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A new Indiana Jones? — Page 2


DominicCobb said:

I was hoping they weren't going to reboot, but I guess why not?

I love adventure movies, and the Indy franchise has got that genre down pat. Every adventure film since has just paled in comparison. Why should a franchise that is over have a monopoly on a genre? 

Bring on the soft reboot. No origin story, no pretension that this fits into the continuity of the last four films. New actor, back to the 1930s setting.

Chris Pratt is not Harrison Ford, but that doesn't mean he's not as good. He's just different. Bond has thrived on variation in the casting of their main star. So they should go with Pratt, because he's a fantastic actor. As long as they don't make him act like he's Ford, we should have a great new Indy.

Now hire Brad Bird and get cracking!

 I agree with this.  

Pratt doesnt have to do his best Ford impression.  He can make it his own and likely will.  


no, no, no, no, no, no, no.   No one but Harrison Ford can play Indiana Jones.   The last time Indiana Jones was brought back, it was a disaster.  Let Indiana Jones rest is peace.   Can't Hollywood come up with anything new?


TheBoost said:

Cooper and Pratt are both too funny. 

Harrison Ford looked, and sounded like a stoic action hero. So whenever Indiana fumbled, or was goofy, it seemed almost out of place. I think therein lied the charm of the character.

 You nailed it.
I'd never believe in Chris Pratt as Dr. Jones because I know his real-life personality is nothing like him. Harrison, on the other hand, seemed like he really could have been that guy.

But, that's so rarely the case. usually an actor (especially a "known" actor) really has to work hard to make the audience stop thinking of them as their real-life selves and create a very different character that the audience can believe in..
Whoever tries to follow Harrisons performance would also have the added grief of trying to make the audience accept them as a character we're already so familiar with..
I wouldn't envy any actor in that situation...

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I dunno I can picture Pratt doing a pretty good Indiana.  It would be a different Vibe than Harrison, but I think he could still do a pretty good job.  I liked him in GOTG, which was of course not totally serious, but it wasn't a total joke either.


"Too funny" is a poor argument.  The same could have been said about Tom Hanks once.


Simply start a new franchise. Call it something new. Call it Nevada Jones if it must ape its predecessor, but do not force us to pretend to pretend. 

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


They've got a big problem, which is that Harrison Ford is one hell of an actor.  Replacing anybody would be difficult, but replacing him with another actor?  They either look extraordinarily hard for someone out there who is not like the rest of his generation, or else just give up.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Post Praetorian said:

Simply start a new franchise. Call it something new. Call it Nevada Jones if it must ape its predecessor, but do not force us to pretend to pretend. 

 Or give the franchise an overarching title like "You Call This Archaeology?" (that was a joke, you know what I mean), and have the Indiana Jones movies be the story of one character. The new movies could be based on someone completely different, just living in the same universe, perhaps even in the same time as Mr Jones.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Everyone seems to forget Indiana has been played by others before. By at least four other actors in live action productions.

I thought Sean Patrick Flanery played a great Indy.

I have no qualms about casting a new Indiana Jones, I see it as about the same as casting a new James Bond.

What I wouldn't care for is a remake or reboot. 

Forum Moderator

If they do go the reboot route, I wonder if they'll stick with the same relatively realistic mold as the original films or make this Indy's world a steampunk/retro-futuristic one.


Harrison will be tough to replace. They could just let Pratt be a student who is inspired by Indy (as Indy was by the cross of Coranado guy). They could even put him in B-roll of the classroom scene in Last Crusade. Go back to the "Raiders of the...." title system. Disney just wants to have the music and Pratt wearing the fedora on the poster, and the WW2-ish time period more than Indy's life story anyway. Everybody wore a hat like that then, it wouldn't even be a reach. 


Just my opinion but I'm not to keen on the Dread Pirate Roberts scenario for Indiana Jones.  Just make Pratt Indy and do a couple new movies set in the 1930/40s.  And at the same time you could jump forward in time and create seperate episodes with Harrison Ford.


I think they've waited too long to replace Harrison Ford. It's been 30+ years with him being the only film Indy. It's not something as easy as replacing Connery was in the Bond franchise. Connery was only Bond from 1962-1967. Replacing him with George Lazenby and later Roger Moore, even though people bitched and still do, was much easier than somebody who has been cemented into popular culture for over a quarter of a century.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Agreed. It would only serve to divide the audience into fragments.

It would be far preferable if an outright plagiarism were to be offered instead...giving the original series a wink and a nod with a Harrison Ford cameo and then moving on. 

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


A reboot of Indiana Jones is a horrible, horrible idea. Not to mention that almost all reboots of anything suck


I still think Indy could work in the animated realm. Maybe a video game that doesn't suck or an animated show on par with the Batman animated series.

I enjoyed a few of the Indy novels that were written in the 90's. They weren't as good as the films, but it gave me more Indy than KOTCS did.

I think Indy would make a very entertaining cartoon.

That way, if Harrison Ford would be opposed to it, you could get somebody to sound like him. They already use his likeness in every video game, novel, and comic they produce.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


I like the idea of an animated Indy. They could structure the episodes like the old cliffhanger serials that inspired Raiders. Heck, they could premiere them in front of other Disney movies, so you have to come back next week if you don't want to wait for them to hit tv or video.

And Perry King can always do the voice if Harrison isn't on board. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Yeah I would love to see that.  Not really interested in a reboot but that would be something cool and new.

If not in theaters then on Tv, I mean if they tell one 13 episode story a year each season could be structured exactly like an old serial.

I am not really sure what the point of a more comedic take on Indy would be when we already have the Mummy movies and one of the reasons they worked was that they went a little more over the top and silly then the three Indy movies.

At any rate I think if they did reboot they would have to cast an unknown actor who can make the role his own and so it will not just be watching some famous person pretend to be Indy.


Unless, they want a young Indy, I'd be cool with Sean Patrick Flanery returning.

It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


He could work. 

If they do bring the series back i hope they don't remake the old movies.  Instead of a hard reboot i would rather see what was done with the older Bond movie.  it's the same character and you are not going to retell the same stories, a different actor just happens to be playing the role, and while the movies will be built around what that actor does well there is no need to redo any of the stories or make us sit through an origin story.

Just have a good two hour adventure film that is shot on location, with grit and dirt everywhere, and don't have aliens turn up in the end.  Oh and no CGI, because of all the grit and dirt it always looks out of place in Indy films.


There's also plenty of room to tell stories that happen between the existing films. Indy and Sallah must have had some adventures together before Raiders. And there's Indy's WWII exploits alluded to in KOTCS.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Yeah good point.

I hope they don't try to turn it into one of those series that has a plot arc where all the stories are interlinked so tightly that you can't just sit down and watch and enjoy one film at a time.

Quite frankly I am getting a little tired of plot arcs in films and Tv that require me to site down and watch several episodes or films together to get closure on all the plot threads and then even then there is a cliffhanger.  Don't get me wrong there is a time and I place for that and I like it when done right but when every franchise is doing it then it gets a little grating.  One of the things I like about the Indy films is that like the older Bond films I can just sit down and watch one of them any not worry about an overall story arc.  Also each film has it's own feel so depending on what kind of mood I am in I can watch Raiders, Temple, or Crusade.  I hope it just stays a series of adventure films where each film has it's own story and villains and I don't have to keep track of a time line or anything like that.


I know that they would have to rewrite history but that has not stopped them before,  I just think it should be mentioned that one of the biggest find in the history of archeology was The Dead Sea scrolls and they were found in 1947 and that fits nicely in Indy's time line.

Add some Nazi or Communist villains, some secret magical powers, some traps, and a plot reason why Indy needs to find them but doesn't take credit in the end and you have got yourself a movie.


Oh and you have all the conflict from the Cold War just starting up and the build up to the nation of Isrial being formed.

Sounds like the perfect back drop for an Indiana Jones adventure to me.


EyeShotFirst said:

I still think Indy could work in the animated realm. Maybe a video game that doesn't suck or an animated show on par with the Batman animated series.

I enjoyed a few of the Indy novels that were written in the 90's. They weren't as good as the films, but it gave me more Indy than KOTCS did.

I think Indy would make a very entertaining cartoon.

That way, if Harrison Ford would be opposed to it, you could get somebody to sound like him. They already use his likeness in every video game, novel, and comic they produce.