Star Wars – One Last Time VHS 1995 Trailer (HD Restoration)
I can’t find the actual post on here, but it highlighted what I also thought about that “One Last Time” video, back in 1995:
That it was Lucas being coy or clever about the VHS format itself, with the new much talked about and anticipated DVD format was on the horizon, and DVD would the format that the Star Wars trilogy was going to be released onwards. At this time Lucas was still revered as a genius, innovator, a pioneer, and would surely embrace the new exciting technology. To take those recent THX audio and video improvements and put them onto the new digital home format. It was the obvious sure thing to do. Or it seemed that way.
Instead, we had to wait what seemed like an eternity, until 2004, for the OT to be on DVD. That 2004 release was a rushed botch job. “Deliberate creative decisions” excuses to hide basic audio errors, a faulty disc, and that horrible blue shift to it. Also with even more Special Edition changes.
Some trailers for the DVD format at the time (mainly from 1996):
“Toshiba DVD (1996) Promo (VHS Capture)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzvkTO4dcHQ
“1996 Columbia TriStar DVD promo”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-vPeniFN08
“Polygram DVD Sampler”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbzVmUkEfEc
“Segment from 1996 Panasonic Demonstration DVD”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvVb3eT0HaU
“Live DVD Videos (1997) Promo (VHS Capture)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8-xjTFVlC4
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD with reminders of the delays to DVD being released in the mid 1990s (and format wars).
From the Index for ‘Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases’:
Yet TPM was released on DVD in 2001.