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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread — Page 6


Hal 9000 said:

Release date just announced as 12/15/2026.

The new schedule is a movie for May 2026, a movie for December 2026, and a movie for December 2027. But we don’t know which movie is which yet.


Well at least this one can breathe properly without a rushed production schedule. It’s a familiar posture for us SW fans, but I hope it’s good and I’m rooting for it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I hope every trilogy they make keeps failing and they keep trotting out new trilogies to fix the prior one. Can’t wait for Episodes XXXI through XXXIII!

Now for my mini-rant.

IPs should have a beginning and and ending. Not just go on and on to suck money out of their cult-like followers. We don’t need more Bond, Indy, Star Wars, Aliens, Terminator, Batman, Stark Trek etcetera, etcetera, etc. Maybe Robocop deserves a proper send-off. Can we get Verhoeven and company back for one last kick at the can?

I don’t support Star Wars anymore. I won’t engage anymore. I’m not watching Andor no matter how good it may be. I won’t buy or watch a proper restoration of the OOT. I won’t play a proper sequel to KOTOR. I would not watch a faithful adaption of the Thrawn Trilogy.

I will ONLY engage with fan-made stuff that is free, such as the Dark Empire animated series and stuff like Project 4K77. Why? Because those are works of passion and love.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Well i don’t know i’d be interested if they can make a Star Wars film that would get me back again and engaged. as is all the plus shows far too many, and all the Disney EU to much to follow. I’m not looking for a homework assignment like with the Disney MCU to follow continuity.

At least the sequel trilogy you could come in and watch them and you didn’t need supplementary material to watch them.

But clearly that Star Wars era i love and hold dear is done and over. With Mark Hamill announcing retiring the role of Luke Skywalker. I already walked away from this franchise with episode 9. I wanted to watch the Obi Wan thing but i never finished it. That was the only thing sort of tangentially connected to Lucas Star Wars with the prequel actors.

Its just a bunch of fanfiction now really. There are a lot of things to enjoy if you care to dip your toe in. I’m far too old to begin my fandom again. Throwing away years of EU i understand why they did it but that was where my fandom was along with the original trilogy and prequel films. Disney SW feels like a reset.


I don’t wish the movie harm, I just know it sucks to be fooled like 8 times in a row but still have “hope” that it’ll maybe suddenly have quality writing and directing. Other than Tony Gilroy, I have plenty of evidence not to trust the rest of the creative and writing departments.


Production Weekly lists this film as Star Wars: New Jedi Order and says it’ll start filming in April. They also shared a synopsis that says the film will be about Rey training a boy and a girl and that the girl has extraordinary abilities and “is destined to become the future leader.”


Came here to find out whether that is the case. I’m hoping with the delay that they can work something out with John Boyega to return to the series as a Jedi Knight trained by Rey.


The sequel delves into Rey’s courageous endeavor to restore the Jedi Order, where she assumes the role of a mentor to two promising young students—a girl and a boy. As their training progresses, it becomes evident that the girl possesses an extraordinary abilities, destined to emerge as the future leader.

Yeah this sounds like bait.


Sounds like someone just took the news from celebration, that Kathy Kennedy interview and the previous Lindelof story and ran with it. Only changing the timeline from 100 years after TROS to 15 years. It is far too early for any story synopsis. The only trade i trust is Variety. Most of their scoops were based on fact or from info directly from the people at Lucasfilm. the only other i’ve found reliable is Vanity Fair.

Edit: I also hope they can get Oscar Isaac and John Boyega back but this doesn’t look like its going to be episode 10. The only connection to that trilogy is Daisy/Rey. I also think Mark Hamill despite some fans concerns is absolutely not needed in this movie the torch was passed. We need new worlds and new characters and to expand outward not shrinking the galaxy. I also hope the Empire is barely touched on, though wouldn’t mind a little bit of world building about the state of the galaxy and New Republic. And no new Sith,a new challenge/foe would be preferable.


JadedSkywalker said:

Sounds like someone just took the news from celebration, that Kathy Kennedy interview and the previous Lindelof story and ran with it. Only changing the timeline from 100 years after TROS to 15 years. It is far too early for any story synopsis. The only trade i trust is Variety. Most of their scoops were based on fact or from info directly from the people at Lucasfilm. the only other i’ve found reliable is Vanity Fair.

Edit: I also hope they can get Oscar Isaac and John Boyega back but this doesn’t look like its going to be episode 10. The only connection to that trilogy is Daisy/Rey. I also think Mark Hamill despite some fans concerns is absolutely not needed in this movie the torch was passed. We need new worlds and new characters and to expand outward not shrinking the galaxy. I also hope the Empire is barely touched on, though wouldn’t mind a little bit of world building about the state of the galaxy and New Republic. And no new Sith,a new challenge/foe would be preferable.

I agree with all of this. If Rey talks to a ghost again in this movie, I’d rather it be Anakin or Ben Solo instead of Luke this time.



Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is directing Daisy Ridley’s new #StarWars movie about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order. She’s the first woman to direct a “Star Wars” movie and says “it’s about time.”

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special. We’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”


Mocata said:


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is directing Daisy Ridley’s new #StarWars movie about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order. She’s the first woman to direct a “Star Wars” movie and says “it’s about time.”

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special. We’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”

These people never learn. When it is more important to focus on gender equality (which is mainly a leftist, media-spewed myth) than the right person with the right passion and the right knowledge, then the product is strictly f*cked up before it’s hit the ground running (or in disney’s case, just flat out hit the ground).

They just never learn. MCU is dying. Their streaming platform is dying. Their animated movies are dying. Star Wars is nearly dead.

What do they do? Keep telling us that the problem is not enough female involvement.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

Mocata said:


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is directing Daisy Ridley’s new #StarWars movie about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order. She’s the first woman to direct a “Star Wars” movie and says “it’s about time.”

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special. We’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”

These people never learn. When it is more important to focus on gender equality (which is mainly a leftist, media-spewed myth) than the right person with the right passion and the right knowledge, then the product is strictly f*cked up before it’s hit the ground running (or in disney’s case, just flat out hit the ground).

They just never learn. MCU is dying. Their streaming platform is dying. Their animated movies are dying. Star Wars is nearly dead.

What do they do? Keep telling us that the problem is not enough female involvement.

So how many Academy Awards have you won, bud? I’m guessing less than her.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


What? Can you guys read? My problem isn’t female involvement. Any female can make anything as good as a man can and vice versa. My problem is that that is the focal point of the article and often also Disney when it should be about the story and the characters.

Since when did America and their corporations go so off-rail that gender equality and politics in film and tv media started mattering more than the story? THAT is my point. From a European standpoint it makes Hollywood look like a bunch of madmen (and madwomen, equality).

Why so sensitive and touchy, Neverar? You didn’t even understand my point; let alone you had to argue with an attempted insult rather than something thoughtful. Why would that even matter to my criticism or to me?

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Disney has been a mess and is clearly focused on the wrong things. Even much so they are no longer the highest grossing studio.

Like it or not… Disney very clearly has a leftist agenda that has been hurting them badly! They need to focus less on checking political boxes and spend more time on crafting good stories that include strong female and/or racial characters rather than just making those items requirements solely for the sake of saying you have them in a film. You want to have a gay character, great! Make it something that is meaningful for the story you are trying to tell. The fact that those items are the SOLE thing that they are marketing movies off of is honestly disgraceful, and it shows beings that no one is going to see their movies.


Also… box office analyst Dan Murrell estimates Disney has lost $1.3 Billion theatrically in 2023, nearly wiping out profits from Endgame, No Way Home, and Avatar 2 COMBINED.

If they start marketing stories and not racial and gender checkboxes than I can guarantee they will start making money again.

Why is the director talking about making men uncomfortable?!

She should be talking about Rey and how they want to dive more into her character and show how much of a badass she has become because of all the stuff she has been doing since Episode IX.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Anjohan said:

What? Can you guys read? My problem isn’t female involvement. Any female can make anything as good as a man can and vice versa. My problem is that that is the focal point of the article and often also Disney when it should be about the story and the characters.

Since when did America and their corporations go so off-rail that gender equality and politics in film and tv media started mattering more than the story? THAT is my point. From a European standpoint it makes Hollywood look like a bunch of madmen (and madwomen, equality).

Best faith reading of your response I can muster: Disney is marketing wrong, they should have released an article about Story and Characters.

but elaborate what are you saying here:

the right person with the right passion and the right knowledge

How does (in the best faith reading of your response) a desperate, pandering marketing tactic exclude this possibility?

I feel like this is such a tired talking point because there are way less examples of this than any of you can specifically point out. I’m not denying Disney is falling off hard, and I’m glad for it, but the casually inoffensive left-y politics that make it into a trade article here or there have never been the “sole” tool. You see it once and get all up in arms about it, that says more about you than it does Disney. What is Ant-Man Quantumania’s excuse

Disney is spineless and has no principles or ideology, they’ll promote on any and as many broad terms as they can. If you’re going to attempt analysis of the business, you have to go after more than their empty rhetoric. there’s hundreds more valid criticisms than the (weak) stuff that puts you off personally

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Dog whistles about “directors hating men” and the whole “leftist agenda” are disingenuous at best and downright dangerous at worst.

If anything, all Disney has is a capitalist agenda. Didn’t we spend most of last year learning how little a shit Disney gives about creatives when said creatives were on strike?

Anybody who is still making the points about “woke” stuff killing brands is genuinely dangerous to people’s safety.


NFBisms said:

the right person with the right passion and the right knowledge

How does (in the best faith reading of your response) a desperate, pandering marketing tactic exclude this possibility?

Exactly right. Anjohan apparently decided that because one article focused on the fact that this director is a woman, that she doesn’t have ‘the right passion and the right knowledge’ to make a Star Wars movie, and I’m not going to bend over backwards trying to pretend that there’s a more good faith reading of it than that.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NFBisms said:

I’m not denying Disney is falling off hard, and I’m glad for it, but the casually inoffensive left-y politics that make it into a trade article here or there have never been the “sole” tool. You see it once and get all up in arms about it, that says more about you than it does Disney. What is Ant-Man Quantumania’s excuse

Evangeline Lilly has been very vocal about being anti-vax online. Disney won’t market her because of it.

BedeHistory731 said:

Dog whistles about “directors hating men” and the whole “leftist agenda” are disingenuous at best and downright dangerous at worst.

Not sure if you live in America but it is anything but dog whistles here. It is more train horns right next to your ear constantly.

I think even beyond the leftist agenda, I can agree with the fact that “Disney is spineless and has no principles or ideology”. Given their 2023, I would not be surprised at all if they have a major brand rehaul by 2025-2026 as their current “agenda” is obviously failing, bad.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

NFBisms said:

I’m not denying Disney is falling off hard, and I’m glad for it, but the casually inoffensive left-y politics that make it into a trade article here or there have never been the “sole” tool. You see it once and get all up in arms about it, that says more about you than it does Disney. What is Ant-Man Quantumania’s excuse

Evangeline Lilly has been very vocal about being anti-vax online. Disney won’t market her because of it.

Huh. Disney actually did something right for once.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Quantumania was always doomed to fail, my argument was that if Lilly wasn’t an anti-vax nut, you could expect tons more marketing around her character.

When it comes to female directors though… Bryce Dallas Howard deserves more attention from the higher ups at Disney. She has directed some of my favorite and the more fun episodes of Mando, and I love to see her tackle a Star Wars film someday. I guess my frustration comes from the fact that Disney appears to actively seek those that like to stir the pot and draw attention to social issues rather than those who are actually excited about being there for the sake of Star Wars. I was very excited to see Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron announced, and I had a lot of fun with Chow’s Obi-Wan series.

I guess the point I am getting at is, I’d rather have fun watching the movie and be excited to hear from enthusiastic creators, rather than seeing dumb debates that are crafted by corporations to divide people.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.