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Help: looking for... Lost Audio Mixes, Need Help!


Well, as anyone who’s been following my sporadic updates on my Trilogy edits knows, my hard drive decided to stop working on me today.  Unfortunately, this means I’ve lost all of the audio mixes I’d had for Star Wars.  So, if anyone has links to these, synchronized to the GOUT, in a lossless format, please please please help me out!

Star Wars

  • 1977 Restored Mono Mix (MOST IMPORTANT!)
  • 1977 Original Stereo Mix (SECOND MOST IMPORTANT!)
  • 1985 Stereo Remix (Not quite as important!)
  • 1993 Stereo Remix (Not terribly important)


  • 1980 Original Stereo Mix (VERY VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • 1985 Mix (possibly same as 1980 mix) (pretty important)
  • 1993 Remix (not terribly important)


  • 1983 Original Stereo Mix (if possible) (VERY IMPORTANT)
  • 1985 Mix (possibly the same as 1983 mix) (pretty important)
  • 1993 Remix (possibly the same as the other two mixes) (not terribly important)

If anyone can help me out with any of these, I’d be eternally grateful!


How can you trust only one computer to keep your most precious datas... ?! I can't understand.

Also perhaps you should formulate your topic as "I lost my audio mixes", because from outside it looks like you're running after the lost Ark. ;)



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


I have the '77 restored mono and the '77 Dolby Stereo mixes. The '93 remixes can be ripped from the GOUT discs, but if you were looking for the uncompressed audio from the Faces/DC laserdisc PCM tracks (converted from 44.1 to 48kHz) then I have those too, for all 3 films.

I don't know if these are already uploaded anywhere; I could upload if no-one else comes up with some existing links. (OT question: if you upload to Rapidshare, and you don't have an account, do they delete the files after a certain amount of time?)

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Moth3r said:

(OT question: if you upload to Rapidshare, and you don't have an account, do they delete the files after a certain amount of time?)

Maybe they have changed the rule but I think that, with a free collector account, it's still: files deleted 90 days after the last download. I can't say with no account at all though.


Moth3r said:

OT question...

 Last time I tried as uploader (quite a time from now), they allowed only ten download for it.


Oh, btw perhaps I'd be interested myself in hearing the 1980 ESB mix... Perhaps it may offer an interesting source for checking about the pitch issues with the many score recordings. May I ask what format are you sharing for the audio mixes (yeah, I don't know anything about this as you can observe).



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


ABC said:

Moth3r said:

OT question...

Last time I tried as uploader (quite a time from now), they allowed only ten download for it.

Uploading to a free collector's account should elimate that problem.


ABC said:

How can you trust only one computer to keep your most precious datas... ?! I can't understand.

I originally had them on my computer's hard drive and an external.  The last week of last semester, my computer's logic board took a dive, and I had to get it fixed by Apple who, in their infinite wisdom, decided to wipe my hard drive completely.  So there goes one copy.

For some stupid reason, I never copied the mixes back over from my external to my computer's HDD.  This came back to bite me in the ass yesterday when said external decided to just stop working.  I also lost all the files to my nearly-completed Star Wars edit when this happened.

And Moth3r, if you could RapidShare the 77 mono/stereo mixes and the '93 mixes and PM me the links, that would be fantastic!


ChainsawAsh said:

ABC said:

How can you trust only one computer to keep your most precious datas... ?! I can't understand.

I originally had them on my computer's hard drive and an external.  The last week of last semester, my computer's logic board took a dive, and I had to get it fixed by Apple who, in their infinite wisdom, decided to wipe my hard drive completely.  So there goes one copy.

For some stupid reason, I never copied the mixes back over from my external to my computer's HDD.  This came back to bite me in the ass yesterday when said external decided to just stop working.  I also lost all the files to my nearly-completed Star Wars edit when this happened.

And Moth3r, if you could RapidShare the 77 mono/stereo mixes and the '93 mixes and PM me the links, that would be fantastic!

ah, it's an external drive. You may be in luck then. Is it a 3.5" external? If so then take the drive out of the external housing and pop it into either another computer or into a new external drive housing. Many times when an external drive dies it is actually the controller board in the housing that goes and the drive is fine. Even if it's a 2.5" one you can try it in a new housing (or if its a SATA drive this can be tried in a PC too)

Every external drive that died on me, and other people i know, it was the controller board in the housing that was at fault and the drive was fine, or just needed a drive scan to fix any problems.




Interesting.  I hadn't thought of that.  (Shows how much I know about computers and such ... )

I'll give that a try as soon as I can.  Good thing I didn't throw the hard drive out!


Remembering this thread, I came across this post:

ChainsawAsh said:


Nevermind, I got it - it's burning now.

And for the record I used the nonanamorphic GOUT - I'm going to try to reencode this version later on for anamorphic.

--edit again--

Oddly enough, the forced subtitle tag only worked on 1 of the 3 players I tested it on. Slightly inconvenient.

If you can find this disc you burned, all you need to do is extract the audio stream, and you will have retrieved the '77 restored mono mix.

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Friends, I have also been looking for the restored mono mix (lost in a similar hard drive incident) for awhile with no luck...

I would be eternally grateful if anyone could PM me a link for this.

You are all my heroes - I have enjoyed all of your talent and hard work for many years.

"No one has ever disarmed Cypher before."