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Has anyone Read the Book The Secret History of Star Wars by Michael Kaminski?


I think its very interesting it says that George Lucas was inspired by Stories like Dune.Flash Gordon,Akira Kurosawa Movies like The Hidden Fortress,The Foundation Books by Isaac Asimov,The Skylark of Space by Edward Elmer Smith,The Force concept was inspired from New Gods The Source by Jack Kirby,The Lensman Books by Edward Elmer Smith The Cosmic All,Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda The Force of Others,Galactic Patrol,Darth Vader design was inspired from Doctor Doom by Marvel the Villain of The Fighting Devil Dogs,Darkseid from New Gods

Originally Lucas didnt want to do his own Story but a Remake of Flash Gordon highly recommended Book


I read roughly half of it when it was a free-to-download PDF. That would’ve been before it was published as a book. I regret not finishing it, but I have a hard time reading e-books.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


I read mainly (and still do from time to time) the sections about the prequel trilogy. They contain very insightful and plausible conclusions by Kaminski about Lucas’ creative decision making. For example adding the chosen one prophecy and the midichlorians was a mere ‘script crowbar’ so that Anakin’s importance in TPM could be measured by the numbers basically. Anakin has a high midichlorian count? So he must be important! Do you understand that audience?

Or how Lucas’ kind of hijacked the Naboo art design from James Gurneys Dinotopia book series. According to Kaminski, Lucas even called Gurney around the time of the TPM release asking him, if he ‘might be concerned’.

I can really recommend the book to anyone who is interested in behind-the-scenes stuff about the OT and the PT - especially since it is not one of those Lucas-approved books.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


A very revealing and factual book.

From the book section of the An Index & Help Thread for ‘The Expanded Universe’ section…

Michael is/was an OT member here, and you can find more of his stuff on here in threads on his book. Seems a cool guy:

The Secret History Of Star Wars - by Michael Kaminski (OriginalTrilogy•com member zombie84)

^ essential reading on the actual revision-free history of Star Wars - and not the retconned official version from George & Lucasfilm.

The Secret History of Star Wars thread on the book - by zombie84 (2007 thread)

The Secret History of Star Wars - now available in print - by zombie84 (2008 thread)

The Secret History of Star Wars Audiobook - by ryanvb (2014 thread)

• zombie84’s ‘Secret History of Star Wars’ website (kindly re-hosted by none) - for intriguing information about the book.

• zombie84’s ‘Saving Star Wars’ website - for general information on the history and suppression of the theatrical version of the Original Trilogy films, the debunking of George’s many retcons & claims, and also covers the Special Edition changes. As of Sept 2011.

Some of his work from the Secret History of Star Wars and the Saving Star Wars website are also in these pinned OT threads:

An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…

I remember him and and many others getting banned from TFn for just simply talking about the OOT, and George rewriting Star Wars history, back in early or mid 2000’s. TFn mods and members just couldn’t handle it and the mods started purging OOT fans from there, and also people correcting or highlighting George’s new bullshit “masterplan” history. Many ended up on here and other similar websites. There is more on that in An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion.

I love the book and will have to read it again soon. I hoped for a long time that he may do a documentary or video series on it, but I doubt it would happen now. People seems to lap up and worship videos more than books in the past few years.

What do you think of the book MinchD36?


Bought a 2nd hand print copy and absolutely loved it. A great exploration of George and his rewriting of history and going back on his word both behind the scenes and about the story of the films itself. It paints a great picture of how the films were crafted and how the story creatively evolved over the years, with constant retcons.
The evolution of who Vader was, who Luke’s father was, with Kaminski coming to a great conclusion on exactly when they were merged into one. The exploration of the early 9-15 episode series, potential antholgy stories, unwritten sequel trilogies, mysterious Journals of the Whills, this book has it all.
Everything is cited and its sources listed in a hefty section at the back of the book, so you can tell that this was all heavily researched and isn’t coming out of thin air. It’s a great read that isn’t Lucasfilm sanitised.

I really oughta re-read it, as well as “How Star Wars Conquered the Universe” which I haven’t read yet, but have heard great things about.


I read the PDF version when it first appeared and it was indeed a very fascinating read for sure.

Well done Mr.Kaminski your research and analysis was very thorough and it was an enlightening read.

I was listening to an interview of george talking about scene orders and it had to do with princess Leia being tortured and where it should go and about when mos eisley should be reached by Ben Luke and the Robots.

There was going to be a crystal in a cave or something like that which george says I am going to drop that scene out.

This I think ended up on the cover of Splinter of the minds eye book.

I wonder if the Cave scene basically just became the lightsaber in the old storage chest in Ben’s hutt. Perhaps the crystal and the Lightsaber were to be paired and were separated originally?

Interesting that this Crystal Cave scene was hanging about quite late in the script writing process though. I might look at an early draft to see If I can find it.

Ok sorry the cave dwelling became Ben’s Hutt.

The Crystal Chamber was 3 Sith lords praying in front of crystal and feeling a tremor in the force to do with Obi-wan deciding to re-awaken.


I still regret that I didn’t take this for reading from a friend when I had the opportunity. After reading, I painted several sketches and received several excellent reviews from teachers. I hope the authors of college essays about art critique will someday pay attention to my work and write about this a perfect paper. Marooned Biker Scout, thanks for the links. I spent several weekends studying the material, and now I know what to do for a few more months.


Marooned Biker Scout said:

A very revealing and factual book.

From the book section of the An Index & Help Thread for ‘The Expanded Universe’ section…

Michael is/was an OT member here, and you can find more of his stuff on here in threads on his book. Seems a cool guy:

The Secret History Of Star Wars - by Michael Kaminski (OriginalTrilogy•com member zombie84)

^ essential reading on the actual revision-free history of Star Wars - and not the retconned official version from George & Lucasfilm.

The Secret History of Star Wars thread on the book - by zombie84 (2007 thread)

The Secret History of Star Wars - now available in print - by zombie84 (2008 thread)

The Secret History of Star Wars Audiobook - by ryanvb (2014 thread)

• zombie84’s ‘Secret History of Star Wars’ website (kindly re-hosted by none) - for intriguing information about the book.

• zombie84’s ‘Saving Star Wars’ website - for general information on the history and suppression of the theatrical version of the Original Trilogy films, the debunking of George’s many retcons & claims, and also covers the Special Edition changes. As of Sept 2011.

Some of his work from the Secret History of Star Wars and the Saving Star Wars website are also in these pinned OT threads:

An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…

I remember him and and many others getting banned from TFn for just simply talking about the OOT, and George rewriting Star Wars history, back in early or mid 2000’s. TFn mods and members just couldn’t handle it and the mods started purging OOT fans from there, and also people correcting or highlighting George’s new bullshit “masterplan” history. Many ended up on here and other similar websites. There is more on that in An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion.

I love the book and will have to read it again soon. I hoped for a long time that he may do a documentary or video series on it, but I doubt it would happen now. People seems to lap up and worship videos more than books in the past few years.

What do you think of the book MinchD36?

Its very amazing i really enjoyed reading it i hope more Star Wars Fans read this Book i want to read How Star Wars Conquered the Universe next the book that the user Bobson recommended


I read it. It’s a great read that lays out Lucas’ evolving ideas about Star Wars and what his plans for the saga were at any given time.

When I was a little kid in the late 80s/early 90s, I recall somehow “knowing” that Star Wars was supposed to be a 12 episode saga (or was it a 9 episode saga?), and that Lucas originally wrote an enormous script, but originally only filmed the middle part of it (episodes 4-6). Kaminski’s book spells out, in painstaking detail, exactly when/where these ideas emerged, how accurate they were, and how, over time, Lucas changed his mind about various things but then basically tried to rewrite history Joseph Stalin-style by pretending that whatever he currently said about Star Wars was “the way it always was”.

Kaminski claims (with copious footnotes to back it up) that no such larger script ever existed. Only Episode 4 (originally just called “Star Wars” Episode 1) existed. However, it is true that after Star Wars was an unprecedented major success in 1977, Lucas announced plans to turn it into a 12 episode saga (meaning 11 additional movies). But the idea was that each movie would mostly be a standalone story, perhaps with a larger plot or theme tying the movies together. Then after Lucas rewrote the original script for Empire Strikes Back, and merged Luke’s father and Darth Vader into a single character, the 12 episode thing disappeared and now the official plans was a 9 episode saga. The 9 episode saga (ironically) was planned to be pretty close (very broadly speaking) to what we actually have today: Episodes 1 to 3 would be about young Kenobi, 4 to 6 about Luke, and 7 to 9 about some other Jedi character that was mentored by Luke (possibly the mystery person spoken of by Yoda in Empire Strikes Back when he said “there is another”, before that turned into Leia.) However, no actual scripts or plot outlines existed for any of these planned sequels. There were some vague notes or ideas for some of them (like Episode 1 to 3 would be about young Kenobi, there was an Old Republic, and a politician named Palpatine manipulated the Senate and created the Empire) but nothing resembling a fleshed out plot.

But then after filming Empire Strikes Back and ROTJ, Lucas was extremely worn out and went through a difficult divorce that rendered him financially incapable of funding more Star Wars movies. Still, in theory, the official plan remained an eventual 9 episode saga some day.

Then a decade later, after CGI technology had matured, Lucas decided to do Episodes 1-3. No earlier scripts existed for these movies, so he wrote each of them one at a time right before filming (in some cases writing them as they were filmed.) At this point, Lucas became very vague about the earlier 9 episode plan, eventually saying outright that the plan was always to have only 6 episodes, because no further story existed beyond that. This is when he started claiming that the entire saga was the story of Anakin Skywalker. He claimed that the “9 episode” plan was simply an invention of the media. (But this was not true; Lucas said many times in the 1980s that there would be 9 episodes.)

Ironically, the 9 episode plan would eventually happen anyway (obviously). Kaminski claims that originally Episodes 7 - 9 were to be about another Jedi (possibly Luke’s sister), probably the same person Yoda referred to when he said “there is another” in Empire Strikes Back. Obviously, after this “other” was turned into Leia, no plans existed for Episode 7 until much later when Lucas decided the Sequels would be about a young woman (some time in the late 2000s/early 2010s, before selling to Disney) who would be mentored by Luke.

Finally, there’s one alternate version of Star Wars history floating around which originated from Gary Kurtz (Lucas’ producer during the Original Trilogy). This version of the story says that there was supposed to be 9 episodes originally, but the story of Luke would encompass Episode 4 through 9 (forming a “hexology”). In this version of Star Wars history, the events in Return of the Jedi were to be stretched out over episodes 6, 7, 8 and 9. Episode 6 would focus on rescuing Han. Episode 7 and 8 are unknown, and Episode 9 would be about Luke finally confronting the Emperor. However, according to Kaminski, this simply isn’t true and Gary Kurtz is misremembering/conflating things.


Channel72 said:


Great post.

I’m giving it another read through soon. I’d mainly forgot about Kaminski’s great work on unearthing and ordering the backstories for his early drafts of Star Wars and Empire. The backstories that became The Prequels when Lucas decided he needed more money in the early 1990’s. I wish we’d have got to see more of those early backstories onscreen as the Prequels, instead of what we actually got from 1999-2005. Or even a comic release for those backstories with Ben, Annikin, and Vader; 3 separate characters, like we got with “The Star Wars” comics release in 2014, based on George’s 1974 draft script. Maybe even a fan version comic like the one for Trevorrow & Connolly’s Episode IX film script: ‘Duel of the Fates’?

It would be really good to see a “Star Wars II by Leigh Brackett” version comic; either official or fan made.


I do like that some people at Lucasfilm are willing to to acknowledge that part of early Star Wars history, even if it contradicts George’s claims. This probably happens more since since Kaminski TSHoSW book and Rinzler’s Making Of books have been released, and more facts and evidence have become more well known. The images below are from Rinzler’s Making Of books.

https://twitter.com/PhilSzostak/status/1161026961444990976 / https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1157776507533582336.html:

‘In the August 1975 third draft of “The Star Wars”, Kenobi explains to Luke Starkiller that his father Annikin was killed at the “Battle of Condawn”.’:


‘The backstory to Lucas’ January 1976 fourth draft is “about Ben & Luke’s father & Vader, when they are young Jedi Knights”.’:


‘In August 1977, after the release of Star Wars, Lucas stated that Vader massacred the Jedi but Kenobi and Luke’s father Annikin survived.’:


‘Darth Vader wasn’t Luke’s father until the second draft of Empire Strikes Back in April 1978.’:



Using the same two images as above from Rinzler’s “Making Of” book, here is another take from Phil Szostak, the Lucasfilm Creative Art Manager & author, 2019 “Star Wars Mythbusting” twitter thread:

https://twitter.com/PhilSzostak/status/1157776519923552256 (when debunking George’s “Darth Vader = Dark Father” claim)

‘Darth Vader is not Luke Skywalker’s father until the April 1, 1978 second draft of Empire Strikes Back.’:



There are some illuminating articles on this at Michael Kaminski’s website for his The Secret History Of Star Wars book:

Thoughts on J.W. Rinzler’s The Making of Star Wars

The Turn: A History of the Evolution of Anakin’s Downfall

The Birth of Father Skywalker

Beyond George Lucas: Writers of the Star Wars Saga - in the “Leigh Brackett” section.

The “Marcia Lucas” section of the above article, and the full article at TSHoSW website on her is also very interesting.


I think Kaminski mentioned the old Starlog interview with George From July 1981 too in TSHoSW? I will look it up soon:

In case the above image does not show properly:

Kerri O’ Quinn: “Is there going to be character continuity among all three trilogies?”

George Lucas: “No—possibly the robots, but there weren’t originally designed to go through the whole…nobody was designed to go through all three. I’d like to see the robots go through them, but I don’t know whether they will.”

Kerri O’ Quinn: “What will provide the continuity then?”

George Lucas: "Well, the next trilogy—the first one—since it’s about Ben Kenobi as a young man, is the same character, just a different actor. And it’s the same thing with all the characters. Luke ends up in the third film of the first trilogy just three-and-a-half years old. There is continuity with the characters in other words, but not with the actors—and the look of the films will be different.”



Forgotten Films - The Original Draft of The Empire Strikes Back

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTE1RoebkKA - a 2 minute YouTube video from Den Of Geek

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


If Vader was Luke’s father in 1978, was he Anakin at that point? The whole “Obi Wan never told you… Etc… I am your father” does not entirely preclude the possibility that he, as a separate guy named Darth, sired Luke with Mrs. Skywalker.



JF_Sanderson said:

If Vader was Luke’s father in 1978, was he Anakin at that point? The whole “Obi Wan never told you… Etc… I am your father” does not entirely preclude the possibility that he, as a separate guy named Darth, sired Luke with Mrs. Skywalker.

I imagine Lucas was keeping his options open at that point.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


I started reading it a few days ago, and I like it. A lot of my friends recommended it, and I’m glad that I finally found time for it. I’ve read just a small part, but as I said, so far so good. I don’t have a lot of time for reading because I have a lot of homework, and when I need to write papers, then I can do it until late at night. But some time ago I stared using https://edubirdie.com/assignment-help and I’m so happy about it because the help I get is beneficial. I’m not afraid to fail or miss the deadline anymore. And I have some more time, which I can dedicate to other tasks.


Very interesting. A bit long, but well-cited. I learned a lot about George from reading it. There’s too many tidbits I’d like to mention.
Just reading about the alternate directions they might have taken the movies was fascinating. Especially alternate ideas for Return of the Jedi and the prequels. One thing that was baffling to me is that originally Obi Wan was supposed to be the one that found Anakin, and Qui Gon didn’t show up in the movie until they got to Coruscant. That makes so much more sense, why would you change that?
Another idea I found interesting was the prequels were supposed to be structured differently. The first episode was about the history of the Jedi, the second was Obi Wan’s life story, and the third was Anakin’s life story. Maybe there was just too much material to cover in each of those, but that probably would have made the movies more focused.
There were also some telling quotes in there from George Lucas himself. At one point he mentions after making Return of the Jedi that he was thinking of selling Star Wars to someone else, almost 30 years before, you know. He comes across as very stressed and overworked in a lot of this.
There’s also the infamous quote from Harrison Ford criticizing George’s dialogue in the original movie. Apparently Ford regretted this comment after the movie came out. He said “I told George ‘you can’t say that stuff, you can only type it.’ But I was wrong. It worked.”
I’d put the screen shots in there, but I don’t know how.

All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph!