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Is anyone else excited for this?
I’m very interested in seeing this movie. Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 were both good science fiction films.
And i’ve long been a fan of Dune. I liked the Sci Fi channel version and the David Lynch version.
Though to be honest i haven’t read the novel in more than 20 years.
I was actually going to make a thread for it once I came back from my break. I’m really intrigued and excited about Dune. I’ve not read the book or seen any of the adaptations so it should be interesting to dive in with this as my entry point. I’m intrigued by Denis Villeneuve calling it “Star Wars for adults”, which makes sense as I know George was influenced by the novel. Denis is one of the best directors working today and I really admire how he has an admiration for Andrei Tarkovsky. I consider him to be my favourite filmmaker not named George Lucas. So I’m cautiously optimistic this could end up being a really fun experience!
“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas
Having only seen the Lynch film (and loving it), I’m looking forward to seeing what comes of this one. Presumably this will be more faithful to the book, to my understanding at least, so it’ll be interesting to see what they did with it.
Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation
The images I’ve been seeing mostly nail the look I always had in my head while reading the book, so as long as they don’t do any of the heart-plug, voice-gun Lynch bullshit, I think we’re good.
Nope. I see one Weirding Module and I walk out of the theatre.
I see one pustule on the baron’s face and I burn the theatre to the ground.
I have a real soft spot for the intricate and often suffocating set design in the Lynch version. It felt appropriate to a baroque feudal universe in a state of decay. This feels a bit too futuristic and clean.
Although, I’ve loved every other Villeneuve film so I hope to eat my words.
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
Some of the Empire pictures that have been coming out look a lot more atmospheric and pseudo-medieval, not nearly as “clean” as the earlier photos.
I’m attributing a lot of the “too clean” to the fact that most of these stills are set photos or publicity photos and not actual frames from the film itself.
Can’t wait for the new trailer in a few days. I hope this movie is as impactful as I think it will be.
Some of the Empire pictures that have been coming out look a lot more atmospheric and pseudo-medieval, not nearly as “clean” as the earlier photos.
I’m attributing a lot of the “too clean” to the fact that most of these stills are set photos or publicity photos and not actual frames from the film itself.
I hope you’re right.
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
Trailer tomorrow!
The trailer is here!
“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas
Looks good! Hopefully it doesn’t get delayed.
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The trailer looks like a science fiction epic. I hope the film does better than Blade Runner 2049, it would be nice to get sequels.
I an very excited for this movie.
The trailer looks like a science fiction epic. I hope the film does better than Blade Runner 2049, it would be nice to get sequels.
This movie is only adapting the first half of the first book. The plan is to make one more movie that adapts the second half, and then stop there.
My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
My books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08SLGZJ11
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i doubt any plans involve ‘lets stop making money here’
Yeah, Legendary Picture announced almost four years ago that they’d acquired both the film and streaming rights to the Dune franchise.
A lot of people keep referencing Warner Bros as if they’re the studio financing the movie, but they’re technically just the distributor.
That said, Legendary appear to have made a distribution deal with Warner Media over Dune, at least in the short term. WB is distributing this first film and probably at least the next one after (should it get made) and a streaming series called The Sisterhood is in development for HBO Max.
i doubt any plans involve ‘lets stop making money here’
None of the sequels are really all that “filmmable,” though. They’d almost be better off making up their own storylines, if they really wanted to continue this as a long-lasting movie franchise.
My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
My books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08SLGZJ11
My bandcamp: https://nunohenrysilva.bandcamp.com/
My SoundCloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-327161148
My playlists: https://m.youtube.com/@nunohenrysilva/playlists
My Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/goldendreamseeker/submitted/
i doubt any plans involve ‘lets stop making money here’
None of the sequels are really all that “filmmable,” though. They’d almost be better off making up their own storylines, if they really wanted to continue this as a long-lasting movie franchise.
Like I said above, there is a streaming series in development, and I think they were originally aiming to have the first episode up on HBO Max by November in time for the movie. Obviously those plans changed, but we’ll see what happens.
All we know about the show is that it will center around the powerful Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, but no details on the story have come to light.
Denis Villeneuve mentioned in an interview over the summer that the disruptions caused to the post-production and pick-up filming schedule by covid are going to make it a real sprint to finish the movie on time now.
The trailer wasn’t as impressive as I’d hoped, but I still trust in Villeneuve, the excellent cast, and the source material. After Mandalorian season 2, this is what I’m most looking forward to.
I think Villeneuve is deliberately going for a sort of real world realism, rather than the over the top ridiculousness of the Lynch version. I respect that. So far he hasn’t made a bad science fiction film.