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Well he could have sped the footage up but it does not seem sped up like R2-D2 going up the tube. Or slow motion or trails but yeah I think I will watch it in slow motion to study it a bit closer one day but not the time atm.


Ronster said:

Well the only thing that really draws my attention is we do hear the gun being fired… after the bar man says "no blasters’

And we do not see it so I just came to that conclusion that the laser was missing in my head.

Due to the quick intercutting of the shots Ronster, the SOUND of the blaster doesn’t change the way I normally like to view this scene whatsoever.

In very quick succession, we first hear the lightsaber activate…quickly followed by the bartender yelling “No blasters, no blasters!” at the very same time as we briefly see Dr. Evazan’s gun raised in close-up…quickly followed by the blaster sound at the very same time we see Obi-wan swiping Dr. Evazan’s arm…lastly followed by the sound of the 2nd swipe towards Ponda Baba…

Therefore I just choose to explain the ‘missing’ laserbolt away like this - we don’t see it in the momentary, close-up shot of the raised blaster…because we DON’T see the front barrel of it in the shot anyway - the very front of the blaster is slightly offscreen when that shot is ‘paused’…

…and on top of this, it ISN’T yet heard to fire during that shot either. And then when we DO hear it fire in the following shot where Obi-wan has swiped at Dr. Evezan, the blaster happens to be unseen and offscreen now…

So I just like to believe that the blaster’s unseen laserbolt ended up missing Obi-wan somewhere offscreen…due to Dr. Evazan’s arm being struck and dismembered at this particular instant, causing the angle of his blaster to be suddenly off-kilter due to that.

Anyway, here’s the existing clip for reference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfy5Esue_ls


ImperialFighter said:

Yeah clearly a mistake.
What we see is Dr Evazan pulls his gun, but Ben cuts off his arm before he shoots, than Ben swipes across horizontally with the light sabre, that probably cuts Ponda in half.
Then we see Ponda Baba’s arm on the floor, with a gun that is somewhat different than Dr Evazan’s gun. Same modell, but Evazan’s gun has mods added.
Adywan fixed this.


For your consideration but I’m not sure if I’m sold on the idea.
RE: Marcia Lucas’ recent comments about the sudden appearance of the Falcon in the trench run.

Bingowings said:

It makes no logical sense, as the station defenses were designed to repulse ships larger than fighters.

It would have been nice if we heard a thunderclap of the Falcon jumping from hyperspace close to the station (taking a risk that he warned Luke about earlier in the film) but then you would miss the ship coming out of the sun.

Maybe Ady could play around with the concept in his next iteration of the film. I think as cinema it makes sense but even in a fantasy context it’s putting the Mechina into the Deus Ex.


Bingowings said:

For your consideration but I’m not sure if I’m sold on the idea.
RE: Marcia Lucas’ recent comments about the sudden appearance of the Falcon in the trench run.

Bingowings said:

It makes no logical sense, as the station defenses were designed to repulse ships larger than fighters.

It would have been nice if we heard a thunderclap of the Falcon jumping from hyperspace close to the station (taking a risk that he warned Luke about earlier in the film) but then you would miss the ship coming out of the sun.

Maybe Ady could play around with the concept in his next iteration of the film. I think as cinema it makes sense but even in a fantasy context it’s putting the Mechina into the Deus Ex.

this is very possible… It would just have to come before the laser hits the tie fighter that causes the collision sending Vader spinning out of control. very little to lose. I put the falcon firing in that slot worked pretty well.


Ady, I hope to be able to scrape together some funds to donate soon. But as I now work as a VFX compositor in Nuke, I can also offer my help with the compositing side of things, should you want it - if you’re planning to recreate the edit pretty much as it was but in HD, there’s sure to be a lot of 2D compo work to be done on ANH:R HD.
Also, as you said you started working on grading ANH, have you seen this: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Neverars-A-New-Hope-Technicolor-Recreation-V1-Released/id/16256 ?
Neverar really managed to do something special there and I will definitely be using his grade as a basis for my next Despecialized version - even if you aren’t necessarily going for the Technicolor look, Neverar’s work would be a much better starting point than the raw BD and I’m sure he’d be happy to share the lossless files with you 😃


Here’s the link 😃

Having recently watched ANH Revisited as well as (of course) ESB-R, the look of ANH-R is very different than the Technicolor look of my project. For example, the Death Star walls and exterior surfaces are various shades of blue/green in my project, whereas Adywan has gone with a neutral gray. I wouldn’t suggest changing the look of ANH-R, since ESB-R follows the same look and I think it really works in modernizing the feel of the films, rather than romanticizing them as I have tried to do.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that Ady would have to start from scratch with the color no matter what. Though with all of the gradient and detail fixes in my project (hundreds of them at least), it would probably be worth it to work from that, even with the different look.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I know the cockpit and costume designs were a bit different between movies, so I doubt this will become a reality. Nevertheless, I’d love to see new footage of X- and Y-wing pilots since Ady is already filming new cockpit shots for ROTJ:R. In the novel, there were two other wings sent to attack the Death Star. One of the old EU’s thoughts was that two other wings were sent to attack the superlaser, both as a backup plan and a distraction for the main plan of destroying the entire station. Doubt this could be pulled off, but I think it’d be interesting.


Correct me if this has already been talked about, but since the release of Rogue One, is Adywan going to change what the Death Star plans originally looked like, even if they are inaccurate, with the dish in the center?


What about changing back the Falcon turret’s targeting displays?


I like what he did with the target display on the falcon, it made sense showing the TIES on the screens. It made those screens actually useful?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

I like what he did with the target display on the falcon, it made sense showing the TIES on the screens. It made those screens actually useful?

My point is that’s not how they looked in The Force Awakens.


Editroid said:

jarbear said:

I like what he did with the target display on the falcon, it made sense showing the TIES on the screens. It made those screens actually useful?

My point is that’s not how they looked in The Force Awakens.

I rewatched that scene in TFA to remind me of the difference. So they used arrows as a symbol for the target. Ady could use that look so it keeps that consistent for TFA. Really anything would be an improvement since having nothing makes that target display useless.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Yeah, I’d vote to just make them match TFA, personally. Especially if the Death Star schematics are getting rolled back to match RO.


That’s all fine by me. That means too he would need to use the pink engines for the x wings.

Also, I would like him to use his idea from his edit using the y wing for the attack plan. It made a lot of sense when the diagram depicted a y wing “dropping” the Proton Torpedo in the exhaust port since those are the bombers. Plus it was the y wings attempting the trench runs … until they failed and the X wings were used as Plan B kind of when you think about it.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

That’s all fine by me. That means too he would need to use the pink engines for the x wings.

Well, he already kept the pink engine for Luke’s X-Wing in ESB:R.


Huh. I just learned that Death Star Owner’s Technical Manual, published in 2013, appears to contain schematics of the Death Star from back when the dish was intended to be equatorial, and has an in-universe explanation for why it’s all different from the real thing.

“Imperial Schematic Design System Data, obtained by a rebel agent from a military communications complex on Galvoni III after the Battle of Yavin, yielded schematics for a concept ‘Death Star’ with a superlaser cannon located on the sphere’s equator.”