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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 11


The rumor that there was a script rewrite is just a rumor right?


Well they’ve started shooting and people have already started to prepare Dubrovnik for a coming shoot there, so I don’t really see how there could be any serious script rewrites currently in the works.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Lord Haseo said:

The rumor that there was a script rewrite is just a rumor right?

Scripts are constantly changing, even into production, even on the best movies. Rewrites have definitely been happening, especially with the audience reaction to TFA informing what is/isn’t working in regards to the stories and characters. The question is simply how much has been rewritten, and whether that’s something to worry about. I’d say probably not too much and definitely not.


ZkinandBonez said:

Well they’ve started shooting and people have already started to prepare Dubrovnik for a coming shoot there, so I don’t really see how there could be any serious script rewrites currently in the works.

The rumor came out last month so it’s possible seeing as how shooting just started 2 weeks ago.

DominicCobb said:
Rewrites have definitely been happening, especially with the audience reaction to TFA informing what is/isn’t working in regards to the stories and characters. The question is simply how much has been rewritten, and whether that’s something to worry about. I’d say probably not too much and definitely not.

If so I hope that the rumor that the new character’s roles will be shrunk in favor of giving our new trio more screen time is true. I also hope that there are less parallels to the OT in Episode VIII. Training and Rey losing are pretty much all I want to be “rehashed” from ESB.


My predictions:

  • Rey is Luke’s daughter.
  • Snoke is Darth Plagueis.
  • Luke trains Rey and there will be parallels to his own training from Yoda.
  • We will find out a lot more about Kylo Ren’s turn to the dark side and the fall of the New Jedi Order and why exactly Luke felt the need to go into hiding and abandon Rey. (I think clearly Snoke/Kylo were looking for her given his interest in her in TFA “What girl?!” etc.)
  • Kylo will continue to struggle with an inner conflict between the light and dark, his killing of his father having backfired to have the opposite effect of what he wanted, which was to put an end to the conflict.
  • I think part of the reason Luke isolated himself was that he feared falling to the dark side himself. My personal theory is that Kylo killed Rey’s mother/Luke’s wife and Luke felt it would be too dangerous to try to take revenge, as that could lead him to the dark side like his father which would ultimately only be more harmful to the fate of the galaxy than the First Order. So he had to wait until Rey was old enough to find him so he could train her and make a play then. That’s why R2 did not light up and reveal the map until Rey was there. Luke told him to only show the map to her.
  • It’s possible that ghost Hayden makes an appearance. It’s also possible that we have an extended flashback sequence for the first time in Star Wars to help clear some of these events up. Hopefully, such a scene would allow for us to see Luke and Han on screen together again.
  • There might be more of these mysterious “Knights of Ren.” It’s possible that many of the Jedi Luke was training fell to the dark side, not just Kylo, and so these are like the new Sith except not bound by stupid concepts like the “Rule of Two.”

Density said:

  • Kylo will continue to struggle with an inner conflict between the light and dark, his killing of his father having backfired to have the opposite effect of what he wanted, which was to put an end to the conflict.

I don’t think so. I think he may feel regret during his training with the Supreme Leader but I think the embarrassment at being bested by Rey, his devotion to what Vader stood for and the deterioration of his mental state is going to cleanse any speck of light that was inside of him with the training putting the final nail in the coffin.

That’s why R2 did not light up and reveal the map until Rey was there. Luke told him to only show the map to her.

Fraid that’s not possible due to there already being an in universe explanation

  • There might be more of these mysterious “Knights of Ren.” It’s possible that many of the Jedi Luke was training fell to the dark side, not just Kylo, and so these are like the new Sith except not bound by stupid concepts like the “Rule of Two.”

I think it’s pretty much an absolute certainty we’ll see them seeing as how many people were disappointed that they were only in one scene.

  • Rey is Luke’s daughter.
  • Snoke is Darth Plagueis.

I too believe these will be revealed in Episode VIII but to elaborate on what I think is going to happen:

  • In addition to finding out Luke is her father Rey will also find out that Kylo Ren wiped her mind after he defeats her

  • Kylo Ren’s training will be shown right along Rey’s

  • Luke has been secretly training Jedi in his time on Planet Ireland (this is more of a hope than anything)

  • Kylo Ren and Hux’s bantering will escalate and in turn will lead to a full blown schizm in Episode IX

  • It will be confirmed that either Finn or Poe is force sensitive

  • Kylo Ren will grow more mentally unstable

I also think Rey will turn to the Dark Side. There’s nothing to back this up; just a gut feeling.


So Rey would be the grand-daugther of Satine, the former Mandalore ruler ? It would surely be less boring than making her a Skywalker (and it would add a little something to the final rematch Ren vs Rey, with a new version of “Battle of the heroes”). But I would like her not to be blood-related to anyone we know (shrinking such a huge galaxy to a simple family feud over 9 movies is lame). Some kind of “New Chosen One” in order to explain her stunning abilities, and to extend (finish ?) the balance of the Force subplot (like it on not, it “feeds” the entire saga, even EpVII makes a reference to that).

Rian Johnson is a good director and even if his Akira-like “Looper” wasn’t that great the man knows how to build suspense and characters. That being said, TFA flaws are not really JJ Abrams faults, in the way a creative producer is needed to make a good movie (Gary Kurtz: yes ; McCallum: no ; Kennedy: surprinsingly no).

edit: by the way everybody is wishing (expecting ?) to see some training montage, but don’t you think this is déjà-vu stuff ? Even needed stuff ? It’s time to see something new, otherwise EpVIII is going to be a rehash ot EpV. EpVII is weak because (among many other flaws) they put things the fan base wanted to see, basically a rehash/remake/EpVI part 2, with nothing new added (only Finn is a never seen character in the saga, but they used him most of the time as a simple comic relief…). I want to be surprised, that Rian Johnson goes elsewhere to find inspiration, “Star Wars” Bible is not “Star Wars” itself (the main issue with most of 2015 blockbusters, this nostalgia trend which is killing creativity), it’s much more, way much more. Get inspirations from Robert Howard, Frank Herbert, David Gemmell, and so on. I know this is wishful thinking…


MalàStrana said:

Some kind of “New Chosen One” in order to explain her stunning abilities, and to extend (finish ?) the balance of the Force subplot (like it on not, it “feeds” the entire saga, even EpVII makes a reference to that).

No…just no…the Revanesque mind wiping thing fixes all of the problems with her seemingly being a Mary Sue and doesn’t even remotely have the stink of the prequels on it. Even if she was some super entity of The Force it wouldn’t account for everything just like having her just be a Skywalker wouldn’t account for everything.

by the way everybody is wishing (expecting ?) to see some training montage, but don’t you think this is déjà-vu stuff ?

For one the training can take place in the first act of the film while everything else is relatively new. Also it’s possible we get to see Kylo Ren’s training and that’s something that we haven’t seen in the films yet. Also if the training and Kylo Ren beating Rey is pretty much the only things that mirrors ESB the whole “rehash” argument really won’t stick. It doesn’t even stick to TFA in the way some people on the internet would have you believe.

Even needed stuff ?

I would like to have it in there just for the character development those scenes would have.


Lord Haseo said:
It doesn’t even stick to TFA in the way some people on the internet would have you believe.

You know, there is no “anti-EpVII church” kind of thing plotting against Disney and spreading the word on the evil internet that EpVII is a rehash of the OT… Believe it or not, but I was disappointed by this rehash without even knowing that other people thought the same way. Yeah, curious isn’t it ? At least two different people in different places of different age having the same idea, even people around me who don’t go read stuff and watch videos on the evil internet. Crazy… but true. So it’s time to get beyond that: some people think EpVII is totally new (which does not mean they think it’s good), and they have the right to think so; other people (around me it’s 100%) think it feels déjà vu and it does rely too much on the OT (which does not mean they think it’s a bad movie), and they have the equal right to think so. You don’t agree, you believe we’ve all been body snatched by an evil youtube user, ok, now just get over it.


MalàStrana said:

Lord Haseo said:
It doesn’t even stick to TFA in the way some people on the internet would have you believe.

You know, there is no “anti-EpVII church” kind of thing plotting against Disney and spreading the word on the evil internet that EpVII is a rehash of the OT

Never even said anything that alluded to that but okay.

some people think EpVII is totally new and they have the right to think so; other people think it feels déjà vu and it does rely too much on the OT and they have the equal right to think so. You don’t agree

No I don’t because the answer lies somewhere in the middle. I’m not liable to be swept up in internet extremism.

ok, now just get over it.

You’re still salty about the other thread lol


I also was disappointed by the strong déjà vu feel, and I hadn’t heard about it before I saw the movie. Though I have more problems with it than just that.

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Lord Haseo said:
Fraid that’s not possible due to there already being an in universe explanation

That seems to be more of an out-of-universe explanation. I don’t see how it rules out that in-universe explanation. I still think Luke instructed R2 to only show the map when his daughter was there.


Density said:
That seems to be more of an out-of-universe explanation.

Actually if you want an out of universe explanation you could just call it a big plot convenience. The thing I linked you two is a story (aka in universe) reason for why R2 suddenly wakes up when the plot requires him too.

I don’t see how it rules out that in-universe explanation. I still think Luke instructed R2 to only show the map when his daughter was there.

They could do both but the thing I posted is technically canon while R2 waking up just because of Rey’s presence is merely a theory. A plausible one…but still a theory.


“Official” Star Wars 8: The Force Unleashed Spoilers

  1. Chewbacca returns to Tatooine as captain of the Millenium Falcon, after the death of Han Solo. There, he recruits 2 first-mates. They are Heckle and Jeckle, 2 irascible brothers whose antics cause no end of trouble and laughter for poor Chewbacca. They will be CGI, and look sort of like wombats.

  2. Leia will become much more integral to the plot of “Force Unleashed” as she and her servant/companion, Beurre (another cgi-created character) enter the plotline. Beurre is a talking animated butter-dish, whose singing and positive attitude will delight children and adults of all ages. (Disney approved)

  3. Luke and Leia will explore and fully realize the “forbidden love” aspect of their relationship, in a desperate plan to revitalize the jedi ranks by creating children, and then multitudes of clones of those children. These new younglings will, however, have some forms of retardation, due to the in-breeding.

  4. As you know in real life, the character named Finn came under legal dispute by Finnius, a handle that had been used by ME since before the days of WWW, back with Arpanet and BBS. After clearly showing in court that I had been called “Finn” or “Finnius” since 1981…I was allowed to take over the role of Finn for all remaining movies. I will be digitally changed to blackface in the movie to keep continuity for the franchise. Finn will become the love interest of Rey, while the both of them begin Jedi training under the new Jedi Master.

  5. The new Jedi Master, Jar-Jar Binkenobi takes Rey and Finn under his wing, training them in the ways of the New Jedi Way…which includes pie-fights, prat-falls, eye-pokes and other distracting techniques to foil enemies. (it is rumored that a final battle between Jar Jar and Luke is in the script for episode 9, although Mark Hamill refuses to speak of anything, due to a gag order in his contract)

  6. R2-D2 somehow regains his repressed memories of serving Darth Vader AND Luke Skywalker, and immolates himself in a courageous act of remorse. C-3PO, distraught over his lovers’ death, vows to never love again. Beurre eventually cheers him up with song and dance, and by the end of the movie C-3PO bravely announces his homosexual programming to the rest of the cast.

  7. Kylo Ren dons armor, (much like Darth Vader) and his voice is augmented to match exactly to Professor Snape (from the Harry Potter series). Hearing of Luke and Leia’s romance, he vows to find HIS lost sister so that he can ALSO produce a horde of sith-children…and the race between the 2 factions for control of the galaxy begins.


In “Clone Wars”, Satine and Obi-Wan had something very close to a love interest (we understand that there was something between the two of them a few years prior to the Clone Wars, when Ben was a young adult I believe). Besides Satine had a far younger redheaded sister. Could she be that very child hidden from Ben as a pretended sister ? But I agree it wouldn’t be very convaincing she had a child without Ben knowing it, and that Rey is Ben’s grand-daugther. But if someone wants to elaborate over Rey being a Kenobi this is the only thing I can think of right now.


ZkinandBonez said:
Do people honestly think that Rian Johnson is going to use an EU character as a plot point in the new main trilogy movies?

Well, as I said I don’t think he will, and I don’t think it would even be necessary if Rey was blood-related to Kenobi to show this in the movie (it would be explained in a comic book), I was just trying to use the official canon to see if this idea could find some kind of an explaination somewhere. To my view, Rey is not a Kenobi, and I hope she’s not a Skywalker either (even if she’s probably going to be related to Luke or Leia… or Snoke ?).


MalàStrana said:

ZkinandBonez said:
Do people honestly think that Rian Johnson is going to use an EU character as a plot point in the new main trilogy movies?

Well, as I said I don’t think he will, and I don’t think it would even be necessary if Rey was blood-related to Kenobi to show this in the movie (it would be explained in a comic book), I was just trying to use the official canon to see if this idea could find some kind of an explaination somewhere. To my view, Rey is not a Kenobi, and I hope she’s not a Skywalker either (even if she’s probably going to be related to Luke or Leia… or Snoke ?).

Oh I wasn’t pointing the finger at you, I was referring to fans in general who seem to be live this.

I just find these speculations so fascinating. A lot if fans really do seem to forget that these are movies, and behave as if they were real historical events. I understand the need for lore continuity, but they seem to overlook how convoluted these plots would be if the writers had followed their logic.
That’s why I like this forum, people here treat them as works of fiction.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.