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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 9


I kind of like those outfits. Could Hasbro have based those figures on unused concept art?

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Where were you in '77?


DominicCobb said:

 ^ Awesome, Jesse Ventura is a Jedi!

I guess this ^ Kenobi/Ralph Fiennes concept would be the inspiration?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Yeah, those figures are indeed inspired by TPM concept art of the all-black Jedi outfits. The Qui-Gon one in particular shows off the body armor that Doug Chiang wanted the Jedi to wear.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


While brown robes are a popular clothing accessory throughout the galaxy, the Jedi tunic is pretty unique.

Owen's outfit is similar but a lot rougher than old Ben's tunic.

How does Yoda's attire weigh in? You decide.

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I was just looking at various pieces of concept art painted by the great Ralph McQuarrie at the time the original trilogy was being made and I came across this piece, which I'm guessing was painted around the time of Return of the Jedi. Nothing special at first glance but then I realized that this looks just like something in a photo from the set of Star Wars Episode VII, recently taken by the people at TMZ! Now this doesn't really say much about the plot of the film other than confirming they are on Tatooine (which everybody assumed anyways from the sand), but to me this is the greatest find becuase it means they are still going back to the originals, paying homage through unused concept art from the man who really created the entire look of the galaxy. Little stuff like this makes me look forward to the movie more and more.


Agreed. That gate has been discussed a lot this last week, for the reason you mention.


Tobar said:

While brown robes are a popular clothing accessory throughout the galaxy, the Jedi tunic is pretty unique.

Owen's outfit is similar but a lot rougher than old Ben's tunic.

How does Yoda's attire weigh in? You decide.

 I presume Kenner had photo references for this back in the day...

As a kid I thought this was the Jedi uniform.

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Where were you in '77?


Darth Lucas said:


I was just looking at various pieces of concept art painted by the great Ralph McQuarrie at the time the original trilogy was being made and I came across this piece, which I'm guessing was painted around the time of Return of the Jedi. Nothing special at first glance but then I realized that this looks just like something in a photo from the set of Star Wars Episode VII, recently taken by the people at TMZ! Now this doesn't really say much about the plot of the film other than confirming they are on Tatooine (which everybody assumed anyways from the sand), but to me this is the greatest find becuase it means they are still going back to the originals, paying homage through unused concept art from the man who really created the entire look of the galaxy. Little stuff like this makes me look forward to the movie more and more.

Just to add another thread to this, I just remembered that this gate design made an appearance in the Ultimate Sith Edition of The Force Unleashed.

Here's a link to it, please ignore the annoying commentator.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I would love to see him play a creepy old Joker if they ever did a live action version of Dark Knight Returns.

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Where were you in '77?


Tobar said:

How does Yoda's attire weigh in? You decide.

 Before the prequels I assumed Yoda's Dagoba outfit was just rags. Something he cobbled together over a period of decades in hiding. Not any uniform.

Flash forward to 1999 and apparently its what he's been wearing for at least 800 years.


So. What does everyone think of the possibility of OT characters dying in VII? (I'd rather discuss it now, as opposed to down the road when the spoilers may or may not be floating around).

I think there's a pretty good chance of Luke or Han biting the dust. Harrison has said that he thought Solo should die in V or VI. And I've read that Lucas only kept him alive at the end of Jedi for marketing purposes? (true?). Plus they might be concerned about getting him back for VIII and IX, if nothing is signed yet.

The more I see of Mark Hamill this year, the more convinced I am that he's going to pull off this role and won't just be shown in a scene for fandom to check off a box. But they might want to have him struck down to pass the torch to the next star. A bit too predictable to do it exactly like that, though.


Just speculating, does anyone else here think that Gwendoline Christie's character would make a great android? Think of Xizor's assassin droid, Guri, from the book Shadows of the Empire. She has an imposing frame to play a kickass human-like android.

Edit: @towne32, Honestly, I actually hope Luke doesn't die in VII. One doesn't have to die to "pass on the torch" to another main cast - it's becoming cliché in Star Wars. As iconic as he is, I'd like to see more of Luke as a powerful, full-fledged Jedi Master - even when his role becomes just as a supporting character after VII (just like Yoda's role in V) - seen only when integral for the story. I give him permission to die in IX if he has to :) Han on the other hand, yes it's likely he will die in some way in VII, or at the latest VIII. I trust them to do with each character what they need to do to tell a great Sequel Trilogy.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


I agree. Hopefully they are more original than that. I would imagine that they'll keep Luke around (at least to return in IX), so long as Hamill is up for it. 


towne32 said:

So. What does everyone think of the possibility of OT characters dying in VII? (I'd rather discuss it now, as opposed to down the road when the spoilers may or may not be floating around).

I think there's a pretty good chance of Luke or Han biting the dust. Harrison has said that he thought Solo should die in V or VI. And I've read that Lucas only kept him alive at the end of Jedi for marketing purposes? (true?). Plus they might be concerned about getting him back for VIII and IX, if nothing is signed yet.

The more I see of Mark Hamill this year, the more convinced I am that he's going to pull off this role and won't just be shown in a scene for fandom to check off a box. But they might want to have him struck down to pass the torch to the next star. A bit too predictable to do it exactly like that, though.

The only one I'm pretty certain will die in the sequel trilogy is Luke. Going the Obi-Wan route and becoming a Force ghost to appear in a few scenes in each film.

On many sites I've read about Ford disliking Han and desiring him to die in Return of the Jedi. He may well get his wish in these sequels. I'm unsure about him at this point. If Han dies Chewie will too. Going out with the Millennium Falcon.

I don't see Leia dying. Right now I'm guessing they'll be taking a Mon Mothma approach to her character and she'll offer intelligence from various spies throughout the sequel series or she may become somewhat of a female Yoda training younger Jedi. Hopefully eschewing the prequel habit of favoring lightsaber brawn over Force might.

C3PO and R2-D2 are assuredly going to survive the entire sequel trilogy trip.


I'd be very surprised if they do it this film, as fans are expecting someone to bite it. Luke going the Obi Wan route to spooksville too soon would be a bit obvious, and merely ape the original film.

After the whole Vector Prime backlash, they aren't going kill Chewie, at least not this time out. Somebody has to mourn Han's passing with a mighty howl that will shake the bulkheads loose.

This is the welcome back to the Galaxy Far Far Away movie, things can get darker in Episode 8.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I'd be very surprised if they do it this film, as fans are expecting someone to bite it. Luke going the Obi Wan route to spooksville too soon would be a bit obvious, and merely ape the original film.

After the whole Vector Prime backlash, they aren't going kill Chewie, at least not this time out. Somebody has to mourn Han's passing with a mighty howl that will shake the bulkheads loose.

This is the welcome back to the Galaxy Far Far Away movie, things can get darker in Episode 8.

 Well, Chewie has the best voice for mourning at least.


ATMachine said:

The prequel Jedi robes may be extremely ugly but I'm pretty sure that (aside from the higher cut required for wire-fu) they were essentially what Lucas envisioned for the Jedi uniform when he made SW 1977.

Just like "padawan" was in Lucas's very first notes and the concept of midichlorians existed in the 70s. Certain ideas are dropped for a reason, and when an idea is dropped for a reason, it shouldn't be brought back.


The McDLT was dropped for a reason but I still miss it.


darklordoftech said:

Just like "padawan" was in Lucas's very first notes and the concept of midichlorians existed in the 70s. Certain ideas are dropped for a reason, and when an idea is dropped for a reason, it shouldn't be brought back.

 Well said, oh Dark and Tech-y One.


Not a spoiler in any sense of the word.

He attended Star Wars Weekends this year and they have costumed characters from the Clone Wars among others.

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