that is being used for ESB:R is very highly detailed, just like that one and it has great textures.

ImperialFighter said:

But until then, here's a little something that I'd also like to hightlight.  It's just a brief thing, but it's certainly something that always catches my eye now.  It concerns the shots where Han enters the rebel hangar and dismounts -

At the end of the top shot, as shown here, there is a Snowspeeder situated beside the 'ice pillar' behind Han and his Taun-Taun...

...but when we then immediately cut to Han dismounting in close-up, we suddenly see the rear engines of an X-wing appear beside the pillar...

 Is it possible for you to 'erase' the engines in the close-up of Han, so that we'd only see the 'ice pillar' here, so that this isn't such a jarring continuity error any more?

Yes, i will be erasing the engines.

Captain Antilles said:

Hello, all!

Things have been a bit tumultuous around here lately!

I've been stalking these forums for quite some time now and figured I might as well join already. I don't really have anything to say yet, but I figured I'd introduce myself! =)

Welcome to the madhouse Captain Antilles

zombie84 said:

I am sure none of those are vignettes from the lens. It's an intentional lighting and filter effect. It looks great, very atmospheric and painterly. I hope it's not taken away, it would diminish the terrific deliberate composition and lighting of Kersh and Suschitzski's and make everything look boring and flat. It's hard to get vignettes on longer lenses like those anyway, unless they were on a zoom, which they likely weren't, as Kersh shot pretty much all on primes. The "vignetting effect"-look is a deliberate stylization in my opinion, not an error to be erased, it's part of the look of the film.

I won't be eliminating the Vignettes unless it's in a shot that i have to replace most of the elements.

Kenobius Prime said:

Umm, wow.  :(

My only "suggestion" about the scene is that the X-wing still needs to be dripping on it's journey to the shore.  Hopefully that, if it can be done believeably, will help the model and background plate look more like they both exist in the same space.

It's very difficult to add the dripping water without it jumping out as fake. This is something i may well have to leave it the way it is.

Monroville said:

Another note: nothing big again, but either when Luke is trying to lift up the X-wing or any other shot, will there be any implication of the path the X-wing took to crash into the shore?  As it stands, the X-wing would have travelled through some majorly thick trees to crash where it is (which would have killed Luke), short of him crashing straight down in a nose dive.

In this sequence there isn't any angle that you would see it's flightpath through the trees

ImperialFighter, the medical frigate is a bit of a problem. It's going to be very hard to add the interior in the first shot. I haven't given up hope but there aren't any shots of the interior from that angle that i could add the missing elements. The shot that pans across from the falcon you can now see the droids in the window. The outer edges of the window i don't know if you would see it or not from the inside at those angles. I doubt i would be adding anything like that.

Monroville said:

A couple of extra points:
should we be able to see the galaxy/forming star in the first shot with 3P0 (being that you can see it move slowly from the right to the left of the screen in the final shot seen directly above, which would place it's visual origins off to the far right of the screen in Shot #2)?

I have erased the galaxy/forming star from the first 2 shots as there is no way you'd see it that early.






adywan said:

Yodas vibrating ears are part of his charm and it also seems to add age to him. This is something i would never think of changing


One of the things that I liked about the Yoda cgi in Episodes II and III was that they incorporated his vibrating ears.... and his rather imprecise lip synch.  A nice touch by true fans of the original trilogy.

Too bad their boss was a little off his rocker!


It might be possible to build a small model of the section of the interior of the medical frigate seen from those angles (enough to get the lighting and a bit of the floor right) and drop it into the shots where the lights are out.

From those angles you wouldn't see much anyway but if you followed the general sweep of the model it could slip in nicely.

The model needn't even be that big from that limited view it wouldn't really need be much bigger than a margarine tub.

You can't see the chair or the medical equipment and the droids might have moved into position while the camera was fixed on the Falcon.

I'd imagine some people would be tempted to use CGI to do it but I don't really think it's necessary.



Bingowings said:

It might be possible to build a small model of the section of the interior of the medical frigate seen from those angles (enough to get the lighting and a bit of the floor right) and drop it into the shots where the lights are out.

From those angles you wouldn't see much anyway but if you followed the general sweep of the model it could slip in nicely.

Something else to keep in mind as well: the inner window is not completely parallel to the outer one, as seen in this shot:

Thus, you may not be able to see into the medical bay at this angle (though it may still be lit up a bit more from the ambient light coming from inside the medical bay room).

EDIT: never mind; after looking at a much bigger version of the frigate shot above, it is clear that you would indeed see inside the medical bay, as highlighted here:

you have some really good 3D artists over at DeviantArt.com that could take the wall in the close-up window shot (#2 above), apply it to a 3D model, create a floor and roto it to the window above.  The camera focuses in on the Falcon, so you would not need anything hyper-detailed - just enough to light the window up and add some inner detail.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


A few other frigate ideas/points/whatnot:


will the frigate engines be changed to have a similar blue glow per the transport and Star Destroyers (or an orange one, or even a more pure white)?  As it is, the engine glow is pretty pekid.


should the window be modified ie. lit up more to better match the interior lighting, as well as how the window looks in the first pan from the Falcon to it (as seen in my previous post)?

May want to also check ship hull colors to make sure they retain consistent coloring (as the prior pre-mod shot frigate hull is brown-grey).  Could also consider creating a 3D model of the basic room, whereupon you could overlay the floor, ceiling and walls (kind of how James Cameron took photos of buildings and then glued them onto cardboard cut-outs for the buildings in ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK - yes, those buildings Snake Plissken flies over in his glider are cardboard boxes with photos on them), and the figures would be imposed on 3D stick figures within the 3D room to give some depth to the window image.  As it stands now, it looks very much like a photo projection (and thus, very flat).


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


adywan said:

ImperialFighter, the medical frigate is a bit of a problem. It's going to be very hard to add the interior in the first shot. I haven't given up hope but there aren't any shots of the interior from that angle that i could add the missing elements. The shot that pans across from the falcon you can now see the droids in the window. The outer edges of the window i don't know if you would see it or not from the inside at those angles. I doubt i would be adding anything like that.

Ady, I don't know if I mentioned it, but I actually have an inside/outside analysis of the medical frigate ongoing, with blueprint of the inside set as well as the frigate model, that should be very helpful to figuring out what should be done with these shots. I've been too busy with other things lately, but I'll try to finish it and post it soon if I can…


Ady any word for this?

I saw clearer the fade you did to fix the ground bending when hi pass next to yoda.

I see some sharp edge in the bottom of the fade. Like you put a still image (more like it) and you forgot to fade/paint the rest of the edges to match the overall shot.

I hope you gonna fix this :)





YOu know I never can spot this bending effect that everyone talks about

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?