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Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP) — Page 9


pleasehello said:

Hal 9000 said:

God, this fucking movie.

I can’t imagine having this reaction to what is the cinematic equivalent of vanilla ice-cream.

It’s more about it in relation to what came before, which was anything but.


RogueLeader said:
But Hux throwing a coup against Kylo felt like such a huge set up. I find it weird JJ and Terrio watched that, saw that final look Hux have Kylo in TLJ, and said, “Well shit, we gotta get rid of Hux now…”

They probably based their script on on a rage filled bullet pointed post on saltierthancrait.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

RogueLeader said:
But Hux throwing a coup against Kylo felt like such a huge set up. I find it weird JJ and Terrio watched that, saw that final look Hux have Kylo in TLJ, and said, “Well shit, we gotta get rid of Hux now…”

They probably based their script on on a rage filled bullet pointed post on saltierthancrait.

And the stupid thing is, the people on STC didn’t even like the movie anyway. In their attempt to please the complainers, they fundamentally misunderstood what those people were complaining about.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Hal 9000 said:

Just the garbage bag full of missed opportunities.

Cast your thoughts back about 8 years. “Star Wars Episode IX” shouldn’t be vanilla.

Yeah, there were a bunch of missed opportunities. But I prefer to focus on what actually happened, rather than what could have been. There’s no use complaining about something I can’t change.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:
Yeah, there were a bunch of missed opportunities. But I prefer to focus on what actually happened, rather than what could have been. There’s no use complaining about something I can’t change.

I agree, although it is unfortunate that we have no deleted scenes to work with, I think being constrained to what we have makes us more creative.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I noticed in your cutlist you said you’d “try to have Rey say ‘I’m no one, AND I’m all the Jedi.’” If it’s possible, you could be more concise and just have their exchange be

Palpatine: No one can defeat me!
Rey: And I’m no one.

Because, much like the “And I Am Iron Man” scene they were obviously trying to imitate here, the line “I’m no one” was actually set up in an earlier movie.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I don’t think that’s a good idea. It would just change the line from imitating Endgame to imitating Return of the King:

Witch King: No man can defeat me!
Eowyn: And I am no man.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Honestly i’d rather a callback to an fantasy classic than to a 2018 blockbuster.
And the quote is
-“I am all the Sith”
-“and I…I’m no one”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


To be fair, Endgame already was kind of imitating Return of the King. Plus in this case it would be more metaphorical. Although I also like General Kenobi’s idea.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

I noticed in your cutlist you said you’d “try to have Rey say ‘I’m no one, AND I’m all the Jedi.’” If it’s possible, you could be more concise and just have their exchange be

Palpatine: No one can defeat me!
Rey: And I’m no one.

Because, much like the “And I Am Iron Man” scene they were obviously trying to imitate here, the line “I’m no one” was actually set up in an earlier movie.

I should probably update my cutlist. Yes, that’s actually how I have it now (couldn’t find a satisfying way of doing it how I originally planned, and this works just as well).

I don’t give a shit if or what it’s imitating either way. What matters is what it’s doing on its own, which I think is justified with this change.


“I… I’m no one” is so much better and in keeping with what the last two movies were pointing towards. I’m glad to hear that’s what the kiss-off line is now. It’s what it always should have been.


I think it is Rey’s dramatic pause kind of adds to the cheesiness of the moment. “And I… I’m all the the Jedi.”

I also think simply, “I am a Jedi” would be better than saying she’s all the Jedi.

I think, for me, another good option would be to just cut those last two lines. Palpatine’s final words could be, “A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me!”
And then Rey uses his own power against him, without making some cliché declaration.


I’ve updated the cutlist, but keep in mind some things are still in flux.

RogueLeader said:

I think it is Rey’s dramatic pause kind of adds to the cheesiness of the moment. “And I… I’m all the the Jedi.”

It adds to it but ultimately I think the pause is cheesy because what it leads up to is so meaningless and anti-climactic.

I also think simply, “I am a Jedi” would be better than saying she’s all the Jedi.

I think, for me, another good option would be to just cut those last two lines. Palpatine’s final words could be, “A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me!”
And then Rey uses his own power against him, without making some cliché declaration.

There’s probably a few different ways to do it, not all seamless in an edit. I think “I’m no one” works.


I like “I’m no one”, but do you think you can get the mouth movements to work?


RogueLeader said:

I like “I’m no one”, but do you think you can get the mouth movements to work?

No, which is why I put it over the shot of her holding the Skywalker saber. Not a perfect solution (would they have ever shot it that way?) but there is a symbolic justification, so I think it works.


DominicCobb said:

RogueLeader said:

I like “I’m no one”, but do you think you can get the mouth movements to work?

No, which is why I put it over the shot of her holding the Skywalker saber. Not a perfect solution (would they have ever shot it that way?) but there is a symbolic justification, so I think it works.

I’d love to see a clip of this, if you’ve already edited it into a state you’re willing to share.


Yeah, I’d like to see how that looks sometime too.

• Would be nice if Palpatine could say “Luke was saved by his father. (You have no one here) (or something).”

I had almost this exact same idea, but I had trouble finding appropriate dialogue. Another idea I had was that you could reuse the line, “Weak. Like your parents” and have him say, “Weak. Like your Master” or “Weak. Like Skywalker.” Rey wouldn’t say anything. Then, it would cut back to Palpatine as the “sunroof” opens up and reveals the battle. It could draw a parallel between her and Luke, and how Palpatine used their weakness (and strength), their friends, against them in both instances.

EDIT: Palpatine does say “no one” during the Resistance being destroyed montage. If the dialogue is isolated well enough, you might be able to make “You have no one here.”


RogueLeader said:

Yeah, I’d like to see how that looks sometime too.

• Would be nice if Palpatine could say “Luke was saved by his father. (You have no one here) (or something).”

I had almost this exact same idea, but I had trouble finding appropriate dialogue. Another idea I had was that you could reuse the line, “Weak. Like your parents” and have him say, “Weak. Like your Master” or “Weak. Like Skywalker.” Rey wouldn’t say anything. Then, it would cut back to Palpatine as the “sunroof” opens up and reveals the battle. It could draw a parallel between her and Luke, and how Palpatine used their weakness (and strength), their friends, against them in both instances.

I think the line works as is. Her parents were no one who ended up dead. Rey doesn’t have a response and we see the sunroof open and her new family dying at Palpatine’s hands as well. We know Luke succeeded so I don’t think it’d have quite the right impact.

EDIT: Palpatine does say “no one” during the Resistance being destroyed montage. If the dialogue is isolated well enough, you might be able to make “You have no one here.”

Yes I flagged that too. I actually meant to edit that out of my cutlist, that was more a note for myself, haha. Trying to figure out what I can do.


That is a good point! I actually think the “You have no one here” would be a good line to have. Think it is worth playing with.

Also, I went back and rewatched your previews for Ach-To and the Pasana stand-off and I wanted to reiterate how great of a job I think you’re doing so far. Even for previews, those tests are super professional. Obviously, some of your motivation is to remove certain things (like Rey Palpatine), but I think your method of trying to create a little more breathing room throughout the whole film is really going to pay off. If the Phantom Editor was still around, I think these are the kind of fundamental changes he would want to make, beyond correcting narrative errors, as we all want to naturally do.

I love your note about the final Resistance mission briefing, about how you’re adding “a full second” of footage from the trailers. It’s funny how a full second seems rather inconsequential, but I think a multitude of these tiny changes will really pay off in the context of the full picture.


sade1212 said:

DominicCobb said:

RogueLeader said:

I like “I’m no one”, but do you think you can get the mouth movements to work?

No, which is why I put it over the shot of her holding the Skywalker saber. Not a perfect solution (would they have ever shot it that way?) but there is a symbolic justification, so I think it works.

I’d love to see a clip of this, if you’ve already edited it into a state you’re willing to share.

Here ya go:

  • Leia says “Always”
  • WIP color correction
  • Rey says “I’m no one”

It looks pretty good to me. The ‘I’m no one’ feels odd though, mostly due to it being in the center channel when she’s speaking the line off-camera.

Maybe it would work better if you kept the line where it was originally but just zoomed in on her enough to crop out her mouth and/or added more flashes of light obscuring it. Then as she says ‘no one’ you pull back and match it up to the existing camera move in that shot, essentially making the entire shot a more dramatic zoom.

It might also be worth looking at other sources for ‘no one’ since it feels a bit less intense than her inflection in this scene. You could also try using the line ‘nobody’ from TLJ (‘They were nobody’).

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

It looks pretty good to me. The ‘I’m no one’ feels odd though, mostly due to it being in the center channel when she’s speaking the line off-camera.

I’ve been working on the mix since uploading, it was mostly a quick mockup. I’ve also retimed it a bit.

Maybe it would work better if you kept the line where it was originally but just zoomed in on her enough to crop out her mouth and/or added more flashes of light obscuring it. Then as she says ‘no one’ you pull back and match it up to the existing camera move in that shot, essentially making the entire shot a more dramatic zoom.

An interesting idea. I tested it and it doesn’t not work, but I’m also not entirely sold. I’d certainly need a 4K file for the shot too because you need to zoom in at least 200% to make it work.

It might also be worth looking at other sources for ‘no one’ since it feels a bit less intense than her inflection in this scene. You could also try using the line ‘nobody’ from TLJ (‘They were nobody’).

It is less intense than the preceding line, but it is oddly not that less intense than what it replaced. I’ll definitely look for alternatives, but it’ll be a tricky line to frankenbite, you’d need to get it perfect since there’s no other sound to hide any less than perfect edits.


DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

Maybe it would work better if you kept the line where it was originally but just zoomed in on her enough to crop out her mouth and/or added more flashes of light obscuring it. Then as she says ‘no one’ you pull back and match it up to the existing camera move in that shot, essentially making the entire shot a more dramatic zoom.

An interesting idea. I tested it and it doesn’t not work, but I’m also not entirely sold. I’d certainly need a 4K file for the shot too because you need to zoom in at least 200% to make it work.

Yep, this assumes 4K material. I think it would be more in keeping with something that would have actually been filmed.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

Maybe it would work better if you kept the line where it was originally but just zoomed in on her enough to crop out her mouth and/or added more flashes of light obscuring it. Then as she says ‘no one’ you pull back and match it up to the existing camera move in that shot, essentially making the entire shot a more dramatic zoom.

An interesting idea. I tested it and it doesn’t not work, but I’m also not entirely sold. I’d certainly need a 4K file for the shot too because you need to zoom in at least 200% to make it work.

Yep, this assumes 4K material. I think it would be more in keeping with something that would have actually been filmed.

Like I said I’m not completely sold. That kind of shot is not completely alien to the series (Kenobi vs. Grevious comes to mind), but I’m not sure how cleanly it’d fit in.