Having checked with adywan that it was something that he definately wasn’t including anymore, I’ve now got a chance to go into something I originally removed from my previous post above -
Regarding his recent clip preview, you’ll recall I described how adywan has gone on to alter his already excellent improvements for his earlier ‘workprint’ versions of the ‘Piett in the control room’ shot and ‘Vader stepping down into the control room’ shot. Well, another one that he has improved on compared to his ‘workprint’ version, is where Vader is seen walking towards the windows at the front of the bridge.
He originally put a lot of work into a ‘composite’ shot which re-used the actors from the AVENGER stardestroyer’s ‘pit crew’, as seen in this early preview pic of the sequence - orig02.deviantart.net/68ea/f/2009/173/1/1/2009_01_29_rough_sequence_by_swremixed.jpg
Now I was originally a big fan of this planned new (flipped) shot, and adywan had actually tweaked it further for his ‘workprint’ - he removed some of the ‘pit crew’ actors so that there were only 2 showing in the foreground, so that it wouldn’t seem such a re-use of the earlier footage.
However, I’m glad that he decided to discard this shot altogether in the end, and replace it with his latest shot of Vader walking towards the front of the bridge instead…as it now means that there are NO more AVENGER stardestroyer ‘pit crew’ actors seen onboard the EXECUTOR whatsoever! 😃