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shanerjedi said:

I would keep at least the classic first reveal of the scout in the film. The Luke one could go, but like Binx said: just Bow it up. :p




Jinkx Jinks the name is JINKX I bear no relation to that buffoon of which you just spoke, (the scary thing is I was known as Bar Bar Jinkx years before Ep 1 was announced )

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


BarBar Jinkx said:

shanerjedi said:

I would keep at least the classic first reveal of the scout in the film. The Luke one could go, but like Binx said: just Bow it up. :p




Jinkx Jinks the name is JINKX I bear no relation to that buffoon of which you just spoke, (the scary thing is I was known as Bar Bar Jinkx years before Ep 1 was announced )

It is as if you prophecised your fandom of the phantom!!!!

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Moth3r said:

... this has nothing to do with Ep V Revisited.


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Moth3r is probably annoyed at having to quote himself as a reminder to someone so soon after he originally said it.

Just helping out when Ric is not around.

As for the AT-ST, I kinda find it funny that there are people who didn't notice it. I've always found that, since they're shown so briefly, they stick out like a sore thumb. Before I saw ROTJ, I thought "wow, they have two-legged ones too?!" To that end, I'd hate to see them go in ESB:R, especially if Ady could smooth the animation a bit, but I can also understand why it would be taken out.

But seriously, where do y'alls think that the AT-ST is more impractical; Hoth or Endor? :p Tripping on logs and Ewoks, or tripping on chunks of ice and cracks in the ground? Sure they have big feet, but blimey, it must have some supercomputer that scans the ground around it all the time...

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In terms of practicality none of the walkers really make sense in a universe where landspeeders and other gravity repulsed vehicles exist.

I think their main plus point is fear in which case an urban environment would be a frightening place to meet something like that (which goes all the way back to H G Wells).

The AT-ST would possibly have a much easier time on Hoth than on Endor but they need to be doing something that the AT-ATs can't do.

Darting in and out and picking targets for the big guns to fire on (they would be rather like the Imperials version of a Tauntaun, the Imps love throwing technology around).

That would require adding new special effects elements into the existing footage to really pull off.

Perhaps something Ady can't provide, afford or doesn't see as vital for what he wants to do (though I would love to see somebody do it).

Either way I would prefer to keep them in in some capacity and blowing up the one that later causes continuity problems would be adding a Wow! to what was in the day a Wow! moment.


Bingowings said:

In terms of practicality none of the walkers really make sense in a universe where landspeeders and other gravity repulsed vehicles exist.

Yes, definitely a case for the 'coolness' factor. And I'm glad they chose coolness over practicality in this case. :)

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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My Retro blog


Ripplin said:


But seriously, where do y'alls think that the AT-ST is more impractical; Hoth or Endor? :p Tripping on logs and Ewoks, or tripping on chunks of ice and cracks in the ground? Sure they have big feet, but blimey, it must have some supercomputer that scans the ground around it all the time...

 You mean like C3-PO must have in order to demonstrate bipedal motion?

To ramble more on the ATST, I like them becasue they make the battle seem larger, more interesting. We don't need complicated explanations of their use and tactics. Just a glimpse of them, and our imagination fills in the rest. Just that little touch adds depth the Star Wars universe


TheBoost said:

Ripplin said:


But seriously, where do y'alls think that the AT-ST is more impractical; Hoth or Endor? :p Tripping on logs and Ewoks, or tripping on chunks of ice and cracks in the ground? Sure they have big feet, but blimey, it must have some supercomputer that scans the ground around it all the time...

 You mean like C3-PO must have in order to demonstrate bipedal motion?

You mean, they have eyes? ;-)

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doubleofive said:

TheBoost said:

Ripplin said:

  it must have some supercomputer that scans the ground around it all the time...

 You mean like C3-PO must have in order to demonstrate bipedal motion?

You mean, they have eyes? ;-)

 Speakinga s the father of a 7 month old, walking on two legs is ridiculously complicated.


Ripplin said:

Just helping out when Ric is not around.

Perhaps, but it's not done with the same amount of handsomeness, now is it?


I know I wrote something completely different last time but the more I think about it the more I want the AT-ST to stay in the movie.


As someone else added above, the scout walkers add visual interest and depth to the SW universe.



Personally, I'd miss the scout walkers if they were removed. I agree that they could stand a bit of effects work, but I'd really feel like something was missing if they were gone completely.



scout walkers = whatever

It's a box on legs.


A 50 foot Gonk droid could be an unstoppable force.


What is a gonk droids primary function? Do they follow you in case you need to throw garbage away.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Going by their name in the Kenner range and their use in games, Gonk droids are mobile power sources, I personally prefer to think of them as the robotic version of the sandwich-board men (presumably advertising Gonk Burgers).

adywan said:

i've done a bit of tweaking to the latest preview shot, so here is the final version

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Adywan's new 'avatar' seems to show a new shot....just and no more....  EDIT - well it did, until he changed his avatar again....  :)

Here's a preview from nearer the start of the same shot from earlier in the year.  If you look at Adywan's 'avatar' (just click onto page 1 of this thread) you can get an idea of the cloud-car's movement.

It will be good to see (and hear) it back in this shot.


Ripplin said:

Nicely spotted, IF. I hadn't seen Ady's new avy. I remember the first time he changed it, I had to clear my cache to see it. :p

Angel told me last night, and I said NO IT ISN'T. He even sent me a picture of it. So I went to the thread and it was still the same old Avatar. I had to clear my cache as well, and even refreshed the page.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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