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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 56


Actually, we ought to have a discussion concerning the vision in TFA. Nothing came of it. Perhaps we could change that?


What do you mean? It affected the immediate plot by having Rey run away, foreshadowed her duel with Kylo Ren, and was mirrored when the Jedi speak to her in TROS.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I know most people here hate TLJ, but I was wondering if anyone ever attempted to restore the extended scene between Finn and Phasma.

The VFX to complete the scene are well-beyond me, but I feel it would dramatically help Phasma feel like a villain and Finn have a more fleshed-out arc. It also establishes that Phasma lied when she escaped Starkiller, which makes her more interesting (even if she does die right after).


JakeRyan17 said:

I know most people here hate TLJ, but I was wondering if anyone ever attempted to restore the extended scene between Finn and Phasma.

The VFX to complete the scene are well-beyond me, but I feel it would dramatically help Phasma feel like a villain and Finn have a more fleshed-out arc. It also establishes that Phasma lied when she escaped Starkiller, which makes her more interesting (even if she does die right after).

I’m going to give it a try once I’m done with TROS but being colourblind it’s gonna be really tricky getting the colour grading right. I doubt all clips can be restored but I hope to use some.

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JakeRyan17 said:

I know most people here hate TLJ

I always thought this was a more TLJ-friendly website.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I think TLJ is definately a diamond in the rough. The bad choices were epic fails (which people focus on) but there were many great undertones to the movie.

I liked the darker message of capitalism and slavery used in it. Most people hated it but to me it was amazing to introduce those themes to star wars and a “kids movie”

TLJ just lost me completely at the tossing of the Saber, Han going back to his old ways and “no hope” Luke.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


What do you mean Han going back to his old ways in TLJ?


I liked the saber being tossed.

It seemed like such a silly moment in The Force Awakens… Lightsabers were never treated as being holy like that before. AotC had Obi-Wan saying “this weapon is [a Jedi’s] Life”, but that part of Luke’s life was cut off from him and he didn’t mourn it when he built his green one.

But Sad/Grumpy Luke and Han being a smuggler again were both decisions Abrams made.


Movies Remastered said:

I liked the darker message of capitalism and slavery used in it. Most people hated it but to me it was amazing to introduce those themes to star wars and a “kids movie”

What about Phantom Menace?

Anakin was a slave and Naboo was invaded for (superficially) economic reasons.

Lucas missed a great chance to continue Anakin’s hatred for slavery/desire to be in power from that, it would’ve made his downfall more understandable.


Of course it would’ve. I’m talking about Disney Star Wars. It’s a much more “play it safe” company that doesn’t usually address capitalism etc in its movies.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


JakeRyan17 said:

But Sad/Grumpy Luke and Han being a smuggler again were both decisions Abrams made.

Too end TFA on such a climax only to be tossed away in TLJ felt like a complete middle finger, imo.

Was Grump Luke JJs idea? It seems to have come from Johnson. Hopefully all these issues will be fixed at some point in the future.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Does anyone know of a shot of Rey’s hand (or a similar-looking hand) reaching out in a take-my-hand gesture? There’s one from TFA when she helps Finn off the ground, but that’s really brief and shaky.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Movies Remastered said:

Was Grump Luke JJs idea? It seems to have come from Johnson.

Well, JJ kind of came up with the original idea. When talking about why Luke went away, Han says this line:

“He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him and destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible. He just walked away from everything.”

So the seeds were already planted in TFA, although Rian took that idea way beyond what JJ intended.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I don’t know if we can say “beyond what JJ intended” since Abrams didn’t intend anything beyond The Force Awakens. He scrapped all plans, and was reading Johnson’s script while filming.

He should have either made Luke a full character in his film, or not included the scene on Ahch-To. Abrams chose to make his film a trailer, locking Johnson into writing a film that took place immediately after, unlike every other film in the franchise.


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve seen so many fan edits now I barely remember the theatrical versions.

Ive barely watched the theatrical versions, so that’s not gonna be hard lol I think im most familiar with Rogue One. I would love to see Gareth and Favreau work together. Between Mandalorian and Rogue One, those two had the best stories, aesthetics, and use of tech imo. Gareth using old school lenses from the originals mounted to modern cameras, while Favreau has his wrap around tv screen that maps the parallax of the image from the camera’s pov. Great stuff for great looks.

The thing i loved best about the sequel Trilogy was the use of Force FX lightsabers on set instead of metal poles, allowing for saber light on the actors being picked up in camera. TFA and its Forest battle is visually beautiful.



I think Rian interpreted Luke in about the only way he could given TFA’s setup. At least the best way one could if they put more than 45 seconds of concerted effort toward.

My stance on revising fan edits.


JakeRyan17 said:

I don’t know if we can say “beyond what JJ intended” since Abrams didn’t intend anything beyond The Force Awakens. He scrapped all plans, and was reading Johnson’s script while filming.

He should have either made Luke a full character in his film, or not included the scene on Ahch-To. Abrams chose to make his film a trailer, locking Johnson into writing a film that took place immediately after, unlike every other film in the franchise.

Well, no matter what, he clearly didn’t intend for Luke to be a grumpy old man who wants the Jedi to end. The final scene portrays him much more dramatically and mystically for JJ to even consider doing that. Even though he removed the rocks floating everywhere in order to maintain continuity with Rian’s script, The two directors’ visions were clearly at odds.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

Movies Remastered said:

Was Grump Luke JJs idea? It seems to have come from Johnson.

Well, JJ kind of came up with the original idea. When talking about why Luke went away, Han says this line:

“He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him and destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible. He just walked away from everything.”

So the seeds were already planted in TFA, although Rian took that idea way beyond what JJ intended.

Actually, I think Rian didn’t take it far enough. Luke in TLJ puts a whole lot of emphasis on how he failed Kylo and almost glosses over the destruction of his school and students. That would have been reason enough for Luke to have ‘walked away from everything’, but Rian was too focused on his Rashomon angle to pick the low hanging fruit.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

I think Rian interpreted Luke in about the only way he could given TFA’s setup. At least the best way one could if they put more than 45 seconds of concerted effort toward.

Actually, I think the lack of screen time Luke has gives even more possibilities as to why he ran away. Just going off of TFA’s previously mentioned setup, I can think of some stuff already:

  • Luke searched for the ancient Jedi texts in order to find a way to redeem Ben.
  • Luke sensed that Ben’s turn had been caused by some unforeseen threat, and searched for the ancient Jedi texts in order to find a way to stop it.
  • Luke’s exile was purely caused by guilt over Ben’s fall, nothing related to wanting the Jedi to end.

Those are just some ideas, but I could probably think of more. Either way, “time for the Jedi to end” was certainly not the only way they could have motivated Luke to exile himself.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


NeverarGreat said:

StarkillerAG said:

Movies Remastered said:

Was Grump Luke JJs idea? It seems to have come from Johnson.

Well, JJ kind of came up with the original idea. When talking about why Luke went away, Han says this line:

“He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him and destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible. He just walked away from everything.”

So the seeds were already planted in TFA, although Rian took that idea way beyond what JJ intended.

Actually, I think Rian didn’t take it far enough. Luke in TLJ puts a whole lot of emphasis on how he failed Kylo and almost glosses over the destruction of his school and students. That would have been reason enough for Luke to have ‘walked away from everything’, but Rian was too focused on his Rashomon angle to pick the low hanging fruit.

Yeah, the Rashomon thing was dumb too. I’m still not sure if “It was instinct, I didn’t mean it” is a good enough justification for Luke trying to kill his nephew.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience: