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Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released) — Page 11


Thank you for your reply. Sucks I wont be able to experience your version and all the hard work you put into it. But I completely understand your position! 😃


I’m sorry to hear about the deadbeat user who stole your work. As someone who already has your editions, I do hope you reconsider though. Here in the fan edit community we know all the hard work it takes to complete one edit - let alone a whole series of them.

The one user can distribute whatever he wants, but it won’t be your vision for the films - and that vision is what those who have stuck with your edits are looking for.

Fan editing has no financial reward, so it is all about the pursuit of making things even better and sometimes making the day of a fellow media buff. I hope you find the passion again and don’t let a punk ruin a good – no GREAT – thing.



I’m sorry to read this. I felt that your extended editions where a great way to enjoy the movies as a whole, beter than the original release. Trolls will be trolls. I know it’s quite unpopular to share fanedits as torrent, but some do, as for example Hal9000. Maybe to make certain to be credited for your work, you could torrent them as well. Anyhow, your work is fantastic and I hope you keep up the good work. Cheers!


Doctor M said:

Thank you for all the work you’ve done, and I completely understand. These things, unfortunately, happen. There are people that feel entitled and do crap like this.

I maintain the rule that anyone who asks me for one of my edits, but hasn’t been an OT member for at least a year and hasn’t posted a reasonable amount of comments to a couple threads in that time, does not get links.

Too many people find their way here from Google and sign up just to hit and run for some links.

While I agree that entitled people are a plague, I don’t think the fan edit community grows by keeping people away from the edits. I’m a relatively new fan editor (been doing some edits since October) and am waiting on my first edit’s approval over at IFDB. If no one got links until they’ve been bending over backwards for a year while established editors depart the scene for other things, then very few people ultimately get to see the great work being done by the community.

Part of the problem, as far as I can tell, is a lack of clear availability. Without mentioning too many specifics, I hope we see more file sharing communities pop up where people can find their way to these edits (with all credit paid to the original editors) without the hassle of having to send links.

People want fan edits because so often the edits improve on the original material. For most, I think requesting edits is a sign of passion rather than being over-privileged. Unfortunately, though, some people are just toxic. But you can find those toxic folks just looking out your window, let alone on an internet message board. To keep sane and energized, I just try to think of those who are passionate about media and new takes on classics.


I’m very sorry this happened, JJ. I enjoyed very much your extended editions, and I think they are the best way to watch Harry Potter. Thank you very much for all your work. I’ll save them as safely as I can, but I’m very sad that a lot of other people won’t be able to enjoy them and we’ll be not able to watch the definite version of your edits. I understand you, but please, reconsider your decision. Cheers!


why are people so calm about the edits being deleted… IM FREAKING OUT. I LOVED HIS EDITS AND WAS WAITING FOR A DEFINITE RELEASE. but now i have to go through my depression again…r.i.p fanedits… im so sad. damn i shouldve saved those vimeo clips (not stealing, just for admiring)

damn. can you pleaseeee change ur mind… maybe only give it to certain users that are trusworthy or something? im really bummed out…


I have a lot of thinking to do before I ever consider releasing publicly again. I know one thing that will absolutely never return and that is advance clips of my work. That is what caused this problem. I made the mistake of trying to get people excited about any upcoming releases and I got burned by it.

I tried to get the torrent taken down, but was told it couldn’t be taken down. I asked for my name to be taken off of it because it isn’t my work. I was told that of course it was my work and all he did was paste the upscaled clips into the video (of course removing my intro in the process). I could not convince him that what was released was not my work. While I made the clips, I didn’t upscale the content (nor would I have done that with low res clips), mine would have had an intro, and my clips would have been FINISHED! What I posted were sample clips. I haven’t even finished color correction on them yet. It completely ruined a real v1.7 release of my edits because there is this rogue version out there that has my name on it. I gave up arguing and just resigned myself to that version being out there.

If (and this is a big IF) I ever decide to release again, I can guarantee I’ll be a lot more stringent on who I give links to. Most of the people that asked never bothered to come here to be part of the community, to give feedback, or to even say thank you. To me, it is just common courtesy to do something like that. Maybe it isn’t as common as it should be. I really appreciate all of the sentiments, but things are still pretty raw right now. I want to enjoy doing this and making people happy with the end result. It is going to take time for me. Never say never, but right now I’ve lost a lot of joy in the project due to this.

For info on my HP edits, read the first post in the thread on OT.


JJPotter said:

I have a lot of thinking to do before I ever consider releasing publicly again. I know one thing that will absolutely never return and that is advance clips of my work. That is what caused this problem. I made the mistake of trying to get people excited about any upcoming releases and I got burned by it.

I tried to get the torrent taken down, but was told it couldn’t be taken down. I asked for my name to be taken off of it because it isn’t my work. I was told that of course it was my work and all he did was paste the upscaled clips into the video (of course removing my intro in the process). I could not convince him that what was released was not my work. While I made the clips, I didn’t upscale the content (nor would I have done that with low res clips), mine would have had an intro, and my clips would have been FINISHED! What I posted were sample clips. I haven’t even finished color correction on them yet. It completely ruined a real v1.7 release of my edits because there is this rogue version out there that has my name on it. I gave up arguing and just resigned myself to that version being out there.

If (and this is a big IF) I ever decide to release again, I can guarantee I’ll be a lot more stringent on who I give links to. Most of the people that asked never bothered to come here to be part of the community, to give feedback, or to even say thank you. To me, it is just common courtesy to do something like that. Maybe it isn’t as common as it should be. I really appreciate all of the sentiments, but things are still pretty raw right now. I want to enjoy doing this and making people happy with the end result. It is going to take time for me. Never say never, but right now I’ve lost a lot of joy in the project due to this.

Hey jj. its ok. i know people do things like this but we gotta move on. i hope you release the movies, but of course like you said, i think you should only give it to trusted people. raw times are ahead of us and with the pandemic everything is bizzare. so i hope you the best and thank you for your edits. i will prize them safely. p.s. i really hope you start working on it again, but only give it to certain people. like some guy said on this post that he only gives it to people that have been member for more than a year/ are trusted. thanks.


Wow! Did not expect to see this today. I know how much this must hurt. You did incredible work on these movies and really gave us a much more complete vision of the books than, in my book, what we got in the theatrical releases. Take as long as you need to regroup from all this. And I sincerely hope that one day you come back to all this. We’ll welcome you back with open arms.


I’m really sorry you had to deal with such a terrible fate.
Yeah, having your content stolen really sucks.

I already have your editions.
I haven’t had time to get to fully watch all of them. But I’ve seen enough to be able to appreciate your hard work and dedication. Not to mention the sweet editing skills.

Well, I myself am somebody who found these edits from Google, joined to ask for them, and never became part of this community.
This is just the only project on this website that I’ve been interested in, and I didn’t have much to talk about in other forum sections.
Guess it doesn’t make me that good of a user on this forum, but that’s just how things are…

But I fully understand you though. I’ve had times when people I thought were good really let me down, and then I didn’t know who to trust.

I still hope that some day, you can return to this project, and make new versions available.
But if not, I just want to thank you for all the hard work you did.

LOST - The Incident (s5 finale) - Silent White-Out Credits edit


It has come to my attention that the user that did this is now sending PM’s to people who have posted here with the torrent to the edit that he did. He has also threatened to upload the remainder of the edits to a torrent site as well. It is up to you whether you download these or not. I can’t stop you any more than I can stop him from doing this. It is not what I want with the edits I did. I have never uploaded my edits to a torrent site, so if you see one that way it was not uploaded by me and was uploaded without my permission to do so. Again, nothing I can do about that since they were made available to others.

As much as I thought things might die down some, it is becoming clear this user is determined to push me completely out of the fan editing community through his actions. Thanks for everyone who has let me know what is going on. I appreciate your friendships. They are what made doing the edits worthwhile.

For info on my HP edits, read the first post in the thread on OT.


I have your downloads in a safe place so they wont be lost forever, u deserve to be supported.

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


I watched all your extended editions over the past past week for the first time. You did amazing work and I am incredibly grateful, I’m sorry there are terrible people out there. Take care of yourself.


JJPotter, just wanted to thank you (just as everyone else has been doing) for your hard work, effort, time invested, and involvement in creating your specialized versions of Harry Potter. They truly are the best way to watch the movies with the added content, and I was hoping you could do the same for the remaining Fantastic Beasts movies to close the book so to say. Like everyone, I’m bummed that this has happened and we all support you for the content you worked hard putting together but also sharing it with those that really had a similar interest in the movies in their best form.

Keep your head up and I truly thank you for all you have done!!!

I hope the rest of the movies can get a similar treatment when the time comes from none other than yourself!



Theft of any kind is disgusting and this person sounds horribly selfish and evil. As much as I would’ve like to see them, I get your reaction. People these days…


Bloody hell JJ that’s absolutely disgusting of him and I hope he gets a taste of karma in the future. I hope you continue with your edits as your work is top notch even if its just for yourself mate, obviously I do hope you decide to share your edits with the community or just a select few but completely understand if you don’t. I hate the fact one bad egg can spoil it for everyone. Stay safe mate


Just wanted to say that i’ve just watched your extended editions of the 3rd, 4th and 5th movies which I managed to get from someone and just wanted to say thank you for the awesome extended editions you have done. They were absolutely flawless. I had to google what the deleted scenes were afterwards, because I had no clue due to how perfectly incorporated they were.
Just feeling it’s such a shame I have to now return to the blu-rays for the last 3 movies. As they no longer feel like the definitive versions after seeing yours. But I truly appreciate the great effort and artistry you put in to the 3 that I did get to see. 😄
Look forward to hopefully seeing your versions make a return one day when you are up to it. 😃


JJ, you’re a hero.

Thank you so much for the incredible work you’ve done over the years. I hope one day this will be over and you’ll be able to return into a safer, kinder environment to once again share your incredible work with us.

If that day never comes, thank you nonetheless. I still have your edits and they are, without a doubt, my go-to way of watching the Harry Potter movies. Godspeed.


Such a shame but completely understand your stance. A friend showed me your edit from the 5th movie and I have spent so long trying to find a way to get in touch to find the edit for the 4th movie.

Hopefully everything sorts itself out.


I don’t know if this is okay to ask or not. But is there anyone that has access to the Extended versions of Half Blood Prince and The 2 Deathly Hallows movies that you might be able to share with me? It’s killing me that I have 5 out of 8 extended editions now. JJPotters edits were absolutely fantastic and I so would love to be able to see the last three. Would really appreciate it if anyone even JJPotter yourself might be feeling generous enough to share it with me. I promise they will be treasured and not treated improperly in any way! 😃

Thought it’s worth at least asking! 😄


It’s a real tragedy that I’ve only discovered that a devoted fan made extended edits AFTER someone came along and ruined them for everyone else.

I, like Chris, would definitely be interested in knowing if I can wrangle access as well --working from home is getting rather blah and I’ve just about run out of movies to rewatch while doing various tasks. That being said, I understand completely if that is off the table for now.

(I do own all the current movies and the boxset)


Well goddam, I was so stoked to hear there was someone out there who actually put in the love and time to make the extended versions only to hear some dick-wad ruined it for everyone 😕
Anyways so sry to hear bout that, sounds very undeserved…


i was recently bought the ultimate edition and saw only 2 of them are extended which is very great… and now i dont wantvto see other movies with theatrical versions only. hope i came earlier to download it, but bad luck. if you still can share with me it will be great for ho fan like us. thanks.