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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 233


bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?




shanerjedi said:

bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?

I think he means that Luke, by himself, basically assassinates the leader of the Empire and his right hand man, then just walks out.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


shanerjedi said:

bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?


You're joking right?


doubleofive said:

shanerjedi said:

bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?

I think he means that Luke, by himself, basically assassinates the leader of the Empire and his right hand man, then just walks out.

 On the nosey ;-)


Bingowings said:

doubleofive said:

shanerjedi said:

bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?

I think he means that Luke, by himself, basically assassinates the leader of the Empire and his right hand man, then just walks out.

 On the nosey ;-)

You ever seen The Wizard of Oz?

What did the guards do to Dorothy?



shanerjedi said:

Bingowings said:

doubleofive said:

shanerjedi said:

bingo wings

but Luke on his own escaping the Imperial Palace on the Imperial capital planet just doesn't make sense.


Wait, bingo wings, why are you saying Luke on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace wouldn't make sense(after the Emperor dies)?

I think he means that Luke, by himself, basically assassinates the leader of the Empire and his right hand man, then just walks out.

 On the nosey ;-)

You ever seen The Wizard of Oz?

What did the guards do to Dorothy?


They all became friends of Dorothy...erm (maybe I should rephrase that).

Star Wars is a little different (even if the Jabba's palace door scene is a direct lift from the Emerald City).

The Empire isn't being held together just by the power of the Emperor, it's also kept going be the fanatical ambition of those in charge. Tarkin seemed to be the sort of person who would support the Empire even if it's head of state wasn't a prune faced warlock.


But Bingo, how does the saga end now?

The Emperor is dead and suddenly stormtroopers are crowd surfing on Coruscant amidst fireworks.

That makes even less sense than if Luke, a leader fo the rebellion, went into the heart of the Empire and killed the main baddie and the people went "ah crap. this is on e badass. okay, I give up. you win."

Such a bold move, the death of the Emperor and Vader, would be a double whammy that would cut the empire off at its core.


God, I just had a cool image. It's too bad we don't have footage of Luke hauling Vader around. You could take that footage and have him emerge from the palace with his father slumped on his shoulder and then have these huge crowds that have gathered stand aside as Luke carries his mortally wounded father to a shuttle.

Maybe many imperials would see Luke with Vader and immediately kneel before him? Basically saying, "youve won. Now you can be our new emperor."

Oh what could have been with a proper ROTJ.


I am reminded of G'kar being offered a throne after the assassination of Emperor Cartagia in B5 (which in itself reminds me of Cromwell being offered the crown).

If such an unlikely event were to happen (unless Luke has been totally corrupted by the experience) he would laugh at them.


The Emperor is dead and suddenly stormtroopers are crowd surfing on Coruscant amidst fireworks.

That stormtrooper wasn't crowd surfing; he was being thrashed by an angry mob sick and tired of Imperial repression! Do you really think lifting things from the Wizard of Oz will make for a more believable ending? Maybe rather than falling down the reactor shaft, the emperor can float away in a hot air balloon, and Luke goes home to Tatooine by clicking his ruby slippers together...

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Akwat Kbrana said:

The Emperor is dead and suddenly stormtroopers are crowd surfing on Coruscant amidst fireworks.

That stormtrooper wasn't crowd surfing; he was being thrashed by an angry mob sick and tired of Imperial repression!

I'm gonna guess that was a joke.

Scratch that, I just read a little closer.  Never mind.


shanerjedi said:


Maybe many imperials would see Luke with Vader and immediately kneel before him? Basically saying, "youve won. Now you can be our new emperor."

Oh what could have been with a proper ROTJ.

 Awesome! Then Emperor Luke could start a galactic jihad with a new order of Jedi. Perhaps he could even come to regret this, and feel trapped by his own preciesnt destiny.

Billions will die, and Luke will walk out into the desert of Tatooine and his son will take over, and eventually become a human sarlac-hybrid and guide the empire for thousands of years!

The sequal trilogy would rule!


Akwat Kbrana said:

The Emperor is dead and suddenly stormtroopers are crowd surfing on Coruscant amidst fireworks.

That stormtrooper wasn't crowd surfing; he was being thrashed by an angry mob sick and tired of Imperial repression! Do you really think lifting things from the Wizard of Oz will make for a more believable ending? Maybe rather than falling down the reactor shaft, the emperor can float away in a hot air balloon, and Luke goes home to Tatooine by clicking his ruby slippers together...

And why did Coruscant suddenly become a place of an uprising?

Are you suggesting that Luke could in fact escape the palace now that the masses have risen up?


Coruscant in ROTJ is plausible based on what's already shown in the SEs.


Has Adywan let slip any changes he intends to make to ROTJ, other than reshooting the end battle scene?

Apparently he has a lot of model building to do. I think he also said Luke and Leia are remaining brother and sister. I don't think he is changing any other parts of the story.  



The only officially announced changes are in italics on the Wishlist.  Most of them are pretty vague at the moment ("do something about" this, etc)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


TheBoost said:

shanerjedi said:


Maybe many imperials would see Luke with Vader and immediately kneel before him? Basically saying, "youve won. Now you can be our new emperor."

Oh what could have been with a proper ROTJ.

 Awesome! Then Emperor Luke could start a galactic jihad with a new order of Jedi. Perhaps he could even come to regret this, and feel trapped by his own preciesnt destiny.

Billions will die, and Luke will walk out into the desert of Tatooine and his son will take over, and eventually become a human sarlac-hybrid and guide the empire for thousands of years!

The sequal trilogy would rule!

Say, what if Shmi wasn't a wirgin and was secretly raped by Jabba the Hutt and Leia could get possessed by the spirit of Jabba and become and power mad despot?

The ambassador of Kamino could present Luke with a clone of Biggs who is programmed to kill him.

Suddenly the sequel saga sounds so much more exciting.


Bingowings said:

Say, what if Shmi wasn't a wirgin and was secretly raped by Jabba the Hutt and Leia could get possessed by the spirit of Jabba and become and power mad despot?

The ambassador of Kamino could present Luke with a clone of Biggs who is programmed to kill him.

Suddenly the sequel saga sounds so much more exciting.

That really got to me.  It would be better if they were clones of Porkins though.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Biggs was Luke's childhood friend, inspiration and mancrush, Porkins was...well... the porky one.


That makes even less sense than if Luke, a leader fo the rebellion, went into the heart of the Empire and killed the main baddie and the people went "ah crap. this is on e badass. okay, I give up. you win."

Such a bold move, the death of the Emperor and Vader, would be a double whammy that would cut the empire off at its core.


It would do a heck of a better job showing how Luke has evolved from the simple farmboy in ANH, to a strong, but not almost there yet Jedi.

Even in ROTJ, he starts out on Dagobah, loses his master, and is told that he must face Vader. Thats your foreshadow of what will happen later in the movie. That sets the tone for the whole movie right off the bat, while helping the overall ending to.  

I personally feel that the ending to the greatest saga ever created, is very simple, and doesnt close out well, not to mention it ends in 3 locations that have not ever been seen yet in any of the movies.

Wheres the connection to the other movies?


Ive made some postes earlier about Coruscant in ROTJ, so Im not going to repeat myself, but this would help on alot of things that ROTJ needs. 



Well one thing ROTJ needs is to come full circle. And having Luke go into the heart of the Empire and have Vader kill Palps would certainly send the imperials reeling.

You could even show a dirtier, more run down Coruscant to show the decay.


fishmanlee said:


this should be in ESB:R lol

LMAO. After the whole Greedo shoots first fiasco, I also picked up on a meme throughout the trilogy that Han is almost always the first one to shoot. There was a few incidents on the Death Star in ANH where Han shot first as well, but Lucas never bothered changing those either. Shooting first is an important part of Han's character that for some reason Lucas just seemed to forget about when he made the SE, and instead became fixated on messing up the intro to that aspect of his character.