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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 362


Troyig88 said:

I think pittrek was joking when he wrote that.   That was a outstanding featurette.

Of course, I hoped it was clear :-) I'm a big fan of Harmy's work


Impressive nonetheless to seamlessly tribute all of the collective efforts that went into this cohesively in a manner which takes complicated work and blends it all in a nicely wrapped package of goodness full of gratitude and dedication.



I do LIKE your voice AND I absolutely LOVED the "featurette".

Your diction is clear, I had no trouble at all understanding you, and I'm brazilian!

The only room for improvement IMHO would be the "DESPECIALIZED" title treatment.  It is a bit too simple/crude when compared to the overall utterly professional work you've done.

IMHO, the "Despecialized Edition" logo that appears on 10m55s is a lot better, for example.

Also, I hope it's not too late to mention, but I've noticed a "shake" in the position of the red turbine of the x-wing fighter on the left side, at 8m19s aprox.






Cannot wait to see the clip :)
Really loved the comparison galleries, so I think this will be nice to see in video form! Thanks for putting that together, and for letting us have a "sneak preview" of it!



Good question - probably so. It's probably on their threshold of "too grey" an area, and it'd probably be taken down pretty quickly.


Very cool video. Now I can show this to friends rather than talk over the movie about how great it all is.


Yeah, unfortunately, from experience, this would probably get blocked on YouTube within minutes.

teoalcantara said:


I do LIKE your voice AND I absolutely LOVED the "featurette".

Your diction is clear, I had no trouble at all understanding you, and I'm brazilian!

Yeah, I was recording that with foreign audience in mind :-)

The only room for improvement IMHO would be the "DESPECIALIZED" title treatment.  It is a bit too simple/crude when compared to the overall utterly professional work you've done.

IMHO, the "Despecialized Edition" logo that appears on 10m55s is a lot better, for example.

I like the logo this way - pure and simple.

Also, I hope it's not too late to mention, but I've noticed a "shake" in the position of the red turbine of the x-wing fighter on the left side, at 8m19s aprox.

It's supposed to do that - it did in the original :-)



I second what Puggo said.

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


I just watched the featurette last night and I loved it. Didn't mind your voice at all too. :) Looking forward to seeing the rest when v2.5 is released.

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Very well done clip!!! Very, very cool to see some of the wipes showing several sources. I can't wait to show this to a friend who's recently been introduced to the "Despecialized" world :)

This is very professional, Harmy. The pacing on your commentary is also very well done, and nicely spaced out. Really enjoyed seeing this. Thank you!


I get this message when trying to download the documentary '' Availability of this file has timed out. If you wish to download this file, please, contact the uploader. ''


Harmy said:

It should hopefully work now :-)

Thank for all the nice comments guys :-)

Also, check out the little clip in the ESB thread.

Thanks it is downloading now, looking forward to it :)


I just watched your making of documentary, Harmy and I've got to say well done!  I didn't realize just how many different sources you've used.

Amazing stuff!


Greetings, fellow Star Wars fans!

Although I have been following this project and this forum thread for quite some time, I believe this is the first time for me to make a post. Thus, I can't move on until I extend my deep gratitude to Harmy and everyone else involved in the various fan preservation projects of Star Wars for all your hard work, incredible attention to detail, and selfless hours of dedication. I am immeasurably grateful to be one of the many fans who will share in the benefits of this project to reconstruct the original masterpiece of the Star Wars trilogy.


I have broken my silence as a forum lurker to announce that I have uploaded Harmy's Video Sources Documentary for Star Wars: Despecialized Edition to YouTube. Harmy, I realize you have had trouble with YouTube in the past and some of your uploaded videos were removed as a result of copyright claims. However, I agree with Puggo: The world should see this video - it does an incredible job introducing and explaining the purpose and methods of your Despecialized Edition edit of Star Wars.

We'll see if YouTube removes this video, too. If they do, I'll be the one taking the fall for it, and that's a risk I'm happy to take for this project. For now, the video is live at the following link:

EDIT: The video has been re-uploaded at higher quality (as discussed in the following replies on this thread. The new link is:



Thanks again, and keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to the upcoming release of SW DE v2.5 and the future 2.0 version of ESB & ROTJ!

HanDuet’s Guide (“HDG”) to Download Harmy’s Star Wars Despecialized Editions
Checksums & File Verifications for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions
Harmy’s Sources Documentary (11 min version) on YouTube


Great work Harmy, i have watched this 3 times now.


Hi Harmy, I signed up basically to let you know how awesome you are and how impressed I am by all this - I just watched the documentary on the sources and I'm simply blown away, it's absolutely incredible. You should be extremely proud.

I downloaded the latest version of the three films and they are stunning. I can't wait to have the BD discs for all three (however long that will take!) and it'll be the version I show my nephews and kids one day in the future for sure.

This is simply as good as I was hoping Lucasfilm would give us (and probably better). It's incredible and as LF has no intention of restoring the originals it's so reassuring to know that you done this - it is, what I have wanted for years now.

A million thanks to you.


Okay, I just watched the documentary ...... very, very cool.  Nicely done.  


Excellent feature Harmy, really good to highlight all the problems with the official releases.

Would be nice to see Hairy Hen do something about the restoration of the 70mm mix.

Also, does everyone pronounce AVISynth as "avvysynth" or is it just you? ;-)

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