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SilverWook said:
Mielr said:
joefavs said:
Unless everything we think we know about this film is completely off base, Luke's absence figures heavily into the plot. I'm totally fine with him barely being in it if it makes the story better. We've got two more of these on the way, I don't mind it if we don't get everything all at once.
Yeah, well Mark Hamill isn't getting any younger (and neither am I!) I may be dead before the next 2 come out! ;-)
Anyhow, good trailer. The trailers alone are already better movies than eps 1-3.Mark put in a lot of effort getting into shape. That plus the time spent working on the film would seem to point away from a glorified cameo.
Unless they were secretly filming part of Episode 8 at the same time. ;)
That's a good point. I think Luke is definitely in this for more than the one scene MSW insists on, but it'll still be a big reveal towards the end of the film.
I have to say, I'm extremely pleased to see it confirmed that the trailer music was not arranged by Williams. I thought it worked well enough for a trailer, and I adore the fact that they dusted off the love theme, but it would have been a serious bummer if those arrangements were indicative of the sound of the actual score. I'm not a fan of that kind of drum-heavy style at all.