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Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound? — Page 13


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InvisibleWolfMan http://www.therewindforums.co.uk/forums/images/smiles/new_asthanos.gif

Now posting to alt.binaries.starwars:
Belbucus' ANH '93 PCM rip

; Generated by QuickSFV v2.34 on 2007-12-27 at 19:56:10
; http://www.QuickSFV.org
; 1395131276 22:24.17 2006-10-28 DC48 DVD.wav
DC48 DVD.wav DD2C9343

Not exactly new, nevertheless newer than the 2006-09-23 version I've posted previously.
Like the earlier version, this one also needs 1.017 seconds delay offset to sync with GOUT video.

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

Did anyone ever successfully create a DVD with this PCM audio?

When I tried muxing the untouched video off the GOUT DVD with the uncompressed PCM the operation failed due to excessive bitrate. I ended up encoding the audio to AC3 @ 448kbps; the alternative would be to re-encode the video with a lower peak bitrate.

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I was able to mux them fine using DVD Lab Pro.  Did Empire way back when the GOUT DVDs were first released and it played fine on my HTPC.  Finally got around to doing Jedi recently. I figured even if the bitrate was over the DVD spec it'd play fine on the PS3 since it's basically a PC, but the video starts stuttering at certain points and lasts for quite a while, then re-starts at later points in the movie.  Does something similar when played on my Oppo 980, and there's no improvement when I try to play the vob files directly through USB using the PS3 or Oppo.

But strangely enough it seems to play fine on the Toshiba A3 HD DVD player (even though it's otherwise a cheaply made POS that takes forever to startup/load and has started freezing in the middle of every other Star Trek Remastered episode I try to play on it).  I haven't played it all the way through yet so I'm not sure if all is good, though.


All seems good with Jedi.  Will try re-authoring SW later on, and after that I'll see how Empire works on the A3.  Although if this thing ever dies, I'd rather not have to go back to my HTPC... Maybe by then I can author them as a 480p Blu-ray...

Would someone mind re-posting the LD PCM (93 mix is fine) for SW synched to GOUT somewhere (Fileshare, etc. is fine, as is a.b.sw )? For Empire and Jedi I just used the PCM from a fan's copy of the LDs I got from here years ago, but not sure who did them so I want to make sure I have a digital copy.  If you could post the LD PCM audio for Empire and Jedi as well, I'd also be interested in those but mostly interested in SW.


I can repost to a.b.starwars in a day or two....

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


I'd appreciate it, thanks.  No hurry, whenever you have the time.


Wow, I kinda forgot about this!                                                                                              Well, I did post ANH back in August.  Did you see that one Buster D?                                                                            But I forgot ESB & ROTJ until I see Hairy Henderson mention them in the other thread....


However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


I actually haven't gotten around to downloading it(I have Giganews so the files still should be available for me), but thank you for posting for me.  I would like to have Empire and Jedi eventually but I'm in no hurry so anytime in the next 6 months or so would be fine.  Not sure if there's anything I'd have you'd need but let me know if you can think of anything (I live in Japan so I could maybe post something like the Japanese dub AC3 audio from any of the SW movies or if you know of something else from Japan like an anime, etc. I could try looking for it).


I downloaded the ANH uncompressed soundtrack some time ago, but to my recent chagrin I never got around to downloading Empire and Jedi.  If anyone could upload them I would really appreciate it.  I am unable to connect to newsgroups, so rapidshare or a similar site would be preferable.  Thanks!


On an entirely unrelated note, does anyone else find it hilarious that there are "Cure Your Gout" adds on this site?  lol


Has anyone tried combining the PCM audio with g-force's image stabilization and putting them on a DVD-9 with the original menus?

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I have a request, if anyone here has them:

I'm looking for the 1977 theatrical stereo for "Star Wars" and the 1980 theatrical stereo for "Empire."

They are NOT the same as the 1985 or 1993 remixes, and yes, they were available on laserdisc.  I know someone has posted at least the "Star Wars" theatrical stereo at one point.  (The main difference for ESB is a snowspeeder crash sound effect missing in the 1993 remix - I think the 1985 ESB mix is the same as the 1980 theatrical, but I'm not sure.)

The 1985 remix would be cool as well, but I'm not as concerned about that mix.

I also have the 1977 theatrical mono mix for "Star Wars" if anyone's interested.


No idea.  Wasn't that an NTSC conversion of a PAL LD transfer?


I'd be interested in obtaining the SW restored mono mix, ChainsawAsh.  I downloaded it from a torrent some time ago, but unfortunately the computer I used has since crapped out, and I now only have a 192 kbps AC3 version.  This sounds fine, but having the uncompressed file would be nice, definitely.  I don't need it as urgently as I do the 93 versions of Empire and Jedi, but I'll take any mixes that get posted, be they 93's, 77 stereo, mono, whatever.  I wish I'd downloaded more of these when they were first available, but I didn't know how to make custom DVD's then.  Blast.

ChainsawAsh said:

No idea.  Wasn't that an NTSC conversion of a PAL LD transfer?


Mmm, I had a look around my hd, and I have these audios (wav except the in-theater ones):

DC48_DVD = Star Wars - 1993 DC/Faces Mix
DS48_RL = Star Wars - 1977 35mm Dolby Stereo Mix (reference level)

Star Wars 70mm In-Theater Audio Recording (BrianM)
Star Wars 70mm In-Theater Audio Recording (morgands1)
Belbucus' 70mm vs. '93 remix comparison

85remix - "Star Wars 1985 LD Mix"

Star Wars Mono Soundmix FLAC (PAL ITV broadcast)

ESB_93 = The Empire Strikes Back - 1993 DC/Faces Mix
ROTJ_93 = Return Of The Jedi - 1993 DC/Faces Mix

The Monkey King - Uproar In heaven (1965) Restoration/Preservation Project

Nezha Conquers the Dragon King (1979) BBC 1.66:1 & Theatrical 2.35:1 preservations

satanika said:
ChainsawAsh said:

No idea.  Wasn't that an NTSC conversion of a PAL LD transfer?


Mmm, I had a look around my hd, and I have these audios (wav except the in-theater ones):

DC48_DVD = Star Wars - 1993 DC/Faces Mix
DS48_RL = Star Wars - 1977 35mm Dolby Stereo Mix (reference level)

Star Wars 70mm In-Theater Audio Recording (BrianM)
Star Wars 70mm In-Theater Audio Recording (morgands1)
Belbucus' 70mm vs. '93 remix comparison

85remix - "Star Wars 1985 LD Mix"

Star Wars Mono Soundmix FLAC (PAL ITV broadcast)

ESB_93 = The Empire Strikes Back - 1993 DC/Faces Mix
ROTJ_93 = Return Of The Jedi - 1993 DC/Faces Mix

Interesting - was there a DVD-9 made of the Lucasfilm Pwnage Edition, and are Empire and Jedi available as well?

And if you could up the reference-level 1977 stereo and 85 remix stereo to Rapidshare, that would be absolutely fantastic.

And hairy_hen, I just sent you a PM with the RapidShare links for the mono mix (uncompressed WAV from the mono mix restoration project).  Anyone else that's interested, let me know.


I'm definitely interested in those RapidShare links, ChainsawAsh, if you don't mind. :)

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


If it's not any trouble, I would love to have those links as well! PM me anytime.  Oddly, I've been looking for these files all week to no avail.  Thanks in advance!

Olivia James
ChainsawAsh said:

Interesting - was there a DVD-9 made of the Lucasfilm Pwnage Edition, and are Empire and Jedi available as well?

No, and no.

A dual-layer version is on my list of things to do in the future, but Empire and Jedi are not even on the radar.


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That's a shame.  I did my own personal anamorphic conversions of the GOUT, but I'd like to have them cleaned up as well.  I know there's an AviSynth script for it, but A) I use a Mac and B) I wouldn't know how to go about using AviSynth even if I could.  (Which I guess I technically can, since I have a Windows partition as well)


Thanks for the mono mix, ChainsawAsh!

As far as using AviSynth to create a cleaned up, anti-alias'd, anamorphic GOUT, I'm pretty sure it can be done on a Mac.  I use one myself, and I was worried for a while that it wouldn't work, but after reading around I discovered that AviSynth, DGIndex, and HCEncoder will work if you use Crossover/WINE.  I have these installed currently and it went without a hitch (although I haven't actually tested them since the encoding takes so long).  I'm not sure if all the other programs you'd need also work, but there are Mac equivalents for many of them.  I'm confident that I'll be able to get a better version of the GOUT up and running.

If you need AC3 for your DVD's, I recommend Wav to AC3 Encoder 3.  It also works like a dream in Crossover.  The encoding scheme is based on the ffmpeg implementation, but it has many advanced settings for achieving the maximum sound quality, which are described in detail in the settings.


I always use Adobe Encore for DVD authoring and encoding, and that has a pretty damn good AC3 encoder as well.

And I have Windows in the Boot Camp environment, it's just a pain in the ass to restart all the time.  Plus, despite the fact that I'm in film school for editing and should probably know how to use AviSynth ... I have not a single clue.  I'm not good at all with command-based programs, I need a GUI of some sort that I can figure out.

I can do color correction myself in Avid, so the only other thing I'd really want to do to the GOUT are make it anamorphic (which I have done), and stabilize the telecine judder, which I don't know how to do.  I'd rather not go into noise reduction, because despite the insane amount of noise and grain on the GOUT, there's already far too much detail lost due to DVNR, and I'd rather not add to that.


I feel you Chainsaw, when I first looked at that script I was flabbergasted. But it's actually very, very easy to do! I don't know a thing about scripting either but I decided I should try and give it a go and the results were amazing! I just followed Oldschooljedi's tutorial.

Now that I have the video side of things done I'd love to be able to combine it with the Faces audio. Has anyone written up a tutorial on that?

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