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Random Thoughts — Page 518


TV’s Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m probably one of the few people on the face of the planet who knows where this image of Burns came from.

What about people living near the Earth’s core?

There’s only one person living near the Earth’s core:

I think it’s safe to say he knows and has known for some while now.


With sideburns, Joaquin Phoenix looks a helluva lot closer to the original comics’ depiction of Wolverine than Hugh Jackman ever has or ever could.


Someone Shirley had a brain-wave just for starters.

Mice one with new avitar duplexKO.


ray_afraid said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m probably one of the few people on the face of the planet who knows where this image of Burns came from.

Is it from The Simpsons?

Simpsons Comics #53, actually.

Owned this issue myself back in the day. IIRC, the main story wasn’t all that great.


A friend of mine is going through regular physical therapy on her knee and over text messages she always abbreviates it PT. So when she texts me and says she’s not looking forward to PT I always have to resist the urge to say “yeah the OT is much better” because apparently “the first five times were enough”. Women, amirite


Possessed said:

A friend of mine is going through regular physical therapy on her knee and over text messages she always abbreviates it PT. So when she texts me and says she’s not looking forward to PT I always have to resist the urge to say “yeah the OT is much better” because apparently “the first five times were enough”. Women, amirite

That would be (unintentionally?) appropriate, since OT would seem to stand for “Occupational Therapy” in that context, which just happens to be used frequently in tandem with “PT”.


Yeah that’s what she thought I meant the first 2 or 3 times


I had alligator jerky recently. It was ight.


“Ur” was a Sumerian city-state from ancient Mesopotamia, not a legitimate spelling of “your/you’re”.


DuracellEnergizer said:

“Ur” was a Sumerian city-state from ancient Mesopotamia, not a legitimate spelling of “your/you’re”.

Ur a Sumerian city-state from ancient Mesopotamia.


Ego is a highly over-rated internet condition.



Cthulu is your master. He commands you to bring more cowbell.



How about a DOOM DRUM?

Nerevar carried Keening, a dagger made of the sound of the shadow of the moons. His champions were Dumac Dwarfking, who carried a hammer of divine mass, and Alandro Sul, who was the immortal son of Azura and wore the Wraith Mail. They met Lorkhan at the last battle of Red Mountain. Lorkhan had his Heart again, but he had long been from it, and he needed time. Wulfharth met Sul but could not strike him, and he fell from grievous wounds, but not before shouting Sul blind. Dagoth-Ur met Dumac and slew him, but not before Sunder struck his lord’s Heart. Nerevar turned away from Lorkhan and struck down Dagoth-Ur in rage, but he took a mortal wound from Lorkhan in turn. But Nerevar feigned the death that was coming early and so struck Lorkhan with surprise on his side. The Heart had been made solid by Sunder’s tuning blow and Keening could now cut it out. And it was cut out and Lorkhan was defeated and the whole ordeal was thought over.

-The Five Songs of King Wulfharth; The Secret Song of Wulfharth Ash-King; The Doom Drum

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Having not killed anyone I’m surprised he got so popular.


Rainy day, go away, please come back some other day.

That is all.