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Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness — Page 70


I think more sound effects need to be in there. More blaster shots, gunshots, etc. (It can be lower in the mix than the song.) The clones need to have their usual laugh when they off the Jedi. Plo Kloon(?) could curse when he crashes his ship. Actually, all the Jedi could curse when they buy the moisture farm.

Falkor could holler "Atreyu!" as he and Obi Wan fall.

The Fax machine(?) could emit Artoo's various screams.

The main killer rabbit scene, where it's attacking all the knights at once might work even better.

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Where were you in '77?


If you were to trim it down, I'd lose the dummy on a zip cord, and the guy getting shot in the ear, as neither is an actual "kill". ;)

You could probably nip and tuck the fax machine kill down a bit to it's essence.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I think more sound effects need to be in there. More blaster shots, gunshots, etc. (It can be lower in the mix than the song.)

Yeah, I agree.  Originally the concept was song only, but things have evolved, and I need more sfx to make things more consistent.  Hopefully I can get away with minimal sfx in each scene however.

The clones need to have their usual laugh when they off the Jedi.


Plo Kloon(?) could curse when he crashes his ship. Actually, all the Jedi could curse when they buy the moisture farm.

Love it!

Falkor could holler "Atreyu!" as he and Obi Wan fall.

I will see if I can find something for him to yell, but that wouldn't make much sense.

The Fax machine(?) could emit Artoo's various screams.

I had an idea of digitizing a voice repeating "PC LOAD LETTER...PC LOAD LETTER..."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QQdNbvSGok (NSFW Language)

The main killer rabbit scene, where it's attacking all the knights at once might work even better.

 I'm keeping the first scene, mainly because I adore Graham Chapman's "Jesus Christ!"


Really going PG-13 on this one? ;)

You could go from that right into the main bunny carnage.

And don't forget there's a nice scene in Naked Gun 33 1/3, that could be Leslie Neilsen's last stand. You could even throw in Robert Stack beating up those guys in Airplane!, presuming Kramer survived the tower scene. ;)

And you have got to find a place for this!


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Where were you in '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

Wouldn't a lightsaber cauterize the wounds? ;-P



I knew someone would bring that issue up. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


Handman said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Wouldn't a lightsaber cauterize the wounds? ;-P


Yeah, but he's an alien. Different biochemistry may react to lightsabers differently. =P 


I was perusing movie listings on Fandango, and Awake is inexplicably listed as playing near me tonight. Talk about spooky...

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Where were you in '77?


Boy, I haven't heard that in a long time! Works for me, and the Tom Petty song will contrast nicely. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


A little bit of totally off topic trivia but along with the "Paul is Dead" conspiracy theory was the little remembered "Klaatu are the Beatles" conspiracy theory.

People who couldn't take the biggest band in history splitting up clung to the hope that the almost anonymous Canadian band were the Fab Four still belting out records in disguise.

Conspiracy theories and aliens, you can't really have one without the other.

I blame Wilf.


It's probably a bit too late now seeing as the conventions of the series have been established but I was watching Police Squad! the other night I thought the "tonights episode" gag would translate well with the crawl.


Frink will have to find a way to use this gag from the third Naked Gun film in his next edit of course. ;)


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Where were you in '77?


Bingowings said:

It's probably a bit too late now seeing as the conventions of the series have been established but I was watching Police Squad! the other night I thought the "tonights episode" gag would translate well with the crawl.

 The first two crawls were completely different styles, so I don't know why this one couldn't be different as well.  Not sure exactly how to incorporate it, however...


SilverWook said:

Frink will have to find a way to use this gag from the third Naked Gun film in his next edit of course. ;)




There's no need to shout...

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Where were you in '77?


To get the Police Squad! joke to work just cut off the Star Wars music after a few bars and replace it with the Police Squad! Theme and line up the episode title in the crawl with the incorrect one on the Police Squad! soundtrack.

Too late to use (even if you wanted to) but this would have been amusing in the opera house scene (probably not safe for some work spaces).