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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 17


I think the fact that there will be real, tangible Stormtrooper armor in the film (unlike the prequels, where they were ALL lazily CGI) is enough to get anyone super excited.

I expect to still see just a few of the OT-style armor in some of the unimportant outer reaches of the galaxy (let alone for nostalgia), but I definitely agree we will see the next evolution of their armor. And we can safely assume when they designed the new changes to the armor, they took note of their humiliating defeat to the pint-sized Ewoks - no way do they want a repeat of that circus act :)

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


SilverWook said:

I'm sure the trooper armor will reflect it's lineage, but also 30 years of change. If they went back to McQuarrie's original designs, I might cry out of joy too!

Wow, that would be awesome.  They seem to be using McQuarrie's original designs for inspiration based on the leaked photos, so I wouldn't be surprised if at least the helmets look like his original design.  I think that would be a nice tribute to him as well.


.Mac. said:

I think the fact that there will be real, tangible Stormtrooper armor in the film (unlike the prequels, where they were ALL lazily CGI) is enough to get anyone super excited.

I expect to still see just a few of the OT-style armor in some of the unimportant outer reaches of the galaxy (let alone for nostalgia), but I definitely agree we will see the next evolution of their armor. And we can safely assume when they designed the new changes to the armor, they took note of their humiliating defeat to the pint-sized Ewoks - no way do they want a repeat of that circus act :)

I wonder if the rebels may have also re-purposed some of OT armor as well as some Destroyers and other Imperial space crafts?  We may very well see the Rebels commanding some Star Destroyers in the ST.  Rumor has it Star Destroyers (or something similar looking) will make an appearance in Episode VII... nothing confirmed, of course.


I don't think it's unlikely that there's an Imperial remnant, or perhaps some kind of Imperial revival going on.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I suggested a while back we might see a Star Destroyer with a Rebel Alliance logo painted on the hull. Imagine seeing that in the opening shot! It would instantly communicate how things have changed sine ROTJ.

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Where were you in '77?


I'd like to see stormtroopers with black armour make an appearance in the ST, perhaps as agents or members of the fabled "Jedi hunters".


Yeah, I'd assume that if the senate was brought back that they would just use a lot of the Empire's infrastructure. Especially if Luke hasn't established a new Jedi Order, which is sounding likely from the rumors.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I'd like to see stormtroopers with black armour make an appearance in the ST, perhaps as agents or members of the fabled "Jedi hunters".

 I guess the real downfall of the Empire was the endless supply of jelly doughnuts for fleet officers...

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Where were you in '77?


Verboten said:

Yeah, I'd assume that if the senate was brought back that they would just use a lot of the Empire's infrastructure. Especially if Luke hasn't established a new Jedi Order, which is sounding likely from the rumors.

The Empire likely even had craft almost finished in shipyards that could be put into service, much like China bought an old, nearly complete Soviet era aircraft carrier and fitted her out.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I'd like to see stormtroopers with black armour make an appearance in the ST, perhaps as agents or members of the fabled "Jedi hunters".

 I guess the real downfall of the Empire was the endless supply of jelly doughnuts for fleet officers...



SilverWook said:

Verboten said:

Yeah, I'd assume that if the senate was brought back that they would just use a lot of the Empire's infrastructure. Especially if Luke hasn't established a new Jedi Order, which is sounding likely from the rumors.

The Empire likely even had craft almost finished in shipyards that could be put into service, much like China bought an old, nearly complete Soviet era aircraft carrier and fitted her out.

 Well, I'm hoping that's the case because the alternative, that the Empire is still around 30 years after Jedi, just seems stupid.


Verboten said:

 ... that the Empire is still around 30 years after Jedi, just seems stupid.

 Enemies or peoples with different ideals don't automatically cease to exist after being dealt a blow in warfare. 

North Korea is still a functioning country (and threat) 61 years after the end of the Korean War.  Japan and Russia, among others, are also fully functioning nations and people 70 years after WWII.  The Cold War also.

I think it's completely plausible that factions of the Empire would still be operating after Return.  Mild threat, an uneasy peace, occasional terrorism, etc.  That, to me, is another area where Zahn handled the sequels perfectly. The Empire isn't gone.  It's just weak and angry.

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Anchorhead said:

Verboten said:

 ... that the Empire is still around 30 years after Jedi, just seems stupid.

 Enemies or peoples with different ideals don't automatically cease to exist after being dealt a blow in warfare. 

North Korea is still a functioning country (and threat) 61 years after the end of the Korean War.  Japan and Russia, among others, are also fully functioning nations and people 70 years after WWII.  The Cold War also.

I think it's completely plausible that factions of the Empire would still be operating after Return.  Mild threat, an uneasy peace, occasional terrorism, etc.  That, to me, is another area where Zahn handled the sequels perfectly. The Empire isn't gone.  It's just weak and angry.

 I don't know how well standard storm troopers fit into that model, though. They're great as the sort of disposable, infinitely numbered drones of an enormous, sprawling empire. A smaller, more elite class for a weakened, angry, empire will be more appropriate. 


That's exactly what I'm talking about.  A smaller, fully functioning version of the previous enemy.  Still fundamentally disagreeing with the way things should be, yet not declaring war over it.  We live that scenario every day.

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There are probably lots of planets/systems or local governments that had it good under the Empire, and would still have sympathies for what's left of it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


So, they created another death star...  This looks like it may be ROTJ all over again. Although, I didn't see any Ewoks, but they could have been piloting. ;-)


Very cool...

....but lets get back to Kevin Smith....he has done another interview where he goes into more detail of what he saw on set

This news has got me very excited and I even mentioned my hopes that this would happen on a thread here somewhere:

Kevin Smith was doing a Q&A at the Neuchatel International Film Festival in Switzerland, where he shared even more bits about his Episode 7 set visit…

Here’s an excerpt from the Q&A via /Film:
What I saw, I absolutely loved. It was tactile — it was real. It wasn’t a series of ****ing green screens and blue screens in which later a bunch of digital characters would be added. IT was there, it was happening. I saw old friends who I haven’t seen since my childhood, who aren’t really friends, but I love them more than some of my ****ing relatives. I saw uniforms, I saw artillery I haven’t seen since I was a kid. I saw them shooting an actual sequence in a set that was real. I walked across the set, there were explosions. And it looked like a shot right out of a Star Wars movie.

Smith talked about visiting Stage M at pinewood, where they were not filming that day, where he visited the set of the Millennium Falcon:
He turns the lights on and there is the Millennium Falcon from my childhood. Now the ship outside looks like a movie set, but the inside, fully replicated, fully built. The guy told me, they took two blueprints: Star Wars and Empire, because the cockpit in Empire was bigger than the cockpit in Star Wars. So they went somewhere between the two. So he takes me over and I’m just looking at it. You look at it from the outside and you can still see inside. I don’t presume we’re going aboard or anything, and then Morgan (JJ’s assistant) says “You ready to go up?” I said (excitedly) “We can go on it?!”

As I walked up that ramp I realized that the something that was missing from those other movies (the prequels) and its now in these movies. And its not the obvious like hey the Millennium Falcon or hey the characters that we know are returning. Its something else entirely — he’s building a tactile world, a world you can touch. And hes replicating with all the love of someone who has the world’s greatest collection of Star Wars figures. And when you walk on that set man, I don’t know how else to describe it except thusly: you use another pop culture reference to describe this pop culture phenomenon. Its like the field of dreams, the Kevin Costner movie. And if JJ builds it, we’re all going to come hard, because its amazing. It looks fantastic. So anyone out there wondering if hes going to pull it off, hes pulling it off. He showed me cut scenes, he showed me sequences, images, pictures. I cried and I hugged that guy. And I’m sure as I was crying and hugging on him that he was thinking “time is money” because theyre making a movie. But he got it. He was very flattered. And I was like “Honestly dude, you’re doing it. You’re making my childhood again. You’re doing our Star Wars. What I saw, blew me away.




That one bit of set we did see under construction gave me a strong Death Star II vibe, but it could just be a hangar that's been around since the Empire.

And two can play at that game! The new villain revealed! Not!

It's from the new Mad Max movie, but you probably didn't read this far. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


.Mac. said:

Thank you so much for sharing that Jaitea, that was a very fun and interesting read!

 No problem .Mac

I still get a rush when I read it over......full scale Falcon....inside & out

My life is complete



Can it be that Kevin Smith is becoming one of us? This is the fellow who mostly praised the prequels at the time.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Well....what he says in the vid,....he doesn't hate the Prequels,....he appreciates the work that went into them,.....the continuation of the story etc....he loved them when they came out & still reguards them highly,.......but when he stepped onto the Ep 7 set,.....he realised what was missing from them,.....'tactile & real....this is gonna work better than the last ones'.....his quote



Two additional cast members announced and production update: http://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-episode-vii-production-update

At the end of last year Lucasfilm and Disney invited all young aspiring actors to attend an open casting call for roles in J.J Abrams’ Star Wars Episode VII. The casting calls spanned 11 cities across the US and UK and over 37,000 hopefuls attended, with a further 30,000 submitting applications online.

Having hunted high and low for young and undiscovered talent, the filmmakers are delighted to announce that two actors from the open call call have been cast.

Crystal Clarke is an American actress studying in Glasgow, UK, who has both stage and screen acting experience and is soon to be seen in her first feature, The Moon and the Sun (to be released in 2015). British actor Pip Andersen is a skilled practitioner of parkour, a discipline that involves propelling oneself through any given environment with incredible grace and agility. Pip recently demonstrated this remarkable skill in a Spider-Man ad for Sony.

“The Star Wars universe has always been about discovering and nurturing young talent and in casting Episode VII we wanted to remain absolutely faithful to this tradition. We are delighted that so many travelled to see us at the open casting calls and that we have been able to make Crystal and Pip a part of the film,” said producer and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy.

Meanwhile, principal photography continues at Pinewood Studios in London after wrapping on location in Abu Dhabi in May.

In August, the team will take a brief two-week hiatus while adjustments to the current production schedule are made as actor Harrison Ford recovers from a leg injury. Harrison is doing well and is looking forward to returning to the set soon. Shooting remains on track to wrap in the fall with the film scheduled for release on December 18, 2015.