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My personal feeling on the Wampa scene is that the SE footage should remain. I do feel as though there should be some editing done to the scene, but I think that the new scenes with the Wampa actually look good. So many of the CGI creatures in the new trilogy look terribly fake. The Wampa actually looks frightening, especially seeing it covered in blood and eating. In general, I am not a fan of most of the new footage that Lucas added, but the Wampa was one scene that I enjoyed seeing. I always thought the original shot of the Wampa's hand hitting Luke looked phony, so there is certainly room for improvement, but I always wanted to see more of the Wampa. It would be a shame to see it go.

Of course, I believe Adywan will end up making the right choice, but I do hope some of the new Wampa shots remain.



Oldfan said:

My personal feeling on the Wampa scene is that the SE footage should remain. I do feel as though there should be some editing done to the scene, but I think that the new scenes with the Wampa actually look good. So many of the CGI creatures in the new trilogy look terribly fake. The Wampa actually looks frightening, especially seeing it covered in blood and eating. In general, I am not a fan of most of the new footage that Lucas added, but the Wampa was one scene that I enjoyed seeing. I always thought the original shot of the Wampa's hand hitting Luke looked phony, so there is certainly room for improvement, but I always wanted to see more of the Wampa. It would be a shame to see it go.

A man after my own heart.

On a less serious note, has anyone ever wondered how the wampa got Luke's feet frozen to the cave ceiling like this? LOL.

“Anakin had those qualities so rarely seen, exuding an unmistakable confidence and yet still able to touch one’s heart in simply knowing how he was so flawed… wounded.”

Darth Hade said:

Oldfan said:

My personal feeling on the Wampa scene is that the SE footage should remain. I do feel as though there should be some editing done to the scene, but I think that the new scenes with the Wampa actually look good. So many of the CGI creatures in the new trilogy look terribly fake. The Wampa actually looks frightening, especially seeing it covered in blood and eating. In general, I am not a fan of most of the new footage that Lucas added, but the Wampa was one scene that I enjoyed seeing. I always thought the original shot of the Wampa's hand hitting Luke looked phony, so there is certainly room for improvement, but I always wanted to see more of the Wampa. It would be a shame to see it go.

A man after my own heart.

On a less serious note, has anyone ever wondered how the wampa got Luke's feet frozen to the cave ceiling like this? LOL.

It's the Wampa's saliva.

Ever stick your tongue to a frozen pole?



Maybe someday Lucas will restore the scene where the Wampa picks Luke up, slobbers all over his feet and tacks him to the ceiling of the cave. I am sure this is way he always envisioned it.


There are really ought to be a thread in Off Topic about the cultural and language differnces between both sides of the pond.  Maybe I'll understand Harry Potter a bit more. 


So, um... anyone have any covers put together for this project?


We wouldnt understand a word of what each other was getting at if we did!

Almost in the same way as this thread goes sometimes ;-P

And, urm, yeah, i should leave that for the time being methinks...


Yeah, thanks Ripplin, thats why i should have left it.

But thats EXACTLY what i mean (what the hell did he just say then???)


Sluggo said:

So, um... anyone have any covers put together for this project?


 Adywan said he'll be making an original painting for the cover, just like he did for SW:R.


ok, a quick update:

Not very happy today. Some little asshole decided it would be fun to try and break into our car by trying to force the passenger window open and they knocked the whole window into the car door and screwed the electric mechanism up. A nice little extra bill for us to pay. The police won't do anything because he is under social services care and a smack head, so he is just getting a slap on the wrist while we have to fork out over £100 to fix the car and we can't  leave it outside the house without a window in this area and the wife needs it for work. What pisses me off is that it was at 5pm and the neighbours were all just watching him do it. And to top it all is that i may be having to go to court because i hurt him when i tackled the little asshole. Don't you just love the great British justice system. God i hate chavs. So there is no way i can get the powerpack now until after xmas. The money we had spare to go towards the powerpack now is gone (apart from the couple of donations i received so far, that isn't being touched).  I really need your help for this guys, and you know how much i hate asking. There is no possible way i can afford over £100 for a powerpack without some help. I was thinking of just getting a cheap powerpack to tide me over but i was advised against it due to the amount of hard drives and power that my machine needs. I have to have at least 1000w now (true power because many so called 1000w supplies are actually only 700w true power) I can't afford to risk any damage to this machine so i'm not risking a low grade one. If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. My paypal account address is in my signiture. thanks

anyway, sorry for the lack of updates but i don't get much of a chance to go on the net at the moment because i have to use my wifes work laptop. But i will try and catch up on all the suggestions as soon as i can



Sluggo said:

So, um... anyone have any covers put together for this project?


Bit early, innit? However, I made my covers and disc art for the whole set of Revisited films (with placeholder text and such obviously) at the same time as my ANH one; if you want I could upload a preview in a couple days. I won't upload the full-res version until the film and DVD features are finalised.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


I'm so sorry Adywan, you should come to the U.S.A, Justice would be served, maybe Lol.

I Don't have the money, for I am but a pesent, living off....never mind.

Good luck, and I'm sorry.

(PS, Come to Florida! I have Food)

The person your searching for simply does not exist


I was just trying to get the topic back on track, but I think Ady did it for us.

That sucks, Ady.  I'll take a look at my next check and see if I can't help a bit.


I been noticing a lot of house sized pot-holes in this journey, It's not just majic, it's agents of evil. Lock your door ady, protect your children! Lets all fill these holes!


What am I talking about. I'll lock my mouth! Doh.

The person your searching for simply does not exist


Unbelievable, Ady. It's like putting out a woman that's on fire and saving her life, then being sued by her because you touched her thigh or something, which she considered harrassment.

Hate to say so, but this really reminds me of an episode of "King of the Hill" when they unknowingly hired a druggie at Strickland Propane. Then they couldn't fire him because it was against the law to do so. It took Hank quitting (which he would never in a million years do, normally) to lower the number of employees and bring a hiring loophole into play to get rid of that loser. You start to know how Batman feels when you see the common man getting pushed around like this. :p

Anyway, I hope I can contribute again sometime. (you're only the second person/thing/corporation I've ever donated to in my internet career, y'know!) I hate to hear of these setbacks, especially when it's something totally out of your control.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

My dumberer blog

My Retro blog

adywan said:

ok, a quick update:

Not very happy today. Some little asshole decided it would be fun to try and break into our car by trying to force the passenger window open and they knocked the whole window into the car door and screwed the electric mechanism up. A nice little extra bill for us to pay. The police won't do anything because he is under social services care and a smack head, so he is just getting a slap on the wrist while we have to fork out over £100 to fix the car and we can't  leave it outside the house without a window in this area and the wife needs it for work. What pisses me off is that it was at 5pm and the neighbours were all just watching him do it. And to top it all is that i may be having to go to court because i hurt him when i tackled the little asshole. Don't you just love the great British justice system. God i hate chavs. So there is no way i can get the powerpack now until after xmas. The money we had spare to go towards the powerpack now is gone (apart from the couple of donations i received so far, that isn't being touched).  I really need your help for this guys, and you know how much i hate asking. There is no possible way i can afford over £100 for a powerpack without some help. I was thinking of just getting a cheap powerpack to tide me over but i was advised against it due to the amount of hard drives and power that my machine needs. I have to have at least 1000w now (true power because many so called 1000w supplies are actually only 700w true power) I can't afford to risk any damage to this machine so i'm not risking a low grade one. If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. My paypal account address is in my signiture. thanks

anyway, sorry for the lack of updates but i don't get much of a chance to go on the net at the moment because i have to use my wifes work laptop. But i will try and catch up on all the suggestions as soon as i can

Heck, I'll chip in to help buy the power supply for you just to get the wheel turning again Adywan. Love what you are doing, I really enjoyed Star Wars revisited. I've tried doing this type of thing myself on my own computer; a colour filter edit. It is very, very time consuming and in the end I gave up on it. Plus you're doing more than just a fixing the colours, so you must be a very dedicated man.



Adywan, just sent a little love to your paypal account to help with your equipment needs......peace....


Check's in the mail... err... bits are in the interwebs?


Something tells me that saying is going to go out of style soon...