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Detention Block AA-23 : The OT.com's Banned Members... — Page 26

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hold on…did Alderaan get banned? Where have I been?

Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? none holds them up except Allah. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe. – Quran (16:79)


I can’t help but believe Alderaan’s avatar should be changed to a debris field in his absence.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I can’t help but believe Alderaan’s avatar should be changed to a debris field in his absence.

beat me to it

Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? none holds them up except Allah. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe. – Quran (16:79)


In case you didn’t see it (which you probably didn’t), Warbler is unbanned now.


Yay! Good for him.

Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? none holds them up except Allah. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe. – Quran (16:79)


Of all the people recently banned that’s really the only one I’d like to see unbanned ever. Well I guess haseo could get unbanned too but he has a penchant for saying really nasty things and then not caring that it bothers people. The not caring that it bothers people is what bothers me more than anything he actually said.


Possessed said:

Well I guess haseo could get unbanned too but he has a penchant for saying really nasty things and then not caring that it bothers people. The not caring that it bothers people is what bothers me more than anything he actually said.



yhwx said:

chyron8472 said:

Thank God. thejediknighthusezni has finally been banned. It is unclear whether it was permanent.

First bans are usually temporary.

I’d expect this one to be a month long.

I doubt he’ll ever get unbanned.

The Person in Question


yhwx said:

In case you didn’t see it (which you probably didn’t), Warbler is unbanned now.

DuracellEnergizer said:

Good. Goood.

YodaFan67 said:

Yay! Good for him.

Possessed said:

Of all the people recently banned that’s really the only one I’d like to see unbanned ever. Well I guess haseo could get unbanned too but he has a penchant for saying really nasty things and then not caring that it bothers people. The not caring that it bothers people is what bothers me more than anything he actually said.

DuracellEnergizer said:

Possessed said:

Well I guess haseo could get unbanned too but he has a penchant for saying really nasty things and then not caring that it bothers people. The not caring that it bothers people is what bothers me more than anything he actually said.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Add me to the list of those glad to see Warb back.

Dek Rollins said:

Glad to see ya Warb!

ChainsawAsh said:

Yay, Warb’s back! 😄

Tyrphanax said:

Welcome back, btw.

chyron8472 said:


I mean… welcome back.

No, actually, I mean Moo.

(Just kidding. Welcome back, Warb.)

darthrush said:

Welcome back Warb! Good to have ya back again

RayRogers said:

Welcome back Warbler! Person I barely know.

Bingowings said:

Welcome back Mr Bler

Handman said:

Welcome back! You might not know me well here, but I certainly missed reading your posts.

one69chev said:

Hey brother welcome back.

Jeebus said:

And welcome back, Warb 😃

dahmage said:

welcome back Warbler!

Mark’s Down On Your Syntax said:

Glad Warbler’s come back.

Sougouk said:

Welcome back Warbler!

Thanks guys 😃


Add me to the list of those glad to see Warb back.



Don’t do it warb. Don’t you add him to the list. Don’t fucking do it.


Sorry, but I’ve got to add him to the list.

Thanks Suspiciouscoffee.


Possessed said:

Don’t do it warb. Don’t you add him to the list. Don’t fucking do it.

Warbler said:

Sorry, but I’ve got to add him to the list.

Thanks Suspiciouscoffee.

You’re welcome.



Thanks, ChainsawAsh.



I mean… welcome back.

No, actually, I mean Moo.

(Just kidding. Welcome back, Warb.)

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Thanks, it is nice to be back.


I wish I could be temporarily banned so I can focus more on classwork or how to take better notes. Only three classes this semester.

Doesn’t matter. Was gonna do something crazy for campus the last few semesters but can’t even decide on the 40, or less, questions for the survey I want to make.