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That’s really disappointing news Ady. I’m sure it won’t be the last time you’ll have to let go of something because it’s just not working though. You’re already a legend for even attempting this whole project and that Wampa was a work of art regardless.


Bad news, but I´m still looking forward to ESB:R. I know its going to be amazing regardless of the Wampa!

You, sir, are an artist.


I am sure that is really frustrating Ady. The great part about it is that the original still holds up. All of the additions and upgrades you have made to this film is phenomenal, and we haven’t even seen the finished product yet.

I think I can speak for most everyone here that we are very thankful to have someone like yourself that has put so much time energy and money into something and share it so freely with all of us. Thank you for all of your hard work.

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


adywan said:

Things are progressing very nicely now. Wampa body is completed and all that is left to do for the costume is the adding the detailing, like dirtying and adding the ice etc.

I’ve been meaning to say how terrific this was looking since you posted it a while back, adywan!

Most of us are aware of the huge amount of work you’ve already had to put into this Wampa, and there’s no doubt that your final touches to it will make it even more impressive…so I’m sorry to read that it now seems to be giving you problems.

As far as I know, your intention was to re-film the Wampa’s first ‘roaring’ appearances along with it’s later ‘cave lunge’, so that everything looked consistent. And perhaps you even had a quite different-looking ‘cave lunge’ movement in mind compared to the original one, too?

However, if there’s really no way to do the exact replacement shots you wished to do, then perhaps you’d be able to compromise on what you’d originally planned? - the movie’s initial ‘roaring’ puppet shots are already very effective, so it’s only the inferior design seen in the brief ‘cave lunge’ shot that really needs replacing, if possible -

Your version is very close indeed to how the initial ‘roaring’ puppet looks…so even if you only included a similar, brief ‘lunging’ movement for your ‘cave lunge’ shot replacement, it would still look MUCH, MUCH BETTER than the current shot above, whether the mouth is working properly or not…

So perhaps you’ll consider this kind of compromise if things aren’t panning out for what you originally envisioned. However, it may turn out that even a briefer use of your Wampa might not be possible…and if that’s the case, then I certainly understand what a complete bummer this must be for you - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FvRxUOugQb8/maxresdefault.jpg


That’s too bad. I appreciate your effort and hard work to try to make this happen.
But now it’s just one more thing to look forward to when you do your The Empire Strikes Back: Revisted: 20th Anniversary Special Edition. 2037 will be here before you know it.


Jackpumpkinhead said:

I am sure that is really frustrating Ady. The great part about it is that the original still holds up. All of the additions and upgrades you have made to this film is phenomenal, and we haven’t even seen the finished product yet.

I think I can speak for most everyone here that we are very thankful to have someone like yourself that has put so much time energy and money into something and share it so freely with all of us. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Hear hear!



exitzero said:

That’s too bad. I appreciate your effort and hard work to try to make this happen.
But now it’s just one more thing to look forward to when you do your The Empire Strikes Back: Revisted: 20th Anniversary Special Edition. 2037 will be here before you know it.

By then he’ll have replaced the replacement Wampa with CGI and claimed that it was part of his ‘original vision’.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


adywan said:

Did a full costume test fitting of the wampa today and it’s just not working. One disaster after another. Claustrophobia and heat are a huge factor in the problems. But also the head slipping, causing the mouth not to open. It would take stripping out the inner head and remaking it. Months worth of work. But i’ve spent too much time and money on it now and i really don’t think that spending the extra is worth it. It was a long shot that failed and I’m sorry. I really wanted to be able to do this. But there comes a time when you just have to stop. Maybe its the curse of the Wampa. 😉

Maybe I’m being unrealistically optimistic, or maybe I’m just uninformed, but if you’re making an ANH:R2, can you redo the Wampa in an ESB:R2?


SparkySywer said:
Maybe I’m being unrealistically optimistic, or maybe I’m just uninformed, but if you’re making an ANH:R2, can you redo the Wampa in an ESB:R2?

Maybe we should consider that Adywan might want to finish this edit and never work on it again. I don’t know about him, but I wouldn’t want a project I would work on for the rest of my life.

Besides, he has other films to edit (again, if I were him I would only edit ROTJ and forget about the prequels (to me they can’t be fixed, but it’s his choice, not mine)).


I’m guessing you’ll want to redo ESB:R someday so you can do it in SpaceHD.


@Adywan, You should sell the Wampa to somebody who wants to maybe continue your work. Perhaps they can fix it someday, create a new edit and give you credit for the costume. I understand how frustrated you are right now. You want to move on to RotJ:R, but you should consider selling it to someone who has the same determination and love for these movies, as you have.


This is a real shame and although I want to believe you are just winding us up I get the feeling you are serious on this.

Sometimes it is better to chuck in the towel as you are putting it. It really is unfortunate that it has been so difficult and the amount of time you put in.

Is there anyway around it like not wearing it and using it as a puppet?

A head with neck and shoulders and an arm are all you really need if you have that you have a veracious Wampa!

I am trying to cheer you on not bog you down you know. There’s always another way, but I don’t wish loads of work on you… But we all know you want to make it work. But I guess you also want to finish, everyone understands that.

Nobody will be upset if you do nothing about it but people will wish you had a go no matter what the outcome.

Take a look at Jaws that did not work until they had nearly finished shooting. What did they do they put a model fin in the Water Until they got it working right at the end. Even the Wampa itself you see very little of it and you don’t need to… But you can get in close even Blurred out of focus like a disoriented POV shot or something tricksy and cunning.

My advice is just Go for it think small and try to get big results… If you really, really want to call it a day nobody will hold it against you.

Edit… One more idea to perhaps try and make this work is to film all actions slowly and speed them up giving it that hyper realistic feel often employed in Monster films. Not sure if that would be a solution but hey I am trying to get you to look another way at it as it does not seem like from what you said 2 more months not an option.


Maybe Jabba could have a stuffed wampa somewhere in the palace.

Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan


Ady, I’m so sorry to hear about the wampa problems, especially after all your hard work getting it to this point. It must be extremely frustrating for you. I’m sure that you will have thought it through long and hard before taking the decision not to use the wampa, and if there was any way to get even some limited use out of your efforts, I’m sure you would. So if your final decision is that it cannot be used, then I’m sure you are correct. It’s a terrible shame, but your decision won’t have been taken lightly, and I hope everyone can respect it.

As ever, thank you a thousand times over for taking on this project in the first place. ESBR will be superb, and like everyone else, I’m really excited to see your final version.


Ady, I get the impression that you did successfully film a Wampa insert, judging from the emoji wink in your update post. Maybe I’m just reading into it to much, but for the ones ( including my self ) that have been here since the beginning, we know you can be quite the prankster. If you did indeed scrap the idea then no worries, it wont effect the movie at all in my opinion.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


I’ve been a long time lurker, but wanted to say how much I have admired what Ady has done with this fan edit. It truly is a work of art as well as a labor of love and has been worth all the delays. From everything we’ve seen it seems to “ask the impossible”: take a beloved, nearly perfect film and bring it closer to true perfection than anyone else likely could. Congrats on your hard work Ady, and I think I speak for all of us in that we are immensely looking forward to the finished product.


It baffles me how people are trying to convince Ady to somehow include the Wampa. I think if he thought it were possible to salvage the work he created, he would. Ady, you have done an amazing job and your work will cherished by us all.


teharri said:

It baffles me how people are trying to convince Ady to somehow include the Wampa. I think if he thought it were possible to salvage the work he created, he would. Ady, you have done an amazing job and your work will cherished by us all.

Yeah exactly. He’s the one that did the work, if he could make it happen I’m sure he would you’d think people would just let go and respect what the person doing the work says.


teharri said:

It baffles me how people are trying to convince Ady to somehow include the Wampa. I think if he thought it were possible to salvage the work he created, he would. Ady, you have done an amazing job and your work will cherished by us all.

Yes. If he doesn’t think what he was able to do is better than what’s already there, why use it?
It doesn’t make any sense to make the scene worse just to make it different.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I’m just disappointed that we’re not getting to see Luke doing the Wampa mating dance, a la “Fantastic Beasts”.

Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan