adywan said:
Things are progressing very nicely now. Wampa body is completed and all that is left to do for the costume is the adding the detailing, like dirtying and adding the ice etc.

I’ve been meaning to say how terrific this was looking since you posted it a while back, adywan!
Most of us are aware of the huge amount of work you’ve already had to put into this Wampa, and there’s no doubt that your final touches to it will make it even more impressive…so I’m sorry to read that it now seems to be giving you problems.
As far as I know, your intention was to re-film the Wampa’s first ‘roaring’ appearances along with it’s later ‘cave lunge’, so that everything looked consistent. And perhaps you even had a quite different-looking ‘cave lunge’ movement in mind compared to the original one, too?
However, if there’s really no way to do the exact replacement shots you wished to do, then perhaps you’d be able to compromise on what you’d originally planned? - the movie’s initial ‘roaring’ puppet shots are already very effective, so it’s only the inferior design seen in the brief ‘cave lunge’ shot that really needs replacing, if possible -

Your version is very close indeed to how the initial ‘roaring’ puppet looks…so even if you only included a similar, brief ‘lunging’ movement for your ‘cave lunge’ shot replacement, it would still look MUCH, MUCH BETTER than the current shot above, whether the mouth is working properly or not…
So perhaps you’ll consider this kind of compromise if things aren’t panning out for what you originally envisioned. However, it may turn out that even a briefer use of your Wampa might not be possible…and if that’s the case, then I certainly understand what a complete bummer this must be for you -